October 16, 2012

Eye make up tutorial with Bourjois KOHL KAJAL..

Have you heard of Kajal before?
Yes? No?

Anyway, I am going to show you how I play around with 4 different eye look using:

~ Aku bakal oret oret mata pake Kajal, 
ada yang pernah denger ato bahkan pake kajal ga buat sehari hari? ~

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Basically Kajal it's another name from KOHL.
 * I just know about it too :P*
 ~ Intinya, gw yg katro ini baru tau kalo Kajal itu nama laen dari KOHL. Tapi kok tetep gw berasa beda yah..kajal ini sama pensil mata walo yg tipe Kohl, ga tau apa sugesti doang ato beneran beda bahan buatnya yah. ~

It's fun to play with Kajal, because it's easier to blend *yes you can blend it* compare to a normal pencil eyeliner, and it's easier to remove too. And yeap, it means no staying power as well.

~ Kemaren pas iseng iseng nyoret mata pake Kajal, gw berasa pake Kajal mayan seru karena mungkin karena teksturnya beda..garis matanya jadi bisa ditarik tarik. ~
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

If you are given Kajal to play around with..which of the eyelook will you go for?


  1. yang paling atas el...lagi happening ala k-pop hehe...

    1. iyah ya? gw jd pengen bikin make up inspired by K pop actress nih ^^

  2. halo, i'm your new follower.
    yg paling bawah seru juga nih buat dicoba :)
    btw kajal nya bourjois tahan lama n waterproof ga, dear?

  3. ce, lha kalo ga ada stying power nya blobor dong? hehehe aku ada satu biji punya Dior, akhirnya dianggurin soalnya smudgy hiks hiks

  4. kayanya yg ke-4 bagus buat bikin efek mata lebih besar ya?

  5. I would do the top one and the third one. Those are uually my to go look and with the third look i just pretty much use it to do smokey eye. I don't use kajal though. Too bad the staying power is not so good. I have oily lids so that is pretty much bad news to me lol. Great looks u created though :)

  6. g merasa nama produk na kok, kek produk india yah wakakaka.. apa g yang bacanya aja berasa india hahah~

  7. klo gw ngerasa si kajal ini lebih creamy in texture compare sama pencil eyeliner biasa yang suka "seret" alias ga glide-on easily bahasa kerennya.. hihihi.. lately kok gue demen sama produk2nya borjouis yah :D

  8. Oooooh, kajal itu bisa ditarik-tarik to? baru mudeng g El. G kira kayak crayon elener biasa. Liat bentuknya aja udah males karena gendut banget dan yakin ga bakal bisa bikin garis tipis. Hihihihihihi.....
    baiklaaaah, kayaknya g harus masukin kajal di wishlist g, nih. ^_^

  9. ada... kajal dari oriflame di rumah.
    tapi nganggur blas karena gua ga bisa dandan apalagi corat-coret mata hiks...

    gua demen yang riasan nomor 1 :-)


Wut do you think?


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