February 26, 2013

Cuap cuap mua..

Balik lagi ke celotehan gw sebagai MUA.
Ini sebenernya gw rela kaga yah jadi MUA, kok banyak amat nguarin uneg2nya..hahaha..
Tapi setelah setaon ngejalanin jadi freelance MUA, gw nemu banyak character perempuan yang unik unik yah.
Kalo pas gw nyinggung dan ada yang tersinggung, maapkanlah respon gw..karena eh, ini cuma seperti biasa pendapat se-enak udel gw sebagai elrica.

So far yah, gw nemu character character yang unik dan berkesan banget buat gw tulis disini :P
Dan ga bakal gw tulis yang tipe pelit dan berhukum ekonomi lagi, karena gw sekarang uda cuek abis sama perempuan model gini, fee gw $xxx , kl nawar2..gw strict bilang ga bisa dan gw ignore after that, dan biasa langsung DP kok abis itu. :) - heran - 

Tapi kali ini gw mo share tipe tipe yang lucu aja buat dibahas dan sebenernya untuk calon bride yang punya karakter dibawah ini, errr..sebenernya ga ngenakin loh as mua ngadepin orang tipe2 lu begini. Cuman apa boleh buat aja karena gw di service industry, gw harus professional. 

Satu: Tipe Parno-an
OMG. Ini tipe yang gw paling serem ketemu kalo pas ada client yang lagi mo nge-deal make up :)

~ Minta portfolio lengkap dari before after - dengan happy nya daku kasih.
~ Minta bukti mereka make up yang dipake - tak' potoin alat make up gw lengkap dengan brush gw yang selalu kinclong gw bersiin pake brush cleaner.
~ Minta test make up gretongan bisa ampe 2 x karena ga tau mo look apa - Gw suruh ambil paket yang ada test make up nya, ga mau..maunya test make up dulu kalo cocok baru bayar. 
* Yeeeee! beli bakso juga ga bisa makan dulu kalo enak baru bayar neng! *
~ Minta book tanggal tapi ga mo DP, tapi pake banyak warning kayak " kalo pas hari H, lu sakit gimana? siapa yg gantiin? bayarannya kurangin dong? dll " - amit amit gw sakit! tapi kl gw ga sampe masuk rumah sakit mah biar fever juga gw jabanin kaleee.
~ Kalo uda DP minta bukti lewat email, sms dan pdf file - aduh mak, gw berasa kayak maling ajee..

Dua:  Tipe delusional
Dateng, kasih photonya Song Hye Kyo..bilang mo make up kayak Korean actress dan mo hasilnya kayak Song Hye Kyo.

Err..make up Korea sih sumpeeee gampang abis, tapi kalo canvas lu ga sebagus Song Hye Kyo..jangan harep lu bisa mirip kayak dia loh ya..
Kalo fair glowing skin, mata dah rapi tinggal gw corrective make up dikit dikit..sih mungkin bisa mirip lah. Tapi kalo kulitmu jauh dari kulit fair and glowing, dan memang ga se-tipe Song Hye Kyo..mari kita cari artis laen yuk! 

Tapi sayangnya, tipe tipe yang kayak gini..entah apa kebanyakan nonton drama korea, trus meresep ke daging dan berasa dirinya jadi orang korea..suka tak sadar apa yang kau lihat di tipi tidaklah sama dengan apa yang kau liat di cermin nona. tapi kadang gw susah banget ngejelasin ke tipe nona yang kayak gini >.<'

Tiga: Tipe sok tau
It's good to know what you want, and share it with the MUA. TAPI, bukan berarti lu bisa dengan enaknya ngatur mua nya on how she/he want to achieve the look.
Ada MUA yang suka pakein foundation dulu baru doing eye make up, ada yang kebalik dll. Dan suka suka mua nya lah ya, yang penting hasil akhirnya mantep. 

Ini pengalaman gw pribadi loh, gw sampe senewenan.
Tante cinpur make up ma gw, sekali dateng..dengan pede nya bilang " i want smokey eyes make up " 
- ok yuk mareee kita buat.
The moment gw ambil kuas gw, dia langsung " eh kok ga pake sepon? biasanya pake sepon loh biar blendingnya bagus ", gw bilang aja " blendingan gw pretty well, don't worry :)
trus pas gw ambil warna eye shadow coklat tua, dia langsung " eh kok coklat tua sih? kulit asia ga bagus tau warna coklat.." dan setiap step gw, di komenin sampe akhirnya gw spend 1 1/2 jam dandanin tu muka. Rempong deh tante.

Ingin pulang ajaa.

Empat: Tipe last minute

Ditanya: suka make up kayak apa? jawabnya; terserah situ, bagusnya aja gimana..- sambil browse browse ipad - trus gw tuh kalo clientnya clueless, gw selalu mulai dengan my " signature " eye look..dari situ, biasa baru gw tone up.
Dan dong ini, uda jadi sebelah mata, baru si nona nunjukin make up look yang dia mau, kalo ternyata tone up sih gampang, tinggal ditambah..kalo naked look..haiyaaaa..apus apus lagi kan rempong bo. 

Mbok yah research dulu :) Dan kalo emang pasrah terserah MUA nya, mbok ya pasrahkan saja..jangan uda sebelah mata jadi baru nentuin mo apa :) karena hey, coba deh kalo kau di posisi yang sebaliknya, mo tukang jait tukang bikin kue, tukang potong rambut dll..ga bisa kan dari bilangnya mo jait rok mini, setengah jalan bilang mo ganti rok maxi, ato pesen kue lapis legit pas uda masuk oven lu bilang mo ganti black forest..yah kira kira gitu deh rempongnya. ;)

Lima: Tipe pasrah

Harusnya asik yah nemu yang kayak gini, tapi kadang jadi malah rempong karena ada orang di kanan kiri gitu yang terus2an bilangin..gini aja gitu aja..warna ini aja warna itu aja...dan kadang, yaolooo..jelek pilihannya. Dan clientnya, tentunya pasrah2 aja ngikutin kanan kiri..dan akhirnya, kalo pilihannya gajebo. Teteup gw yang decide cocoknya gimana, dan pas jadi..kasih ngaca..trus tanya " Suka ga? puji Tuhan, so far seua bilang " wow, I love it "

Kalo engga, kan malu juga ya bo..uda pede jaya eh clientnya malah ga suka :P

Ah sekian cuap cuap gajebo ku ini.
Semoga di taon ini, gw semakin kuat ngadepin client client aneh..dan semaking banyak juga client yang baik dateng ke saya :)

February 24, 2013

February 22, 2013

The Birthday and the pink lens giveaway..

Tanggal 16 kemaren, eke ceritanya beday! ke 29..yaolo..dikit lagi sacap euy.
Kalo ditanya mana potonya..ga ada, jarang banget yaaaa gw beday ga poto poto..tapi kali ini sungguh ga berpoto poto ria. Cuma sebiji poto nya..


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Sini selametin akiu :D

So far 29 taon, gw cuma berasa gw manusia super sotoy! hahahaha..suka mo ngatur ngatur jalannya Tuhan dan akhirnya mumet sendiri, padahal semua uda disiapin dan disediain ama Dia.

Di birthday ini, gw dapet the sweetest kado (tapi nanti gw posting terpisah dah) trus dapet kado kamera pocket dari si Abang..karena gile kadang kalo gw ke blogger event tenteng kamera DSLR, suka pegel2 sendiri gw pas pulang, jadinya abang pun ngasi yang kecilan.

Trus dapet kado ini dari Ci Meilany si empunya MC Photography:

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- ini serunya kalo pas lagi motoin pre wed, suka banyak photo2 candid yang ok buat di keep - ^^

Trus pas beday kemaren, gw dong lagi sakit ga tentu hasil balik dari Jakarta..gilee..fever, flu ma batuk berbarengan. Ah sungguh nyeksa aje! Pas naek pesawat, kuping gw sampe ~ Ngiiing...~ gitu saking sakitnya. Dan alhasil, besoknya dapet surat ijin sakit 2 hari. Leyeh leyeh dah di rumah.

- switch channel dulu -

So, to celebrate my birthday in this Blog..

LOVESHOPPINGHOLICS.com will be my sponsor in giving away a pair of the
Pink Lens that I wore sometimes ago..

Remember that? No?

This one:

How cool is that?

All you need to do is to like Pinkbuble In Da House facebook page
and Loveshoppingholics facebook page.

I understand that some of you might have liked my page but still haven't got a chance in winning the giveaway, why don't you ask your friend to help you to " like " it too and I count it under your name and your friend's name too. So if you got 5 friends " liking it "so it will be your name + your name x 5 on my list, higher chance? yes!

So start dropping your name and facebook name under the comment here, and if you get your friend to liked it too..mentioned their name as well :)

Good luck and this lens is super gorgeous..you might don't want to miss this one!

February 21, 2013

Natural look make up tutorial [Video]

Hellow ladies..am sharing up another natural look tutorial that I think suitable for your daily look :)
No fake eyelash, no shading technique, only tons of Mascara to apply. I was requested to do this tutorial from Cindy, one of my readers in Indonesia.

She has problem in applying fake eyelash for her make up, and she would like to look good without it..well of course, with Maybelline mascara, you can achieve the [almost] fake eyelashes effect without even wearing one.

These are the awesome mascara I received from Maybelline Indonesia, OMG! they are just super generous in sharing up their products. I am pampered.
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And not only that, Maybelline Indonesia also sent me this lovely eyeliner..
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And this gorgeous colours of Diamond Glow and Hyper Glow collection!
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And today's tutorial, I'm gonna use mostly Maybelline products - except my eyebrow powder (by NYX)
Well, actually..you can just use  anything you have at home to create this look..it's easy, light and hopefully you like it ^^

One of the trick to create a natural fresh looking make up is a healthy and glowing skin to start.
So, don't forget to keep moisturised your skin, mask it twice a week, ampoule it if you have to, and exfoliate it once a week to remove the dead skin :)

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Have a nice day and stay glowing :)
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Gamila Secret review


Woollaa...I'm back from my CNY holiday!
It has been a lot of fun and a lot of sickness as well. >.<
Jakarta not exactly friendly this time round - sigh - I was down with a very bad fever, flu and cough
 - super sigh! -

I hope everybody else is in a prime condition and stay healthy!


Anyway, back to the topic that I want to share..
It's about the GAMILA SECRET again!

When I was offered to try out the Gamila Secret soap bar for the second time,
I immediately said YES-again! As you guys know, I have eczema that love to react funnily to certain harsh soap bar, but luckily never to Gamila Secret.

So, seeing the chart from Blink.Sg shop, my dry skin has 3 option for the scents and I have tried Lavender before..so I go for the premium line: Wild Rose and Creamy Vanilla.

I hope this little chart below could help you in finding the suitable scent for your skin :)

If you do have a concern with your skin but you still want to indulge in a lovely scent of shower ritual, you should consider GAMILA SECRET. I love it.

I found GAMILA SECRET is unique in it's own way; like apart from using it as a normal soap, and facial mask for you,  your boyfriend/husband can use it as Shaving cream as well :)

So I bribe my Mr. to be a model for this blog post and I want him to use my GAMILA SECRET as his shaving cream. I have to bribe him because he doesn't seems convinced that my soap bar can double function as his shaving cream. >.<'

 Remember to activate the natural ingredients in the soap under the running/still water for a short minutes..

Then keep rubbing it until the texture become thicken and moist .

So here is my Mr. messy newly grown beard..one thing he keep telling me when he applied the soap to his face was " oh shit, this is gonna be painful! "

- well of course I don't want him to be in pain, so I just asked him to try..if it's really painful, just stop it and I'm gonna write it here that it is not suitable for shaving. -

But to my and his surprise, it's not painful and apparently it is work well as shaving cream.
Only it is a bit creamy compared to the normal foam shaving cream.

Tadaa..he smells like Vanilla! Yum!

If you have not convinced by me, then you go flip the magazine around the world and read how this handmade in Galilee soap captured the beauty attention.

And oh, you know you can get this at Blink.Sg shop, right? also check out Blink.sg facebook page for more updates on the latest beauty product.

'Till next time!

February 19, 2013

SAVOUR 2013 Presented by NESPRESSO

Celebrating a Delicious Culinary Journey Around the World at SAVOUR 2013
Presented by NESPRESSO.

Just come and join the fun at SAVOUR 2013!
Why? because after 2012’s sell-out event, SAVOUR 2013, Singapore’s largest gourmet food festival, returns with an all-new line-up of culinary adventures seeking to thrill and tantalise the senses of foodies here and around the region.

I had a media preview on little selection of what SAVOUR 2013 has to offer on  11 to 14 April 2013, at the F1 Pit Building and Paddock grounds.It'a all is Uh-mazing! Start from Nespresso atelier, where I can make my own celebrity chef Tiramisu to the process of blending my very own favourite wine.
It is superb and just like I love it, different.

‘SAVOUR 2013, Presented by NESPRESSO’ will continue to celebrate all things delicious by showcasing over 30 world-renowned chefs and top local talent, more than 60 award-winning dishes, a two-storey Gourmet Market and an amazing array of 300 complimentary master classes, workshops and demonstrations - all in one accessibly-priced ticket.

 Ticket Prices
Savour Premier Pass
 (Entry into the Gourmet Village and Gourmet Market + $30 Savour dollars)

Savour Premier Pass for Saturday or Sunday afternoon (11am – 4pm)
(Entry into the Gourmet Village and Gourmet Market + $20 Savour dollars)

Savour Pass
(Entry into the Gourmet Market ONLY + $20 Savour dollars)

Savour Dollars are the official currency at SAVOUR 2013 and can be used to purchase food and drink consumed on the premise. All workshops, master classes and product tastings are complimentary.

Tickets can be purchased via SISTIC online bookings, SISTIC counters and phone bookings. For more information, please check www.sistic.com.sg for their hotline & outlets operation hours.

Come come!!

February 12, 2013

Make your own chocolate with Cocoa B

Sponsored review

Valentine is just right at the corner, and if you are thinking about giving chocolate..
Let's do it in a unique way this year!

Drop by Cocoa-B to create your very own chocolate bar!
and present it to your loved one :)

What is so special about Cocoa-B, you ask?

At Cocoa B, it’s not about them, but you. Because customising is a personal thing, and what matters to you, matters to them. Mix and match from the selection of chocolate flavours and toppings they have for you, with your countless creativity and bring the chocolates to life. Have it your way, some brands say, and this is exactly what they want you to do.

" We are Cocoa B, your online chocolate boutique. At Cocoa B, we ensure your chocolates are carefully hand-crafted and delivered to you.

Enough said, come on and start crafting some chocolate! "

This is my and my Mr. 's creations;
We pick the white, dark and milk chocolate to be the base.

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And I love my Valentines mix the most :)


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This is Mr's collection,
A mix of Chilli Flake, marshmallow and Macadamia nuts.
....and you read it right! Chilli flake as a topping on his chocolate :)

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And if you think chilli flake is already unique, how about bacon bits on your choc? and garlic? and rosemary too? I'm still talking about chocolate here :)

You can't imagine the taste huh? me neither!
So I did make my order on this, and boy let me tell you..it taste different from the normal chocolate you buy of the rack. It's yummy, weird and unforgettable.
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Ah! I guess you just need to try it yourself and have fun in creating your very own chocolate :)
This is our creations, and you can copy this if you trust me..hahahaha!

We love this unique ideas of Cocoa-B, and I hope you will too :)

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Happy Valentines Day gorgeous people!

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February 10, 2013

Who is this beauty? - Melissa Cipao

" Hey everyone, I'm Melissa. I come from Indonesia. Now, I'm working as a Master of Ceremony for events, host at Mivo TV and radio announcer at Heartline FM. "
 That's the Melissa I know dan bo.. Oh my, si Mel ini masi aja sama ceriwisnya kayak waktu pertama kali gw ketemu dia di LSPR, kampus eke dulu. 2002, yaoloooo 11 taon lalu bo gw pertama nginjek kampus dengan harapan bakal nemu laki2 kece dan dianter pulang pegi lalu bener- bener living a campus life lah ceritanya. Tapi apa? itu semua cuma harapan gabus, ga ada ceritanya ketemuan lelaki kece yang bisa dijadiin apa-apa, karena dong bo, LSPR isinya perempuyan semuanya. :) ~

Dan disitu lah gw duduk depan belakangan ama nona manis ini :)


Lalu apalah section ini? napa muncul tiba2?Begini..
 " Who is this beauty/hottie? " basically a section that I would start in 2013 to feature someone that I feel inspired of and I hope they could share their stories, and it will inspired you all as it is to me.

- This section was not originally founded by me, I was inspired by Looxperiment-a beauty geek community that featuring me, a year ago about how I pursuing my dream as a make up artist, and i never know that my stories actually inspired people and I got tons of emails asking my take on that matters.

Jadi ceritanya, gw pengen ngelakuin hal yang sama kayak looxperiment gitu :))

As the grand opening of this section, I am proudly featuring my lovely friends, talented Master of Ceremony, extraordinaire personality, and one inspiring role model in pursuing what do you want to do in life..

Please welcome:
* drum rolls*

Melissa Cipao!
*Tosses convetti*

Read up on what is her story of living her dream job, how she pursue it and of course..
her beauty do's and don't!

- enjoy-

Q: Olla Mel! To start this simple interview..I would like to say I am proud of you babe:) and We know that you are now living your dream job and everything that you used to dream of, and we are really feel inspired by you, mind to share with us what makes you choose this as your career path?

Melissa with Gaul magazine

Mel: Awal mula gw nyemplung di dunia MC ketika gw diminta jadi MC Sweet 17 oleh tmn sekolah gw krn waktu itu gw termasuk org yg talkactive di kls (bawel & suka ngobrol klo guru lg ngajar El :p). Sblm itu gw suka jd MC di gereja El.  Nah pas jaman kuliah gw bener2 stop MC El, krn bener2 fokus di kuliah. 
Di akhir kuliah, gw ikt MC Search Competition di salah 1 mal yang ada di Jakarta (Mal Ciputra Jakarta). Waktu itu awalnya gw pengen coba2 krn udh lama bgt ga ngemsi. Trs emang dr jaman kuliah gw seneng bgt nonton acara Oprah Winfrey Show. 

Begitu lulus kuliah, gw spt kebanyakan org pd umumnya El pengen kerja di kantor. Awalnya gw mikir klo MC itu bakal jd side job gw nanti & gw akan tetap kerja di kantor. Ternyata begitu lulus kuliah gw bener kerja di kantor El. Tapi pas weekend gw terima job MC. Kadang pada saat kerja kantor, ada panggilan MC hari biasa. Itu bikin gw berat buat nolaknya. Akhirnya setelah bolak balik kerja kantor & fokus MC, akhirnya gw tau passion gw dimana El. Jd gw sempet tuh yg namanya kerja kantor, keluar fokus MC, kerja kantor, keluar lg fokus MC, bolak balik gitu. 

Q: What makes you keep going in pursuing your dream?

Melissa with Dave Hendrik
Fokus di dunia MC yang menjadi passion gw ternyata tidaklah semudah yang ada dalam pikiran gw El. Lo tau sendiri kan hasilnya ga tentu tiap bln, trs gw pernah jg dibohongin EO yg ga bayar fee MC gw, pernah jg jatuh di atas panggung pas lg MC El (malunya ga ketulungan :p) Udh gw hrs bolak balik casting ke stasiun TV swasta supaya bs nembus jd presenter. Ga tau total brp kali nongkrong di stasiun TV swasta buat casting, sampe castingnya yg jauhnya di ujung beruk gw ladenin ahahahaha.. Klo diitung2 skrg tahun ke 7 gw jd MC El, tp dicampur sama tahun bolak balik keluar kantor yah. 
Tips ketika kita ingin mencapai impian kita adalah yang pertama kita harus tahu passion kita dimana, sehingga apapun rintangan yang ada di depan nantinya akan tetep bisa membuat kita enjoy. Jika kita bekerja sampai kita tidak sadar kalau kita bekerja berarti kita menikmatinya. 
Selain itu, kita fokus pada impian yang kita inginkan. Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi. Klo bisa jangan keluar masuk kantor seperti saya ahahahaha.. (manusia labil). Trs cari networking yg bs mendukung karir lo, tmn2 yg berkecimpung di dunia yg sama. Jd bs saling support atau kasih info2. 
Ada 1 quote yg sangat menarik buat kt tp gw ga tau siapa yg nulis El, krn ini diksh sm tmn gw waktu itu. Quotenya:

"Ur talent + hardwork will met your destiny". 

Melissa with Indra Bekti
Kadang2 pas kt ngejalanin ga semudah telapak tangan , perlu mental yg tdk mudah putus asa ketika ditolak &; trs menerus mencoba.

Q: To be in profession that required you to look good on the go, what are the beauty do and dont's for you?

Gw kan termasuk org yg ga terlalu bgt ngerawat wajah yah El..

Tp yg pasti kecantikan yang Do's itu:

-pakai pelembab yg mengandung UV klo keluar rumah, 
- Cream malam dan perawatan sebulan sekali. 
- Banyak minum air putih. 
- Maskeran
- Luluran
- Olah raga 


- Jangan pegang ato ngelap ngelap muka pake tangan karena itu kotor
- Jangan pencet jerawat!- tapi gw suka iseng pencet juga seh
- Jangan ngerokok
- Jangan pake make up berat untuk sehari hari 

Q:  Final question; what are the things you want to let friends and readers to know in life?

  If GOD is ur partner make ur plans BIG (D. L. Moody) 
 "The winner never quit &; the quitter never win." 
The must thing to share with the readers adalah hrs berani mengeksplorasi diri krn kt ga pernah tau bakat kt dimana. Tp bakat tdk akan menentukan kesukesan seseorang, kerja keraslah yg menentukan. Gali trs hobby anda, siapa tau bs menjadi hobby yg menghasilkan, spt saya yg memiliki hobby doyan ngmng :p

Thanks a lot Mel! I am wishing all the best to you in your life and your glowing career :)


Gw ceritanya tuh saksi kece yang ngikutin gimana nona Mel ini berusaha untuk pursue karir dia sekarang ini loh! Gw liat dia nge-MC di Citraland, ngikutin cerita dia yang audisi2 disana sini untuk jadi presenter and bener bener bangga sama dia sekarang yang settle banget di karir yang dia pilih :)
And for the readers, do you know that Melissa is a certified Master of Ceremony? and she is now, travelling around Indonesia to be a MC examiner! I think it's really cool and this is indeed something new to know :) 

If you know someone inspiring you know, and would like to be featured in Pinkbuble In Da House..do drop me your words in the email, yeah?

February 06, 2013

Aku happy lalala..

Happy lalala daku double!
Bulan kemaren dapet gaji, dengan angka bonus cakep sekali, bulan ini dapet lagi kejutan cakep dari kantor..naek gaji eke! Wow lalala! padahal gw baru kerja 9.5 bulan loh, tapi bonus sama gaji yang diterima di tangan..aduh puji Tuhan banget. Bener ya? rejeki ada yang ngatur, jangan kelewat pelit dan juga boros aja kali ye..selebihnya, uda ada kok porsi nya kita masing2. - jadi nyeloteh ih -

Trus juga terima hasil evaluasi gw selama di kantor ini, dan dong..persentasi eke paling tinggi sekantor, gw sampe " eh kok bisa ya? ", dan juga " Yes!! " berbarengan. :)
Dan tadi terima soft copy kartu nama, loh kok title eke juga upgrade? 
Aaaah..seneng pol gw!!

Bener bener, kalo kita di tempat yang sesuai sama bidang kita, trus kita kerja bener dan ga cuma yang penting kelar jam kerja-cab cus, dan di company yang sehat. Promosi itu bisa tersedia yah buat kita:)
Jadi inget di kantor dulu, kerja mati2an, gondok gila, travelling uda kayak ga ada rumah, gaji naek ga jauh2 amat, bonus seret abis dan gw keluar ditahan tahan selama 4 bulan jek, dan mestinya by then, gw tau yah..kalo gw worth much more than yang mereka kasih :)

Intinya, aku bersyukur!

Dan buat yang ngerayain Chinese New Year!
Gong Xi Gong Xi yah!
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Semoga in the new year, kita semua makin prosper yah!!
- Biar dompet ma amal baik makin tebel, bukan lemak de perut-

Celebrating CNY with Singapore Flyer?

Children of all races taught Chinese New Year Traditions and Practices at Singapore Flyer
I am glad to got a chance living in Singapore for the last 6 years, a country where I feel the most comfortable walking home alone at 1 am in the morning, and also a country where I hope, people in my country back home could learn from.
Different races, different religion and even different background could live together in harmony without offending each other.
For this Chinese New Year period,
40 under privileged children decked in traditional Chinese New Year clothes were treated to ‘lo hei’, ang pows and a special flight

Children spent that day dressed in traditional Chinese garbs. They were treated to ‘Lo Hei’ and ang pows on a special Singapore Flyer flight, making Chinese New Year an unforgettable experience for them. The children, from Kreta Ayer - Kim Seng Children and Teens Communitty Hub (CATCH) Programme, also learnt about the Spring Festival traditions and practices at the Singapore Flyer.

All of them enjoyed the Singapore Flyer ‘Lo Hei’ flight hosted by the iconic attraction’s CEO Patsy Ong and her Finnish World Cup Champion bowler husband, Tom Hahl. But this treat was not before Dr Lily Neo, Grassroots Adviser and Member of Parliament for Tanjong Pagar GRC handed out ang pows to all the children, much to their delight.

Happy Chinese New Year, Singapore!

February 05, 2013

Jardin de Fleur - Singapore Turf Club

Exactly last Sunday, I was invited for Jardin de Fleur party at Singapore Turf Club
I know, Horse gambling with a lot of uncle in short pants cheering over the horse they are putting their bet on, is the image you have for the Turf club, right?
- High five - Same here!
That's actually what i have in mind as well, so when the invitation of having a Jardin De Fleur party came to the inbox, I kinda excited to attend..having in mind, and worry how flower and uncle in short pants will come in pair for the event.

Nevertheless, I went to the party :)

Guess what?
Singapore Turf club is much more than my imagination of seeing uncles betting over the horses :P

We were escorted to a VIP room with a clear glass view of the racing area.
Glam and so VIP! - i kinda like the feeling, it's new to me..and it's pretty interesting :)

I bring Jenita there as hubby was engaged at that moment.
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When I spoke to Smith from Smithankyou - oh btw check out his blog, you will be fully entertained -,
He said that apart from racing and betting itself, actually Singapore Turf Club VIP room and some other function room can be book for any events, it is already classy by itself, and it's a "different" kind of entertainment provided as well - the horse racing lor..-

Not to mentioned that the FOOD is yummy!
I am not a food blogger so I can't describe the taste in a mouth watering line, all i can say..if not because of many stranger and i feel a bit " phai se " if I take too much food, I think I will go for the buffet way lor..
too bad, I have to control myself :)

Can you imagine how fun and different it is to attend a party or some company function in the place like this? a bit of Glam and " atas" feeling kind :P
It's a very very different lah the feeling, that's all I can say.

Seeing horse racing " live " is quite an experience as well :)
I love it !

So, the next time you plan to have company event or maybe private function..don't forget to check out what Singapore Turf Club has to offer, ok? 

- I wanna go there again ar..-


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