May 11, 2008

Day 10

Uhm..i miss out day 9! well today is officially my end of lemonade diet..but today i started drinking soup..the veggie soup, why? * i tot u'll be having it on next tuesday?? * yeah..yeah..the reason why i HAVE to stop it earlier than i suppose to is becoz my travelling schedule...!! first my travelling schedule will be on tuesday, so i can't continue the diet up to today..if i still doing it 'till's mean i still hv to drink my soup on tuesday..which is quite imposibble! u remember that after breaking the diet u need to drink OJ in the 11th day and soup on 12th day..then u can start sumting solid on the 3rd day after cleansing!

So, my conclusion after doing this cleansing is IT'S WORTH TO TRY and actually it's quite addicted..hohoo..i feel good, i feel lighter, i feel slimmer, and i feel i'm ready to start my new lifestyle! i'm so ready!!

So total, i lost 6kg..and my size 6 according to FCUK size!
i'm happy..more than ever!

di postingan gw yg kmrn soal dilemma dr colleague gw itu..kan gw ngerasa discourage banget en mereka ga respek ma keputusan gw utk do this cleansing!


kemaren gw iseng tanya dia " so, istri lu gmn..jd lakuin ini ga?? ato lu uda convince dia utk ga usah yg menurut scientist ga guna??"

dia blg " istri gw masi mo lakuin tuh..entar gw jg ah abis travelling!"

and dalem ati gw happy luar biasa dan puas ati!

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