January 14, 2014

Journey to my pre pregnancy body with Mary Chia - week 1

I am finally ready to embark the journey in re-gaining my pre pregnancy body with Mary Chia!
You will see me updating my progress weekly and I hope you guys support me and stay tuned with me for my 2 months challenge with Mary Chia.

To start, I would say being able to get pregnant and having lil love in my life is really a kind of experience that I would never trade with anything in this world. He means beyond the world to me and waking up to his lil innocent smile is priceless. I never regret the day I have him in my life.

I started my pregnancy journey with Mary Chia and I am really thankful for the Goldhill outlet team in assisting me and taking care of my face during the pregnancy. I had an extremely dry skin during my pregnancy and the facial that I did in Mary Chia helps me to feel and look good. Some people said I had that pregnancy glow, and I believe it's because of the lovelies therapist in Mary Chia as well.

So yeah, now that lil love is 3 months +, I am excited and can't wait to go back to my pre pregnancy body! SO many after pregnancy clothes I bought during my Bangkok trip and I am looking forward to finally fit into it. Btw, I am still breastfeeding my lil love and the diet I do here is full of nutrition and do no harm to my body and the milk for the lil love.

I gained in total of 18 kgs during my pregnancy and that is so OMG!
I was like a huge glowing hippo back then..haha! and durign that moment the only thing that came to my mind was " will I be able to lose it all? " and also I had that bloody stretch mark in my tummy.

And also that flabby tummy after the pregnancy.
>.<'  *sad*

I do hope I can fit to my expensive bikini that I bought from Seafolly..so I can show off a little bit like those celebrity that still looking smokin' hot even after baby! hahaha!
who knows, right?

Before I share with my my first treatment, let me show off my post pregnancy face first, ok?
Tadaaa..!! way better than my stretch mark tummy right?

One my first treatment I had is:

The  IntegraQuartz Macro Sculpting Treatment 

The revolutionary IntegraQuartz Macro Sculpting Therapy uses the advanced Physique Sculpting technology from France to break down and eliminate stubborn cellulite. It also combats sagging skin to present you with sought-after svelte silhouette. This treatment offers excellent results when applied on larger problem areas such as the Belly, Arms, Thighs and Buttocks. The only system that is scientifically proven to accelerate Lipolysis by 50%.

They targeting my tummy and the bra line to breaks the stubborn fat and the cellulite. 

Next treatment is the Deep essence body sculpt - body contouring 
 It's vibration technology penetrate deep under your skin to break down stubborn fat cells. Then the therapist nourish my body with Dead Sea mineral concentrate rich in therapeutic properties, followed by a luxurious thermal essence masque treatment to let minerals reach deep under your skin to work wonders on undesirable fat cells.

The machine is actually pretty cool, it's in pounding movement. 
This treatment ends with a tummy mask wrapped.

 And the final treatment I did to close my first day treatment is

Intensive weight vaporizer
The vibration bed and air-pressure slimmer effectively promote lymphatic drainage while sauna and full-body wrap seal in the slimming benefits for a svelte figure.

 and the wrapping that I need to wear for 2 hours :)

So far, I am comfortable with the treatment and currently cutting down my carbo intake and add on more veggie and fruits in my diet. By the end of the week, I will update you guys on my progress.
Stay tuned!

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