May 22, 2013

Say NO to BULLYING in the WORK PLACE and anywhere else!

Ok, this is might be too annoying to see, especially things like this happened in work place!
We all know, for those who want to get work experience, Singapore is a good learning ground with a standard that internationally recognized , don't judge me yet on this statement, but try to work in Indonesia and compare how people work in Singapore, I think you will know what I mean.
If you have haven't work on the both compared places, shut up.

Anyway, as much as tough learning ground can be 
(especially if you are a fresh grad having your first job), never let the supervisor, manager or even your colleague treat you the way this stupid intern treated.
The thing that I don't understand about this whole situation is 
" WHY this poor kids never stood up for himself? "
If you received S$10.000 a month and being treated like this, ok lah..somehow you need to hold on for the sake of the $$. But having $500/$600 a month, without any annual leave?
man, this is the same amount of Bangala workers received in SG.

I'm sharing this not because I need to boost up my stats for this trend issue in Singapore, but if you know me..I am ANTI BULLYING! 

No bullying in anyway! 
and ALWAYS stand up for your self everybody!
* Arrgghh..seeing weak people being bullied makes me angry, not to those who bully (they are trash in the first place, sooo not worth my attention)..but for the one being bullied *

Back to the video..I always imagine if i am in the position of the stupid/poor kid..I think, no! I would definitely kick his balls as much as he beat me. Crack balls to the stupid supervisor!


  1. senior junior
    semuanya make sistem itu :(

  2. Bullying in the work place? Wow. Just when you thought high school was finally over ya...

  3. wah kalo udah pake kekerasan sih dilaporin ke polisi aja atuh...

  4. Wah.... at least, Im sure the supervisor is having a hard time now. Nice to know that haha^^ (maap, tapi saya sungguh sebel litany)

  5. Gue rasa el, itu anak yg digaplokin tuh takut kali dia, namanya juga intern , berarti masih kuliah jg kan dia blom ada pengalaman, juga mungkin dia takut dpt report yg ga bagus. Dan gue baca juga, ternyata korbannya ga cuma itu anak intern loh. Ada lg sblomnya, nah menurut korban sebelomnya, dia kena digebuk payung lah, file lah. Dia kepikiran mo lapor polisi tp dia ga brani soalnya dia masih terikat kontrak ama perusahaan itu. Meski benernya sih bisa aja dia lapor ke MOM yah.

    Gue sih demen ama yg ngerekam, itu supervisor sih bisa ga dapet kerjaan lagi tuh. Biar nyaho, dasar encek singapur gilaaaaaa....

  6. Gue rasa el, itu anak yg digaplokin tuh takut kali dia, namanya juga intern , berarti masih kuliah jg kan dia blom ada pengalaman, juga mungkin dia takut dpt report yg ga bagus. Dan gue baca juga, ternyata korbannya ga cuma itu anak intern loh. Ada lg sblomnya, nah menurut korban sebelomnya, dia kena digebuk payung lah, file lah. Dia kepikiran mo lapor polisi tp dia ga brani soalnya dia masih terikat kontrak ama perusahaan itu. Meski benernya sih bisa aja dia lapor ke MOM yah.

    Gue sih demen ama yg ngerekam, itu supervisor sih bisa ga dapet kerjaan lagi tuh. Biar nyaho, dasar encek singapur gilaaaaaa....

  7. Goblooggg!!! Lapor MOM!!!
    ANJIS SIAHHH pengen banget gamparin tuh supervisor!!!
    Aisshh jadi emosi gini gue.
    Bener El, kadang yah attention kita ga worth buat ngomelin si orang yang ngebully tapi orang yang di bully must stand up for themselves deh!!!


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