March 07, 2013

Geo Angel Brown Circle Lens and the Birthday giveaway winner!!

This is my typical favorite brown lens color!
I know it might seems too light and you afraid it may appear like alien looking on your eyes when you put this on, but hey! It is surprisingly natural on my eyes and see it with your eyes on how lovely the color compliments my make up look- even to my weird  3 color gradation eyeshadow look.

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It looks ok right?

Geo Angel Brown Circle Lens
from Loveshoppingholics

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Origin: Korea
Diameter : 14.0mm
Water Content : 38%
Base Curve : 8.6mm
Life Span : 1 year disposal 
I never wear the same lens for more than one month, eventho it's written 1 year in a life span section. I always throw it away after one month or so if I wear it everyday. If I don't wear it everyday, then I keep it until 3-4 mths before I dispose it.

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 If you are looking for a brown contact lens, you can consider this colour and order it from this lovely people in Loveshoppingholics. Get the disc code on my side bar and enjoy USD2 for the ready stock items.

Happy Shopping girls!

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And now..I wanna announce the winner of my Birthday Giveaway!!

I think for this time's pretty obvious that the winner is:

Congratulations babe!
- Send me your address and our friend at will send you a pair of the gorgeous pink lens - Do send me your gorgeous look with the Pink lens, yea?


  1. i got this in super angel brown with bigger diameter and darker color. you look super pretty in such light brown color ci, i don't think i can use such a color! :(

  2. mbak, aku ga tau nih udah post belum. Lg error operanya.

    Makasih banyak buat hadiahnya, terharu bisa menang #lebayy mode ON.

    Sukses dalam karirnya, dan Diberkati keluarganya :D.Sekalilagi Happy Birthday, yyeayyy

  3. kak,motifnya (GEO) gak terlalu kelihatan yaa? jadi kayak mata asli aja :) (mungkin karena diameternya kecil itu ya?)


Wut do you think?


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