March 28, 2013

Fairy Tale Doll make up tutorial with Skin Food

I am back with the last challenge of
Tampines 1 make me over beauty blogger challenge.

How times flies and I am really happy and enjoying myself in creating the look according to my interpretation. I really think all of us are creative in our own way, and that is really precious to see.

For the last challenge, the theme given to us is
" Fairy Tale doll look "

Humm..humm..humm..I'm not sure on what to doll up according to the theme..
I am not a typical girl who will do princess kind of make up even when it comes to fairy tale look.
Not as well fairy. Just no.

So I browse around to see what are the category that falls into " Fairy Tale " and I was excited to know that "  Fairy tale " is more than just a Cinderella stories and the gang or even the fairies in all the princess stories.

It's about something that is not exist, a myth, a legend, a 1001 night stories..* I can breathe now*..thank God is not princessy.

Then after browsing for couple of hours, I finally know what I want to do :D
Inspired by Ice Queen from the Narnia and Arabian tale..
Please welcome my interpretation of " Fairy Tale doll " look, sponsored by SKINFOOD.

Let's start :)
Always have a clean face to start the make up look.
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The take this SKINFOOD Red Orange Jelly BB ($26.90)
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And apply it all over your face.
The texture is a bit funny, it's really like jelly..and I would suggest you to take some and rub it on your palm first before applying on your face. The ideas of doing this is to get the even coverage and a smoother finishing.

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Skip the powder part..and go directly to the eyeshadow.
SKINFOOD Sugar Bloom Shadow Box ($34)
This combination is super gorgeous, and it's compliment each colour very much.

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Start the light burgundy as a based, then go for the gold on to get the shimmer base skin.
This 2 colours are not really pigmented, we use this 2 colours just to get the shimmer out of it.

From there, take the darkest colour (dark brown - centre palette), swipe it all over your eyelid and pull it towards your temple and draw down to your nose like my photo below:

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Take the SKINFOOD Creamy smokey crayon ($15.90)
Draw a blade shape eyeliner start from wing up the extensive line of the normal eyeliner line, the pull it down towards your nose area.

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Take the SKINFOOD Real Eyelash special ($4.50), apply it gently close to your natural lash line.
Then with the glue that comes with the eyelashes, dot many small dots all over the dark brown area that we draw earlier.

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Sprinkle SKINFOOD Byulsatang Powder Shadow ($19.90) all over the eyelid.
Until you get the Icy effect of the Ice Queen.

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For the Ice Queen look, you don't wanna look blushy and's the ICE Queen remember?
But do take this blusher and work it out as contouring powder on the face.
Apply it on the hollow of the cheek, and just there. No where else.

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Lastly, get this SKINFOOD Fruit Brunch Lip Box ($34) and apply the middle peach colour just to put a little touch of human from the overall look.

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..and, you're pretty much done!

I get a bridal necklace to put as my hair/head accessories dangling down on my forehead - this idea taken from the Aladdin kind of Arabian look, but I make a little twist with the Ice Queen concept.

Do " like " my look if you like it :P
on Tampines One instagram @Tampines1

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An of course, the before and after :)
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Thank you all for the support all this while :)
I really appreciate your like, your comments and everything..and also thank you for keep coming back to my blog. I wuv u all.


  1. you look so cool! :D
    I'm never brave enough to draw my eyeliner like that, lol, :p

  2. whoaaaaa.....very beautiful... Like it very much..

  3. lucuuuu kak.
    latarnya salju makin keren tuh kak. hohoho..


  5. Gilaaaaa.... bagus banget!!!! *thumbs up*

  6. loving the look! gorgeous! ^_~

  7. That is a beautiful look Elrica, so creative!


Wut do you think?


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