July 24, 2012

Singapore Blog Award 2012~Finale'

21 July 2012
Singapore Flyer Food Trail

The theme: 

Nope, I didn't come in costume and I'm glad I did not..
because that day was too hot to be in costume.
Man..the weather is crazy..but the fun, is AMAZING!

My Mr. came with me to attend the party.

This is my very first year to experience Singapore Blog Awards and wow..so many bloggers in the venue and I love the feeling to be around them. It's like, a bunch of people with the same interest sharing the moments. Love it much.

This is I don't know who..but he caught my attention because of his Loki costume :)
this awesome guy really put an effort to be in the Theme, with the damn hot weather and that outfit?
I salute u Man! I think u deserved the best costume :)

The award ceremony started with the super blogger award,

The Super Blogger :)
Then the special category:


Kevin Soh

Then they start announcing my category which is

Mary Chia Best Beauty Blog
Sharon from Mary Chia came to the stage to present the award, and as always, she look gorgeous.
Damn gorgeous.


The Journey with Mary Chia and Omy  has been quite one amazing experience for me.

And after introducing all the 10 finalist..
They mentioned my name as

Best Beauty Blogger 2012

I burst-ed out my sugar cane drinks when I heard my name being called.
so un-glam hor?
I really didn't expect that, I mean..I am so new to Singapore blogsphere and the whole experience itself is already a gift for me. I feel so grateful and really honoured to received the Award.
*my heart really goes Pom-pom man*

The next thing I know, I walked up to the stage to received the award from Sharon, while making sure..I won't stumble my steps on those little stairs :)

The feeling is overwhelming.
Good things happened when u least expecting it.
Damn true for me on that day.

I am really really grateful..(and happy)..

Thank you so much for all friends and readers that voted for me during this period. 
I really really appreciate it.
*big hug for u all *

This is a bit Ya-ya hor? but I like the board ler..

After that, Omy team take me for a short interview that you already seen on the video earlier.

I am still so so so happy and still couldn't believe that I actually made it,
so..pardon my Grin smile all over the video.
*bow 90' degree*

Me and Kevin.

Thank you Janet ^^

Group photos with all the winner.
Congrats All.

Thank you once again Mary Chia and Omy for giving me this special award.
It means a lot to me.


  1. congratzzzzz.. ke sg nanti g kudu banyak photo2 ama lo sebelumk lo jadi artis wakakakaak... nanti udah ajdi artis akan susah untuk dapet photo bareng dan tanda tangan wakakakaka :)

    1. Hahaha..kaga lah Pit! Walo gw amin-in semoga gw bisa makin lancar di dunia blogging gini..:))
      Nanti sampe sg, kita bersua ya Pit :))

  2. Congratz Elrica !!!
    Udah yakin dari sebelon2nya lo pasti menang...
    Video interview-nya dimana el?
    mau link-nya yaaa...

  3. Elrica!!! Congrats yaaaaa... You really deserved it!! :)
    So happy for you!

    Btw photo booth nya yg lu foto ama arip lucu bgt ya.. :)

    1. Makasi ya Man :))
      Aduh aku terharu dikau bilang aku deserved this :))

      Iyah, lucu yaa booth nya..aku juga suka :)

  4. Congrats ya El, i'm very very happy n proud of you...
    Hahaha, iya samaan ama Clo, gw juga udah feeling kalo u yang menang...
    Page nya sekarang lebih cantik,El...

    1. Thank u yah Khat :))
      Daku rada ga nyangka kalo bakal menang sih.
      Seneng daku :))

  5. Horee congratz El ! emang pantes kok elu menang :)

  6. ih kok komen gw gak masuk ya hiks hiks...congratz El !

  7. Ada kok..ga keluar kah video interviewnya?

  8. Wihiii congrats ya el :)
    makin rajin update blog donk ya hehe...

  9. Congrats Elrica! :D
    Well done!

  10. Congrats Ya El...
    You deserve it! bagi2 lagi ya ilmunya ^^ ilmu jd cakep, hehe

  11. congratulations!!!! happy for you :)

  12. Hu rah rah! Congratulations, Elrica! Nggak sia-sia deh selama ini kasih tutorial banyak ke temen-temen, terus kept updating your Mary Chia experience... Semoga makin exist di dunia perbloggingan baik Indonesia, Singapura, maupun dunia! Hihihihi

    Abis beauty blogger award ini, balik lagi ceritain sehari2 yg seru2 yah.

  13. congrats ya EL, ikut senang dengan keberhasilanmu ini *terharu* hiks hiks

    dan di video ini gw baru pertama denger your voice, ahahahhahaha

    seperti kata pitshu, gw jg jd pengen ikutan foto2 sama lo sebelum jd terkenal :D

    1. Thank u Wid ^^
      Iyah yah, kita ga pernah ngobrol yang pake suara..ya gitu deh suara gw, sempreng cempreng ga jelas ^^

  14. Congrats Elrica! So happy for you!!! :')

  15. akhirnya resmi juga ya jadi pemenangnya...congratsss!! you deserve it :)

    videonya mana el?

  16. congratss El!! very well deserved and keep up the awesome works :)))

  17. WAW congratulation :)


  18. ih komen gue kemaren gak masuk ternyata. :(

    congrats ya El. really glad that you won the award. ^^

  19. congratulations ci :D Wah asik banget yah di singapore. Di jakarta mana ada... blogger di singapore di hargai banget ya ^^

    1. Iyah Marsha ^^
      Disini mereka ada community-nya, jadi kita lumayan enak bloggingnya ^^

  20. hi elrica, congrats yach :) gua udah baca entry ini dari kemaren2, tapi baru sempet ne browsing lewat kompie.

  21. congrats cie ^^ you're deserve it :)
    keep blogging and inspiring ya ^^


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