July 31, 2013

Being preggers in Singapore :)

The most common questions I received from friends and family back in Indonesia since they know I got pregnant are:

Are you going to deliver in Singapore?
Who will take care of your baby?
How to survive living in Singapore with kids and without a maid?
It's expensive to have kids in Singapore, you know that, right?

Ermm..maybe for Singapore friends that reading this entry, you might raise your eyebrow and " HUH-ing " about those questions, yes indeed - I want to tell you that back in Indonesia, some people (or at least) my big family and some friends thinks living in Singapore is way more complicated than living a comfortable life in Indonesia. 

I know some of you - my friend -curious about my life here but to proud to ask how am I doing so far here in Singapore, and you secretly reading this blog..but here, I need to tell you that when I made my choice to live in Singapore 7 years ago, I have made the one of the best decision in my life. 

I came here to Singapore as a fresh grads, and thank God..I could get a job within the first month on my stays in Singapore - I didn't get a job through recommendation or a short cut to the company, I earned it on my own - and at that time until today I am proud to be in the job in Singapore, and very grateful to have a chance  in living independently on my own.

Since then, I pretty much do things on my own from washing my clothes, dishes, taking public transport and going to places without counting on someone to send me off. I am happy and although sometimes back in my mind I miss to be at home and have someone to get the things done for me, but I never regretted my stays here in Singapore.

So, when those questions came to me..I realised that I've been so get used to Singapore style of living and not taking note on those issue asked above. I always think that if most lady in Singapore could cope up with baby and life here in Singapore, why can't I?
I believe when I try my best, the Man Up there is going to open the way for me. 

But yes, it is less comfortable than being preggers back at home, maybe? I don't know.
But if you are talking about the comfort of having cars and driver to send you go and back from work, yes it is indeed more comfortable than taking mrt or bus in Singapore, because nobody care about..

This sign:

You will found mostly non elderly, non preggers, non commuters with child and non disabled sitting on the priority seat suddenly fall asleep when they see me getting in the train, OR usually they suddenly get very busy on their phone and pretend that they never see me.

If you are that kind of commuters - SHAME ON YOU!
I do hope if you are pregnant someday/your wife is expecting..no one will give up their seat too.

But apart from the comfortable issue, I think I am ok being preggie in Singapore.
At least I am far away from the noisy auntie that keep telling me the myth of pregnancy :D

So as of now, yes..I will be delivering in Singapore, my Mom / my MIL will come and help me with the baby - So far no plan in hiring maid or nanny permanently and yes I know it's expensive to have baby in Singapore, and we are ready for it. I believe everything happens for a reason and this is for the best :)


 photo signature-lips.png


  1. iya lah pasti bisa... orang lain bisa, kita juga pasti bisa dong ya... :)

    1. iyah! pasti bisa lah yaa *malah nanya balik *

  2. :) Glad that you like SG,Yes expensive but it is a great environment for a child to grow up in.Really admire you in many aspects, continue to jiayou in all you do!

  3. iya kelebihannya tinggal diluar, biasanya kan apartemen ya, gak semacem rumah 2 lantai kaya di indo sini, jadi bersih2 rumahnya lebih mudah la ya.. Hahaha pengalaman gw tinggal di sydney dulu, paling gw cman sedot karpet 2 minggu sekali (dasar gw males). Trus karna apartmen kecil, gw rasa bisa lah ya masak2, cuci baju, sambil ngawasin anak. Kalo di rumah indo gini kan dapur ke kamar aja jauhnya lumayan bok, hahahaha tapi gatau deh kalo tempat tinggal lu di singapore juga semacem rumah di jakarta gitu :D

    Tapi emang paling bener: semua bisa kalo terpaksa :D :D Yang di indo udah biasa ada nanny dan pembantu, jadi ya 'terasa berat' kalo mereka ga ada kaya pas lebaran gini

    1. ho oh, rumah seiprit kecil kalo dibanding rumah di indo lah yaa..tapi kadang males juga, hahaha. :)

  4. Kita juga 2 anak tanpa bantuan siapa2 plus jauh dari keluarga and we survive :)
    Apalagi ntar elu ada nyokap/MIL pasti bisa lah ^_^

    Kalo commuters disini lebih enak yah, apalagi buat pregnant woman, bawa anak ato senior. Udah lebih sadar diri aja ga ditempatin ama orang2 yang ga berkepentingan.

    1. Disini payah neee..suka pura2 ga liat orangnya. keki gw.

  5. Pas di SG kemarin ad liat sih anak" muda yg duduk di reserved seat trus ada orang yg agak berumur dia gak mau bangun kasih duduk. Sampai orang yang di sebelahnya yang bangun.
    Nah kalau di Indo yang nyebelin justru bapak" kalau lagi naik Transjakarta gitu (busway) mereka asik" tidur, gak peduli kalau ada kakek/nenek/bumil, orang yang masih muda-mudanya lebih perduli gitu... Tapi karena ada petugas di dalem bus, petugasnya suka random suruh penumpang berdiri kasih bumil/kakek/nenek yang duduk. Nah, kalau si petugasnya gak sadar juga penumpang yang berdiri suka kasih tau petugasnya. Kalau di SG kan gak ada petugas macam itu yah ci? bener-bener harus tunggu kepedulian orang..

    1. ga ada petugasnya tuh..jd kadang mereka se-enak ati nya juga..tunggu giliran dia nanti, bunting gde berdiri lama coba rasakan. hahaha

  6. elo kapan duenya el? adek gua tinggal di sing jg an lagi pregnant juga :P....kemungkinan besar akhir th gua ke sing n tinggal lamaan ampe adek gua ngelahirin...kalo sempet ketemuan yuk..:)

    1. Mari mari ketemuan! gw due nya awal Oct kalo ga akhir September..kabar kabarin yah kalo bersua kemari :)

  7. Hehe lucu juga ya masih banyak yang tanyain lo kaya gitu, walaupun lo udah tinggal di sana lumayan lama :p
    Iya di Indo emang banyak helpers, tapi di sana fasilitas penunjangnya lebih lengkap. *Contoh... baby day care yang terpercaya*

    Gw liat beberapa pasangan muda di sini juga lifestyle-nya mulai kayak orang di LN. Tinggal berdua, tanpa helpers (atau maksimal cuma ART cuci-gosok), dan kalau harus ngantor, anaknya dititipin di day care (TPA kalo di sini bilangnya, tempat penitipan anak).

    Cuma ya kebanyakan orang kayanya belum biasa sama ide ini. Gw sendiri waktu mengutarakan lebih prefer titip anak di TPA daripada pake BS, ortu dan temen-temen gw masih mengernyitkan dahi. Hehe.

    1. Agak beda concept yah..nyokap gw juga masi agak rela ga rela cucunya dititip kesono..padahal kl orang SG mah biasa aja.

  8. Lah... di Jakarta, mau nyari udara yang enak buat ngejemur anak aja susah! Yang gue gak demen dari spore cuma 1 sih, kalo anak udah gedean, kompetisi di sekolahnya itu yang mana tahan. Serem kalo anak jadi robot. Tapi kalo soal helpers etc, kayaknya mah sama-sama aja.

    1. Gw aja ga bisa ngerjain soal matematik kelas 2 SD le..udah belajar Linear Aljabar..yaoloooo..

  9. Gua pernah baca di mana ya? Kalau wanita hamil dikasih pin pertanda gravid? Soalnya kan kalau masih 4-5 bulanan gak kentara gitu ya, sementara sebenarnya trimester pertama kan yang rawan.

    1. itu kayanya di Jepang deh El...*ikut jawab ya hehe*

  10. I know you can do it El, don't mind what people say :D


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