March 28, 2008

Thank's for the food..

~ Delivery~
" Burung pipit yang kecil..dikasihi Tuhan..terlebih diriku..dikasihi Tuhan...bunga bakung di padang, diberi keindahan..terlebih diriku..dikasihi Tuhan"

Pernah kan denger lagu itu di sekolah minggu??

Itu bener loh, Tuhan ga pernah ninggalin gw sampe hal kecil sekecil-kecilnya seperti makanan gw hr ini..literally makanan gw hari ini.

Ceritanya gini, kan uda gw kasi tau kan kalo tiap bulan gw ikut auto saving dr POSB bank..jd 40% daru duit gw otomatis disimpen gitu..sisanya 60% buat gw kelola tiap bulan..

nah, bulan ini gw lg super sial karena gw hrs bayar bill telpon gw sekitar $248..jd itu bs dibilang uang hura2 gw abis! plus ada keperluan mendadak lainnya...jd di account yg bisa gw akses itu sisa $3.95 doank! dan gw (tololnya) lupa ambil cash gw di rumah...jd gw ga bawa cash hr ini en cm bawa 1 tangkep roti utk breakfast gw!..dan gw mikir.."mati deh gw hari ada makanan en ga ada duit..ya udalah, diet aja lah ( dibaca: puasa karena kebodohanku ).

Trus ya uda, gw mulai melankolis lah dengan mikir..enaknya di perna kekurangan uang utk ini en itu..mau apa dapet apa, kurang duit ada bonyok yang stand seperti hr ada makanan...hix..hix..sampe berasa sedihhhhh banget!

Sampe kantor gw uda ga terlalu mikirin lah, cm pasrah makan ya ga makan! not a big deal lah!

Trus tiba2..rahim, cleaner di kantor gw dateng..

Rahim : "sudah makan pagi?"

El: "belum"

Rahim: * kasi gw satu kotak makanan " ni buat you..wa dapet dari my uncle yang work di company sebelah, mereka ada company gathering"

El : * setengah ga percaya* oww..serius rahim? for me?

trus gw terharu banget lah..karena Dia pasti lg sibuk soal perang di mana kek ato sibuk nentuin siapa yg menang utk election! tapi dia sempet2in delivery makanan kasi gw...

Trus gw cerita ke Matek soal ini lah, well gw ga cerita part gw bersyukur ma Tuhan nya sih..* gw ga tau reaksi dia apa soalnya! ga ngmg soal Tuhan aja reaksi dia soal gw dapet makanan mendadak begini

Matek: Pantat lu tambah gede ya? * yg artinya hoki gw makin gede juga..*

Tailah si Matek itu, tapi gw seneng lah ada dia yg mulutnya ga berfilter! jd ga bs boong!

Begitulah..daku suddenly ga pengen pulang, soalnya gw tau Someone is taking care of me now and forever..dimana pun dan kapanpun!

* gw mulai mo believe di unseen ah seperti mei2..ato punya " iman" kalo kata merta

* happy mood!!!

Liat ini:

~sushi~ ~dimsum~

~ kwetiao~ ~ cake~

March 27, 2008

i love this guy..

I know it's a bit weird for me to write this post, like declaring my love so the whole world will know and so on and so all...
but i juz feel like record this moment into my blog, so sumday if i angry with him..i can spit out all my anger in this post


maybe i can finally say " i do " if i read this post over and over again..hahahaha...

Ok lah, this post is about arief ( my boyfriend ~ current boyfriend that i hope to be the last )

Actually, within this one year i finally know him better and deeper than before...i tot i know him very well..but i was wrong, i gez..

Anyway, he stays in the apartment opposite i can say we spent the rest of our time besides working, together!
All the habits and character are easily spotted, and of course i dun like sum of it....but i can still tolerate! or talk about it..not like the prev guy i dated! ( ok, i'm comparing him with my prev bf..whom i know as the most sensitive guy ever in the world!!!)

Let say things about:
1. Money
For me, i dun expect my guy always have to pay for everything..but i dun like if the guy pretend not see the bills or busy getting sumting else while Q-ing in NTUC or Carrefour or any kind of market!

~ he's good at it! i mean..sumtimes i offer to pay and he refuse if he know i dun have much money left to spent 'till the next salary!

( it's not like i'm a super crazy girl who spent a lot..but i joined this My saving account from POSB bank, so every month they deduct sum amount of money to my other, it juz like sumbody help u to save ur money..isn't that cool? well, but it really torturing me sumtimes..when i have the "unexpected" expenses, such as travelling that need to use my own money before i can claim it
~ my prev bf ever asked me to pay back his fuel after taking me to Dr....i'm so dam soei ( unlucky ) lah.

2. Time
He's on time...yay!
and i'm not so on time!

3. Attention
I got too much attention from him, except when he is paying attention to his lovely dota of course!
* slap DOta as hard as i can!

4. Love
He offer me his love..and i take it!

5. Protection
I'm not a kind of girl who need a guy to protect me day and nite with a shinning armor..and he knows it! but sumtimes he gives more than i expect..^_^

Eventho, there's sumting that still make me taking a deep breath, if u know wut i mean...things like:

1. Throwing his wallet, key, coin, bills, paper or wutever he has with him to his bed..
it juz so many unseen germs transfer from outside to his bed! and i often laying there...

2. Messy room!

3. Unsensitive feeling

There's one time when i was so damn angry with him..i tried to ignore him or tried to make him fell bad actually by saying " dun call me...i dun feel like toking to u"

He really DIDN"T call me...
but girls, u know wut i mean, rite?

4. Don't ever sumbody ask him this question:

"When will you two get married?"
becoz..i'm not ready to hear the answer!
* it made me cry last time...becoz i feel so unwanted and he just taking me for granted!
~hix..i even feel like crying now
i never know it hurt me so bad!..but now, he know!muahahaha...

Enuf with that stuff..
But after and with all that i still love him...
* sarang - e -o
bentuk ati di atas kepala...
jiji ah!

random pics that i miss the most!

Tzun trip
mulutnya semua kayak anak kampung kalo ngomong, belom lagi ada yg suka telat2 mikir and ngeselin kalo adatnya udah keluar..pokoknya waktu jalan-jalan ga enjoy banget deh! tapi pas mereka pulang...rasanya idup gw ada yg kurang!

Photo ini pas Malem ultah gw taon lalu, disebelah kiri gw ( dari arah lu liat ni foto ) itu sodara gw, en yg sebelah kanan gw itu temennya sodara gw..hehehe..engga deh kes! si kes dut yg uda ga gendut lagi..gara2 mo merit in 4 mth time..en itu berarti ga ada lagi photo2 yg kyk begini, ini berkesan banget buat gw..soalnya mereka suka tiba2 dateng ke rumah gw malem2 sekitar jam 10 or 11 pm and tiba2 bilang.."ca, mo nginep"

Ini team wedding organizer waktu di D'5 team organizer, team leader gw yg ditengah paling atas..hobbynya apa? marain gw! biar bukan gw yg salah juga gw disalain..heran gw! tapi pas gw uda sampe sini, gw kangen banget sama mereka and my day with them!

SMA 3 bo!! maen bola..ini waktu perebutan juara 3, kita kalah sama Gonzaga..gile tu cewek2 disana keker semua! kaget banget gw..

Ini gambar yang dibuat si Aldwin, dia sekarang uda berkarir sebagai calon favorite artist!!
En sumhow, ngeliat gambar takes me back waktu jaman2 SMP gw di SMPK VII, ga bisa dijelasin kata2nya..tapi kalo pake bahasa yg agak ngejiji-in sih gini loh..
suasana sekolah yg uda sepi, berangin, ada tukang gorengan en tukang minuman di luar..mengingatkan ku pada teman2 yg dulu berbagi suka dan duka di TK-D ( harus pake strip..soalnya katanya itu yg membedakan kita dengan WTF, Wut the hell lah!), suasana keakrab-an yg masi berbekas nyata di benak dan hatiku...dan ada satu smell yg khas yg kalo gw bs inget..those memory lagi..
indah, singkat, berkesan

gitu deh tiba2 melankolis lagi ni!

~ miss u guys ~

diet time!

Oh my!! i juz measured my BMI ( Body Mass Index ), it's getting to over weight!!! again..OVER WEIGHT!

ok, you go to : here

then surprise urself!

mine is 25.9!!!! so it's in Overweight area!!!

Wut to do..wut to do...

Oh man!!! i hate this..i hate being fat!!

Actually it happens all the time, like now..when i eat carbo i gain weight! and when i stop eating carbo...i look slimmer and lighter, but there's no changing in my weighing scale..well there is! like 1-2 kg..but i want a fantastic droppin' kind of drop 5 kg in a month, so i can start wearing my sleeveless again! and shape my butt a bit!

I gain like 4 kg since i moved to SG..i dunno wut i eat that make me start ballooning like this!

and the worst part arm!! * pinching the extra flab on my arm*

you know when u lift ur arm like 90 degree sideways..then you shake it a bit..the flab is flagging...huix..*desperately seeing it*

Sumbody help me..
* arrgghhh...i know..i know..i should hv do diet, rite???

i will..i want to hv a good body...i really want it!

* -_-'

March 25, 2008

Tribute for the strongest girl!

~ Daku turut bersedih,
Temen gw ga meninggal kok...cuman atinya jadi mati!

karena ada cowok yang ga tau gimana cara ngehargain temen gw itu, en cowok itu masi happy2 aja loh, as if uda sewajarnya dia ninggalin temen gw.

kalo temen gw type cewek ga ada otak yg hobinya belanja, dandan, hura2, membosankan, tolol dan bau badan! gw masi bs ngerti..

temen gw perfect as perfect as His artistic creation!! dia mirip gw mukanya, jadi cantik dan menarik!..biarpun ada yg ga setuju, dan berani comment..akan gw delete commentnya!bukan akan, pasti gw delete commentnya!!

anyway, my point is.."Bok ya ngehargain orang dikit kek..dengan ga belaga everything is fine!"

Well, patah ati sih emang sakit..tapi ga bole kalah sama manusia yg ga bisa ngehargain perasaan orang laen!

ok fren?? ciayo!!!

kita selalu ada untuk loe!! ini agak basi quote nya..tapi be strong! u are worth more than anything!! i nav u!

or at least begini:

ati uda sampe bedarah-darah..








.muka lu tetep:


March 13, 2008

Daniel henney..* sarang e o *

Arrgghhh...uda beberapa hari ini gw kepikiran Daniel henney di film-nya "Seducing Mr. Perfect"
ohhhh * ekspresi muka gw uda ga jelas deh!! entah kenapa dulu ngeliat dia mah biasa aja, keren emang tapi ya udah lah ya..gara2 ntn seducing mr.perfect itu!! ngayal lagi deh!
Kayaknya gw tau deh my biggest turn on itu apa?
Lelaki tampan yang speak american english..


* Edison Chen

Cute, sexy, high sex drive, but still..

i like him!



*Daniel Henney

Look at him...
Another pose..
* Stop..stop..stop starring at me!
* lap iler..
* I can't continue writting this entry, i'm too amazed of his face..
~ Scene behind the blog
Di depan komputer, tangan di dagu sambil liatin dia en senyum2 sampe ga tahan..lalu tutup muka sendiri sambil geleng2 kepala!ihhh...cakep!
* ngiler...lagi..

March 12, 2008

Saya tak suka cara berpikir Indian!

* Nilam maapkan daku karena menulis ini!

Humm, ini masuk bulan ke 11 gw kerja di company gw sekarang..yang rata2 80% tu India..ada tukang taxi di sini bilang:

" India itu pusing keling "

" India itu suka twist tongue "

" India itu ngitung anggur ~ alias kerjanya ulang2 ga pernah beres "

" Kalo ada uler ato India, bunuh India dulu..~agak berlebihan sih ini "

Tapi ini bener loh!!! gw ngalemin itu semua..dan kagetnya every single "quote" itu kejadian..tapi kalo India yang lahir or gede di Sg ga begitu..tapi kalo yang bener2 import dari India tu ampun2 deh!

Trus yah, kalo pekerja kasar India yang di import dari sana..sama kurang ajarnya!! suka melotot-in and kadang2 suka foto tanpa ijin lu gitu di MRT..

Waktu itu ada kejadian, temen gw di grab pantatnya ma pekerja Indihe itu..( en kebetulan temen gw tu India yg grow up di sg, jadi adatnya memang bar-bar en preman gitu ) trus dia langsung teriak " molestttt!!! " and di report ke polisi! trus itu pekerja india dimasukin penjara 8 bulan, deportasi ( yg kebetulan dia emang illegal workers disini ), and di black list dr SG..tapi temen gw mesti bulak balik ke court 2 kali untuk kasi kesaksian gitu!!

~ enak ya..coba di Indo, lu di grab pantat or toket paling lu cuma bs " anjinggg ya ni orang! " and lu ga bisa ngapa2in lagi! well, paling lu kutuk2in tu orang sampe lu cape!
kan kalo sampe bisa masukin org itu ke penjara, puas juga...rasanya hak asasi manusia lu dilindungi!

Eniwe, balik lagi ke soal Indihe rese..mereka tu bangga banget dateng dr India..entah apa yg dibanggain juga ga tau..apa2 tu suka bawa nama " u know, in India...." ato " we always do this in India..." ato " India people .." ato " In India..we are brother to another " -_-'''
masalahnya, gw ga mo di India gmn kek..tapi jangan bawa adat lu ke negara orang, adjust ur attitude dude!!!

~ lega dikit!

March 10, 2008

I want to have baby..

Ice pregnant..and's a baby girl!!
I'm quite amazed of how the baby react, i wanted to feel the baby i asked Eunice to talk to baby..*in case baby dun understand english!*
then Eunice said sumting like " little baby, bla.bla.bla..bla.." in mandarin! eh, suddenly the baby start kicking.."dug..dug" ahhhh....i feel like, i dunno..all feeling mixed up and i feel like having one too...
I want to have baby...
..i want to have her/his with my partner's love..
~ Don't say anything, i know..i know i'm too fast to say sumting like this! but, i think is a blessing for every women to pregnant and having a baby!
* want it so bad!

oh's coming! the feeling is here!!!

I juz read Veron's blog, she's a ballet and jazz teacher in OKH ballet..i read the one about her NY do classes in Broadway Dance Center, then i start to think about this..:

"What would my life be if i really back into this dancing line?"

Sumhow, i know i'm too old to be professional..but i juz LOOOVVVEEEEEE dancing! i love classical ballet, eventhough none of my bodypart support my will! hah!..but i'm deeply in luv with it! ~ i miss the old days, and my biggest regret was joining a WRONG ballet school since the beginning, and spent my first 9 years there!!!! damn it!

Hix..this feeling start to bug me, whenever i stop dancing..shit! should sign up for classes again!oh, 'till last month i joined Cheng ballet..go to their website : for more information!


both the teachers are professional dancer, so it's very exciting to learn more from their experience!

Will back for classes once i know when the travelling schedule is on!

~ miss Yaling's class

March 09, 2008

Sunday morning...^_^

Hoaamm..i'm enjoying my Sunday morning...well, Sunday afternoon ( 11.57 am )
..windy cloudy day..yaps! perfect for a lazy girl like me,

i'm laying on my bed..watching cruncyroll and continue to watch it as soon as i finish writing my "pearl jambu" and 1 cereal bar for my brunch!

Agenda for today:

* fitness club around 2.30 pm for hip hop class, somerset!

* pick Arief up around 6 pm, changi airport

# Dilemma, should i go back first after gym or straight to airport from somerset!

hold on, i'll call Jojo for accompany ~~ is she in the church?? -_-' ...uhmm..sms her!

no reply....yet!

~ waiting..


huix..she's in church camp!

Then i think i'll go back home first before go to changi!


March 07, 2008

Place for me everyday..9 am - 6 pm T_T

Woaa..i'm extremely bored with what i do everyday! it juz like a routine for me..

7.15 am ~ oh well..7.30 am : Try to drag my body out of my bed

7.30 am - 7.40 am: Toilet time

7.41 am - 7.55 am: Make up ( moisturiser, sun block, compact powder, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, cheeck blush, lip balm ) ~ umm..perfect!

7.55 am: bus stop!

8.05 am: i am bus no.25!

8.05 am - 8.50 am: reach Jl.Eunos..

8.51 am: waiting...

8.52 am: keep waiting...

8.53 am: still waiting * look at my watch*...*

8.54 am: hoping for the bus to come...*gosh*

8.55 am: yay! hop in to the next connecting bus no. 58 or 87

9.02 am: reach office..small run, and "tiittt" *tap my card

9.03 am: * inside lift...~wondering~about nothing~

9.05 am: humm..wut to do today?

9.10 am:

* i look at my monitor
9.25 am:
* then i check my "wut to do " wall

nothing much to do..all done! becoz i'm fast!
9.30 am:
* ok, i need a cup of tea..turn my chair around and grab sumting from my lovely corner

09.31 am - 09.40: go to 5th floor to fill up my bottle

09.45 am - 12.55 pm: sitting in front of computer

01.00 pm - 02.00 pm: lunch time *hihihihi*

02.10 pm - 05.45 pm: hoping for 6 o'clock and having conversation with:


06.00 pm: Finally!!

Fiuhh..wut a day!

then...2moro come..repeat everything, uhmm..not literally everything, because sumtimes i even wake up earlier and reach office around 8.50 am T_T

that routine X 5,5 days = my lovely week!

my lovely week X 4 = Pay day!

Pay day! Pay day!..yea..yea..yea..* wait a minute

Pay day = money i earned

Money i earn = ( 9 hours X 5,5 ) X 4
Money i earn = 198 hours i spent

it's mean evey hour i got $xx



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