I got one awesome interview 2 days ago, It was for Japanese cosmetics MNC.
It's sound so beautiful to me and I was very excited to meet the PIC to discuss further on how I suits the job.
Basically he said " You are a strong candidate and I only recommended you to this MNC, there is no other candidate " - Hopefully that is true. Because I want this job.
Doaken saiyah yaaaa.
Kalo gw dapet kerjaan ini, akan gw adain amal ibadah di blog ini..LOL.
Apa coba....
Kata orangnya, company ini ada allowance untuk grooming..$350 tiap bulan!
Bang Arip, kalo aku dapet kerjaan ini..ongkos maintanance kecantikan daku ada yang tanggung loh.
AMIN AMIN AMIN dapet dong!
*semoga heaven baca blog gw dan Tuhan denger doa gw*
Segitunya...ya iyalah!
Product review time!
*Yang ga suka baca product review maap maap dulu yah..jadi ceritanya blog gw ke shortlisted sama salah satu beauty website yang super gede di Singapore untuk jadi product reviewer mereka, dan gw harap gw bisa jadi finalis beauty reviewer mereka supaya gw dapet banyak produk2 gratis gitu - gratisan aja demen -
Hehehehe..ya begitulah..*
Revlon New Complexion 2 way cake
Its 2 in 1 cream to powder formula,
not very strong in coverage but its good enough to even out the skin tone and it's very smooth.
Oh, this one feels really light on skin..so if you are looking the "everyday " 2 way cake, you can consider this one..but do not expect a medium-full coverage.
Con: Ugly packaging.
Revlon New Complexion 2 way cake
Its 2 in 1 cream to powder formula,
not very strong in coverage but its good enough to even out the skin tone and it's very smooth.
Oh, this one feels really light on skin..so if you are looking the "everyday " 2 way cake, you can consider this one..but do not expect a medium-full coverage.
Con: Ugly packaging.
Daiso eyelash
I don't normally complain over Daiso's stuff because it's simply $2..but this one..ermm..just don't buy it.
SANA POWERSTYLE Liquid eyebrow We normally wear liquid eyeliner, not eyebrow pencil right? and here it is..the liquid eyebrow.. I bought dark ash brown color! and the winning point of this eyebrow stick..you can swim with it.. and it will still stay on your face. |
I'm gonna do the water test on my hand..
I put it in running water for couples of minutes..
And it still there..
So, No more alien looking eyebrow on swimming session. :P
The Magnum Volum' Express Waterproof Mascara
I have a very thin and soft eyelashes, and I think this mascara helps a bit in defining my lashes.
But it does make a dramatic change on my lower lashes.
Boots Lip liner
Anybody loving this brand?
*me! -raise my hand- *
I think it's cheap and it's good,
If you notice..I used to use the Dry Shampoo from this brand as well..
Bought it back in Bangkok.
And this time, my Thai friend went back to Thailand and I requested her to get me the lip pencil and for total of this 2 lip liner, she charged me $17. I don't know how much they are selling in Thailand, from the website it s actually half of the price. Anyway, here are the 2 colors..
Which color is better?