September 30, 2013

Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencil review

Hollaaah! It's been a while since I do review on my make up stuff :)
This time I wanna share the super worth investment of Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on eye pencil I got from Sephora sometimes ago :)

This whole 6 gorgeous colours retailing below SGD 40 for the whole set, I would say it's super worth it and if you take the average price for each pencil it will be less than SGD 8 on each.
...and it's Urban Decay.

Swatches in my hand:
Mainline, Empire, Smog, Uzi, Demolition, Zero.

The store attendant told me that this pencil is good to create the smoky effect, and I somehow agree that this is good to create the sultry look and it doesn't have to be black :)

I would suggest you to use the Urban Decay primer potion before you glide on this pencil if you have oily eyelid, because it might smudge. Otherwise, this is perfect.

Stay tuned on my make up tutorial using this Urban Decay 24/7 Glide on eye pencil.

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September 23, 2013

Counting down..

I am counting the day I meet my little one..

I am not sure when exactly I will due or go in labour..but all I am looking forward apart from greeting my baby E to the world is to get back in my pre pregnancy shape. This whole 36 weeks has been a mix feeling for me, apart from the worry that come and go about baby E's health and mine - I noticed that I become overly concious about my body image. 
* keep looking at myself in the mirror - trying to find a better angle on the body - but none seems good at this point* -> ever feel the same?

I keep reminding myself that it's ok to look a little like hippo when I am expecting, but whenever I step on my weight scale - that freaking number keep reminds me on how much I have gained during this preggie time and those inches that keep adding up especially on these last 2 weeks..damn!

I promise to keep myself positive and really looking forward to meet the expert from Mary Chia in getting myself back in shape. I know I am not a model but I want to get back in shape before my maternity leave ends.

I think by now, everybody have seen the awesome transformation of Chen Li Ping in getting a good 6 kg off in just 3 weeks! Damn damn..I want to!!
I will do the same pose like her when I finally get back in shape - hahaha!
And yes, you read it right...I typed " WHEN " not " IF "
So support and stay tuned with me for my journey with Mary Chia, ok?

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September 17, 2013

Baby name Quiz!

Am inviting you to join my baby name quiz :)
..and I have already prepared the gift..hohoho!

My baby name starts 
with an 
" E "

middle name starts
with an
" A "

and the last name
will be an
" N "

Pick your guess!
*if any of you can guess the 3 names correctly*
Am gonna double up the prize - for those that I already revealed the name to, 
you are not eligible for this quiz.
Happy guessing!
*ayo ayo ditebak ditebak*

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September 15, 2013

Kabar kabari sebelon brojolan..

Buntingan 9 bulan:

Dah lama ya ga update blog pake bahasa sesuka ati soal diri eke en the baby..dan mungkin ini update-an sebelon brojolan bok. Minggu ini uda jalan week ke 36..kaki dah bengkak sempurna..muka uda kayak baru bangun tidur saban hari, baby dah engage sempurna en uda lightening gitu feelingnya. Dan banyak orang yang bilang " el lu ga kayak orang bunting 9 bulan deh! " dan dong boss gw bilang kemaren " El, you don't look like someone in 9 months pregant " Bagus lah ya harusnya?

Tapi kalo dipikir pikir emang sih, mood gw ga ancur aduk..bawaan gw kalo mo di rata rata selama kehamilan ini so far gw hepi lalala, ganjen tiada henti dan cuman ada bbrp hari berasa depresi pol sampe ngadu ke Esther soal gestational diabetic gw. Tapi selebihnya, selaen cepet cape..hari hari gw so far ga ampe gimana gimana banget ^^

Gestational diabetic:

Oh talking about gestational diabetic - diabetes yang muncul pas bunting: kalo misalnya ada temen temen yang kena beginian en ketemu dokter tua yang aneh seperti yang gw ketemu pertama kali..sampe nyuruh gw suntik insulin segala, dan bikin gw sampe shock en depresi ga penting - inget yah! Dokter tua yang berpengalaman itu ga selalu bener loh metodenya..dan ALWAYS cari second opinion kalo di ati berasa ga tenang. 

Karena gundah gulana ga jelas gara2 si dokter kakek itu, gw akhirnya ke Mt. Elizabeth untuk ketemu Dr. Daniel Wai yang ahli hormone and diabetic ini..dan sumpe ternyata as simple as avoid nasi dan jalan 30 menit kalo abis makan malem - and it solved my blood sugar level. Gw ngebayangin kalo gw nurut sama dokter yang tua untuk suntik insulin..bah! males banget nyocokin jadwal suntik en jadwal kegiatan gw sehari hari.

Rumah Sakit

Kami dah booking di Mt. Alvernia - tempat yang Lena dulu ngelahirin..karena deket dari rumah dan dari testimoni temen temen yang lahiran di sana, susternya baek..dan pelayanannya ok. So far kita booking Single deluxe room - tapi kata yang ngurus, kalo pas tiba2 brojolan dan kamar itu penuh..nanti dipindahin ke kamar laen..ya wuis mbak, gpp..asal jangan dipindain ke kamar 6 orang en eke kena bayar harga single deluxe aja. 

Yang milih kamar ini bukan gw loh, tapi si abang Arip - karena dia bakal ikutan nginep di RS sama gw..jadinya kita harus ambil kamar single, dan si abang ini berasa staycation kali..dia bilang " ambil yang single deluxe aja lah - beda $xx ajah " yuk yak yuk lah bang..mari kita staycation di Mt. Alvernia.

False Alarm

3 hari lalu dong, kebetulan pagi2 ujan ma bang Arip 2-2 nya muales banget bangun pagi..akhirnya - ambil cuti 1/2 hari. Dan untung banget itu pagi ujan gede en kita males..hahaha! * typical indo yah - hawa males pun bisa dibilang " untungnya "* - Gw bangun tidur, kok cangcut gw basah yo? ga ada tanda tanda vaginal discharge gitu..tapi beneran basah abis. Gw dong, manusia parnoan ini langsung tilpun ke gynae gw..dan cerita soal si cangcut basah. 

Itu jam 11 am, dan si auntie2 yang tugas di dokternya sih sumpeeee super baik en mommy banget..dia bilang " dear, can u come at 11.40 am? let us check if it's a water bag leaking or just increased vaginal discharge " langsung gw ok-in, mandi, cuci rambut (sapa tau gw brojolan hari itu), trus suruh abang setirin ke dokter. 

Selama 10 menit di jalan itu, gw panik..karena belon ada yang siap! ahhahaha..

1. Gw belon hand over kerjaan kantor gw
2. Baju baby yang di SG belon gw cuci
3. Kamar baby belon gw sterilised
4. Koper ke RS masi kosong
5. Kaco!

Langsung gw bilang ke arip, eh kalo sampe hari ini juga gw mesti di admit ke RS, tolong ke kantor gw..ambil laptop gw bawain ke RS yah. Itu doang pesen gw..karena yang laen gw mikirnya gw masi ada 3 hari di RS buat nerbangin nyokap gw dateng ke SG. Hahhaha..- kadang gw mikir gw siap jadi nyokap pa kaga ya? -

Baby preparation

Karena si false alarm itu, akhirnya kemaren gw ma arip cuci cuci baju baby, kuarin sterilizer, bersihin kamar baby, lap lap-in semuanya, beresin lemari nya, siapin koper ke rumah sakit - yang tentunya ga ketinggalan..eyeliner sama lip blam ^^.

My preparation

Ga ada! hahaha!
gw bingung apa yang mesti gw siapin selaen siapin diri sama eye cream buat mata panda gw :)
Gw beneran seram sama the new mommyhood yang bentar lagi nyampe, dan gw bakalan keki banget kalo ada family yang overly ikut campur dan maksa maksa gw buat ikutin adat chinese. 

Gw ma Arip sepakat ga percaya sama yang namanya confinement ala cina cina jaman dulu..karena menurut kita itu ga terbukti dan cuman chinese aja yang begitu..kalo itu khasiatnya bersifat universal, kenapa bule, melayu en india ga ngelakuin juga? Kalo ada yang memegang teguh confinement - ga usah ngajak argue sayah ya, kalo ga ngebantu bikinin makanannya dan repotnya - ga usah repot repot ngasi petuah juga. :)

Gw bakal tetep keramas, nyalain AC, dan mandi selama 30 hari pertama..aje gila pas gw denger temen gw yang super pro confinement cerita, dia bilang ga keramas 30 hari, makanannya jahe melulu, ga pake AC dan di Singapore pula..ewww..apa nasib hygienic nya coba? Dan gw udah tanya beberapa dokter soal confinement dan most of them bilang ga terbukti dan kalo dipaksa confinement yah lakuin aja for the sake of ga ribut sama mertua ato nyokap katanya ^^

Sekian update ku!
Semoga the next one..udah kisah brojolan :)

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September 12, 2013

My Ombre hot pink nails by Luxewomen

Yes, I am talking about pampering my nails before the baby is born!
I know that you might said that nail polish is bad and I am not supposed to apply it and so on and so forth, but so just you know - out of the total pregnancy duration, this is the only meni pedi service that I did - so let's not judge me.

Last weekend, my babe - Mag from pampered me by bringing me to 

The Award Winning Nail Trending Salon - 
Luxe Women
at Sembawang MRT, 11 Canberra Rd #01-02 

This outlet is the premium spa that comes with massage chair, pedicure spa and tablet for you while the expert do what their best at on your nails.

It's been a while since I am so enjoying my girly weekend, and seriously I almost forget on how good it was. So far, pregnancy has been overwhelming and sucking my energy - so a little pampering witha good company like Mag did cheer up my few last week before I join mommyhood. Thank u babe.

Oh btw, if you have not heard about Luxewomen..
I need to just say this once: they are awesome.

This is Jaclyn, the lady with a master skill of nail art.
When she asked me what kind of colour I like, i just said hot pink and i like it further question..she immediately know what to do and I am loving it!

A soft pink ombre to hot pink with a glittery sparkle on my nails and a sweet diamond dot-ribbon on it, 
I am a one happy momma to be. I super happy and keep staring at my nails, you know.

This is puurfect and exactly like how I wanted it to be.
Pink and girlie.

As for my toes, I want something simple but nice..and I wanted a darker colour.
Jaclyn - again works on her magic hand in my tiny toes creating a oceanic theme with a sea star on it!
OMG! How on earth her creativity comes from?
Jaclyn is simply amazing!

Look at the details! she even top it up with sands feeling on it.
Mad love this!

Thank you Jaclyn and Mag for the awesome girlie chat and pampering session.
Can't wait to go back and have a good time with you both.

Luxewomen is currently having promotion!
 1 for 1 Free classic Mani Pedi for only $66 at this premium outlet in Sembawang.
 Call: 6755 558. 

and do add them in Luxewomen facebook to get a free nail art!
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September 10, 2013

Welcome to the world of EVER YOUNG!


Ah yes..
Call me a lady with a statement necklace and everything along that line!
Most blogger friends notice my necklace more than they notice my clothing, my mom said I have too much Big necklace in my drawer and people keep buying me necklace as a gift because that is how they remembered my style as. 

Little collection of mine.
I agree! I am a very much into statement necklace and nothing less than that :)
..and having said that statement necklace is so my thing..I am also a statement necklace hunter, every single time I went overseas, I HAVE to get my necklace..and I am definitely hunting for a good blogshop that sells amazing collection of accessories when I am in town, because it is just simply easy, hassle free and in few clicks away..I will get my lovely piece in my mail.

This time, I want to introduce a new accessories blogshop in town..

This user friendly website caught my attention with their simple yet elegant website interface, I personally don't like the confusing website that makes me have to write in to the seller for the incomplete information.

It's simple and segregated it necklace, bracelets or ear rings is your preference, in a click away you can comfortably browsing for the lovely collection that Ever Young has to offer.

This product gallery complete with the zoom in feature makes my shopping easier and I get what I ordered exactly as shown in the e-catalogue. A thing that I am very fussy about online shopping is to get exactly what I am buying, I don't mind paying more for a good quality is my shopping motto.
And this Ever Young website check all the boxes.

I chose a combination of black with a dash of gold accent to join my necklace collection, and I am more than pleased to get my necklace EXACTLY like how it looks on the website.. and talking about delivery - I got my package less than a week since the confirmation from Ever Young. Talking about fast and reliable service, huh?

Another thing that I like about Ever Young is the collection that unique and compliments my simple maxi dress or even a simple grey t-shirt with a skinny jeans. With a statement piece of accessories from Ever Young, I bet you can always look stylish with affordable price come as a package. Even for someone that is 8.5 months pregnant like me -  where I have not much option on the clothing to look chic, a good statement necklace safe the day.

So yeah, do enjoy your shopping with 
The newly launched accessories blogshop that I recommended,
and do check EVER YOUNG Facebook page for more updates.

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September 04, 2013

SK-II Lovers!! Please welcome..Singapore first ever Pitera house at Tangs Orchard.

Together with homegrown MediaCorp artistes, Rebecca Lim and Qi Yu Wu..
photo courtesy:
SK II embark on  the journey for a unique and exclusive  experience, beginning with a chance observation at a sake brewery to the birth of SK-II MEN at SK II Singapore First - ever Pitera House.

photo courtesy:
 It was a jammed pack event on that night and oh boy, I am so delighted to be surrounded by SK II products around me. As an SK II user, I am nothing less than super happy to witness the journey for over 35 years, SK-II's signature Pitera discovery continues to remain at the heart of the prestige skincare brand. 

At the launch event, we got to see the craftsmanship of Pitera, how every drop of it is produced of the same optimal quality. Enough said, it is the SK II quality.

photo courtesy:
The other highlight of the event will be the launch of SK-II MEN's latest discovery, which contain facial regime as simple as 3 steps of the SK-II MEN regimen - Moisturizing Cleanser, Facial Treatment Essence & Moisturizer. 
... a regime that my very own Mr. is currently using.

So we are the SK II couple now! 
I'll show off his better skin soon.

photo courtesy:
do drop by SK II Pitera house at Tangs to start the journey for the crystal clear face in just 14 days..
- I do sounds like an ads huh? -

But I know, you know that I thank SK II for my skin.

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