As always,
boredom can actually means inspiration for me.
I was lying on my bed with The vampire diaries on my screen,
and my heart to Damon salvatore *ehem*, and suddenly I notice Damon's eyebrow that is so thick and dark..and I was curious on how I look like with a super thick and dark brow, so I start drawing it thick and modify the look with the Zig zag effect.
And for this look, I keep it dark and mysterious.
I dunno about the mysterious part though..I'm just trying to look like one.
After I use the foundation all over my face,
I start with drawing my eyebrow to the shape in the picture.
And start putting dark olive color eyeshadow on my eyelid up to the crease and keep it there.
Next, I applied black eyeshadow at the corner of my eyes and start blending it in.
Then I put the top and below fake eyelash
(You might want to find the dramatic lashes for this look)
And keep it super simple lips with nude color.
* I didn't do any photoshop on the facial features*
And as always,
I will put my silly face before the make up to show a little bit of power of make up.
gambar ke 1-2-3 dari bawah CANTIKKK kek boneka lowwwww.. ah! pitshu suka make up ini banyak warna item naaaaaaa~ kapan yah ada waktu g di make over gratis gitu ^^
ReplyDeletekapan pit? gw hayuk aja...kapan kapan?
ReplyDeleteLove it! Dramatic and mysterious <3 You get so productive when you're bored :)
ReplyDeleteya ampun lu jadi eksperimen trus ya El, keren2 neh hasilnya, cuman gw lebi suka yg sebelum ini, kalo yg ini keliatan serem hahha
ReplyDeletewoooooww amazing make-up ^^
ReplyDeletebener2 unik yah El...kok kepikiran aja sih pake alis zig zag, tapi keren lowhhhhhh
ReplyDeleteel kayanya u uda boleh bikin show gitu deh, trus gw orang disini boleh lah dijadiin model dadakan *ngarep didandan*
dikau memang cocok jadi MUA! :)
ReplyDeletewowwww speechless .... keren
ReplyDeletebener2 lu pny talent El !
keren bgt , cocok de lu ambil specialist make up class .
cia jou El ! teruslah berkarya n belajar
That is some pretty creepy make up, El!!! hehehe cocok buat halloween :p
ReplyDeletelove it!!! so dramatic!!!
kereeeen.... lu bisa jd salah satu vampire nya twilight saga deh kalo make up gini. hahahahhaa....
ReplyDeletesoo unique! thanks for following me, i'm now following you too :))
ooohhh,...dari jauh gue kirain ditempel pake sticker item gitu El, ternyata digambar yach.....
ReplyDeletekeren juga,...*gak kepikiran dah sampe ngebentuk zig zag gitu*