November 07, 2011

Wild Ferns Manuka Honey facial wash

On my last trip to new Zealand, I bought quite a lot of Wild Ferns products.
I bought it for my mum, cousin, and myself.

At first, I kinda doubt this brand cause it's kinda cheap compare to body shop or any other local brand.
So I did a research on the brand ^^

And here's what I found.
So basically they are been around for 20 years and this is what they say about their ingredients:

 Wild Ferns skincare collections feature a key ingredient that is not only unique to New Zealand, but also has beneficial properties to ensure you are looking after the health and enhancement of your skin regardless of which range you choose.
And I fell in love with the smell of Manuka Honey, which super awesome when I found that:
Manuka Honey is renowned world wide for the natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties.  We choose to use Active AAH (Antibacterial Antioxidant Honey) 650+ as it also contains high levels of antioxidants, which have been proven to help slow down the ageing process of your skin.  


I'm gonna share a little review of the facial wash
(and soon, the facial scrub, body lotion, night rich cream and lip balm)
~I know I'm so crazy over this brand now ~

Too bad, they don't sell it here in Singapore.

This is the packaging,
Warning: the moment you open the cap,
you just wanna drink the whole bottle of it cause it smells soooo freaking yummy.

 And when you pump it out, It comes the most yummy smell facial foam ever!
Love it.


And for me, I love the non-soapy kind of facial cleanser.
Cause I have this things about 
" facial foam get into my eyes " kind of situation before.
And that caused bloody irritation on my eyes.

And this product, so awesome on that department.
My pic below is with the facial wash foam on.
You don't see it right? Me neither.

So I tried to put water and rubbed my face to see is there any bubble comes out or not.
Yes, they have the foamy kind of texture out and I immediately took my camera and snapped it
This is what I got, the foam have been absorbed to my skin or's gone.
Ou yeah!

I have a sweet honey smell on my face, and it's make my skin fresh and tight.

One more thing,
if you have a damn oily facial situation..this product might be a little solution for you.
It helps on my T zone area a lot.


Oh btw, this is not a paid review..
I'm just sharing it just in case you wanna lick yourself tonight, 
remember the smell is so addictive. *wink*

If you are interested, you can check where they sell it internationally here.


  1. el, gw malah terpesona liat muka u tanpa makeup, mulus banget....:D

  2. dear, you can follow me simply by clicking the word 'Follow' above my blog banner on the top bar :)

  3. your blog is so nice!

  4. jd penasaran pengen coba.... thanks for the review, El!

  5. cute!
    you have nice glowing skin.
    i am sticking with shiseido ft perfect whip for over a year now. this honey foaming wash sounds delicious!

  6. so cool thanks for the review n.n and thanks for your comment n.n

  7. Dan gue sampe saat ini masih cuci muka pake AIR! hahahaha..

  8. madu gak bikin tambah oily ya El? soalnya muka gue oily..kulit elo kinclong sekali sih :)

  9. Sounds like a really great product!
    Take a look at my blog, and if you like it follow me, I’ll be waiting for you!

    Don’t forget to enter the ZELEB giveaway on my blog!!
    Cosa mi metto???

  10. In Italy there is this product :(

    I follow u, follow me :)

    There is Giveaway on my blog I wait u!
    And a new post!

    My Free Choice

  11. Hi Erika,

    I visited your blog but the words on your blog is "COMING BACK SOON "
    and the giveaway link show" Page not found 404 "

    I cannot see any content or about this?

    I really really wanna see your blog!! Muah muah :)

  12. Hi el, baru tau loh klo manuka ini ada sabun cuci mukanya. cuman klo di kurs IDR pasti mahal banget ya secara madunya aja mahal. trus gimana nih el efeknya setelah cuci muka bbrp kali pake manuka facial wash ini, kulit muka jadi lebih kinclong? tapiii kulit muka mu emang udah kinclong sih yaaaaa *iri mode on*

  13. I'd love to try this
    every cosmetic with honey actually

    Have a nice week
    The Dolls Factory

  14. @ mieke: aku pake ini kalo misalnya kulit muka aku lagi berminyak banget..kalo engga, aku ga pake. And so far..aku suka sih hasilnya ^^

    @ dollsfactory: i always smells good ay?

  15. mukanya muluus bangett.
    aku gak bisa pke sabun yg kurang lembab, jadi lewatt deeh.

  16. hahaha ~ not sure if I want to lick myself, but this looks good!! i may try one day , maybe when i finish my current facewash :)


Wut do you think?


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