December 31, 2008

3 years..+ food

3 taon yang jatohnya pas kemaren, kita rayain di Tony romas suntec
ga ada yang special kok cuman ada percakapan begini antara me and arief
A: *sambil jalan ke suntec " berapa lama lagi yah kita bareng2 ngerayain anniversary gini?"
Me: " selamanya dunk"
A: "oh jadi ga usah merit-merit yah?"
Me: " -_-" kalo ngerayain anniversary selamanya ya berarti bareng2 dunk!
A: " kalo uda merit kan wedding anniversary!!"
me: " bah, kl ngomong yang jelas dunk..btw, berapa lama lagi nih begini?"
A: *sambil mikir* " u'll find out ..."
Me: " apa? i'll find out when the time is come -lagi?"
A: *sambil ngakak* "iyah..."
me: " -__-''
ga penting!

trus ini foto makanan yang me pesen
place: Tony romas Suntec
food: ribs combo with fried shrimp
price: S$ 30.99
taste: 9.6/10
Abis itu arip ga kenyang lagi..masi mau dessert, biasanya perut gw sih muat..tapi kok ya kemaren rasanya sesek!hihihi..
duh, mulai rakus lagi nih..

December 30, 2008


My starbucks gateaway
"warm chocolate lava cake"
store: paragon starbucks
price: S$ 6.50
taste: 9.5/10
This is really good and there's a lava chocolate inside,
so the moment u cut it
u can feel the warm chocolate smell and texture at ur fork then ur mouth.
luv starbucks

another rubbish for u

Wut the hell is that?!!!???!!!

that biggie!!


it's my calf..happy now?

huh? huh?

i hate the way people commented on my calf..i know it's big..

but it's not a flabby's muscular..

and u have to give credit to my muscular calf not the "wut the hell" comment


Enough about my calf, i just wanna share my sunday afternoon with u guys..

Remember i always complain about my life in SG and how busy my day without even 2 weeks in a year to wake up late and juz be a lazy me?

and u must be wondering why on earth i am blogging my Sunday afternoon here, there are 2 reasons:

1. Because i want to blog it

2. Because after almost 2 years been working like a bee..i finally feel i have a lot of time to spend!

and i almost forget how good it feel to just spent ur afternoon by walking, eating, and do wutever u want..and of course with sum1 u like the most!

Notes and tribute for mon2

I got this note from my manager on the day he went back to India for long holiday...
3 weeks holiday and leaving me alone in our lovely smelly shoes department

Due to his absence, i travelled alone to Surabaya and visit my supplier

So i promised Raymond to take pictures of the food there

*a bit info of Raymond, he was born in Indo but i dunno which part but he spent most of his time in Surabaya and now he and his family is in New zealand

This one called "rawon"
taste: sweet and full of spice
score: 5/10 for this resto
it's a mixture of rica and black color soup with beef or other dishes on the top

This is a plate of cholesterol
u can find fried brain, fried lung, fried lymph, fried tempe
None of this my favourite
then we move to other resto
This one is great!
young coconut on ice!
or local call it " degan "
this 1 for u mon!
then try their " shrimp ball "
my must have menu on every trip

~Bon appetite~

India dealers meeting

India dealers meeting 08-09
I shud blog this after my HK open trip, b'coz it was held exactly after the HK open..but nothing to good to remember about this here i blog it 4 weeks later than the actual date
Actually, nothing much to prepare here as i'm only help out during dinner and dance
I know nothing to brag about in this pic, but i'm happy seeing my name on the table
See this?
Helping out in the recept table with Marie
(The people behind the event)

the super girl
after spending 10 freaking days in HK she still the fittest among us!

kat with her "act" busy mode

And me
And i told you guys, nothing interesting in this do not complain to me about this rubbish entry..
~ blah ~
Well, actually there's sumting interesting about this event..they all dance and drunk instead of dinner and dance..
* but i can't post the pics here as there were our staff participate in that chaos

3 years..+ antrian..

Hari ini tepat 3 taon gw ma arip bareng2..dari yang dulunya long distance, sampe akhirnya cuma sebrangan rumah kita..blah, cepet banget yah..en 2 taon yg gw lewatin di SG bener2 lebih cepet daripada 1 thn waktu LD..*jelas lah ya?

HUmm..semalem arip tanya " masi tetep sayang sama aku walo uda 3 thn lewat? "

ya gw jawab " iya dunk "

abis itu gw mikir..tumben2nya loh gw ga ilfill ma sum1 sampe segini lama..kadang gw suka ilfill sama para jantan di idup gw bbrp taon engga sama si arip. Biasanya si aldwin suka komen " el , lu tuh cuman pengen naklukin abis itu udah.." well, ga mo ngaku sih..tapi itu ada benernya juga.. =( tapi untungnya skrg uda ga begitu lagi..hihihihi...*uda berubah..tambah tua..tambah dewasa..~amin dah!

Ntar malem rencananya mo dinner di Rumah makan iga bakar mas Tony..semoga ga ngantri, heran ya di SG mo ngapain aja harus ngantri..mulai dari:

-bayar telpon
-beli sayur
-ngantri makan
-naek mrt
-naek bus
-beli toto

semuanya antri..

December 29, 2008


It's been a boring day here in the office..

raining outside..



and i finish with my work..
so i browse around and found this..


Another one
and my favourite
~ Boring ~

December 26, 2008

Lovely pic

Madam Davinder's son Wedding
i didn't attend the wedding but i just luv seeing Indian Lady dress up for event ike this, all bright color and very eye catching!
and it mostly pink and red..
X'mas at orchard

it always crowded with a lot of decoration

nothing special

it just like another x'mas at orchard with bunch of auntie
did folk dance in the middle of the street

View in front Tangs Plaza

Orchard light

Theme of the year: candyland

Old folk dancer..
U will amaze seeing this hundred people of auntie and uncle dance with the same rhythm..
i wonder how long they have been practise before the "X" day


December 24, 2008

Merry X'mas everybody!!!

may this x'mas can bring joy for u and ur loved one..

i'm so happy today!


December 23, 2008

go ahead..

Lagi browsing-browsing facebook, tiba2 stop di satu profile temen sma gw yang pernah deket and for one reason yang gw ignet decide she's not going to be my friend, ever!!

alesannya simpel karena dia orang yg ngomonginya God..God..God..without doing sumting Good and kerjanya cuma condem people dengan cara yang ga nyenengin..bah, kok emosi lagi ya kl inget?..

trus jadi inget, there's one moment waktu gw masih suka tapi belom jadian sama ex gw..dia bilang gini " el, Tuhan ngomong ke gw..kalo dia(ex gw) bakal jadi suami gw sumday" dulu sih, waktu gw denger begitu..ati gw rasanya ancur dan sedih..hihi..jiji ah bahasanya! tapi sekarang bakal bilang ke dia " go ahead...please take him .. " en bilang.."enjoy ur life journey"

ah, ya suda..cuma mo nge record aja pikiran jahat gw hr ini..



2 days countdown to x'mas..but i still dunno wut i want for x'mas..

Arief asked me.." wut do want for x'mas?"

my owner asked me last nite " do u want any present for x'mas?"

i do have sumting in mind..but i dun think anybody could give it to yeah, forget about it!


December 22, 2008

hate china mainland people

I'm officially hate china mainland people!!


for they
  • senseless
  • rudeness
  • stupidity

- hating them and even hate the way they talk!

December 20, 2008


Arief asked me to watch movie yesterday..and his choice was IP man..a chinese action full of fight kind of movie..

* Well, i'm not interested in it at all..*

There's few reasons here:

1. Chinese movie

2. Action

3. Semi biography

4. Bruce lee's teacher

Wut a turn off! -_-'' .


the movie was extremely great and it's really the sense of the martial art fight and the choreography..there's no camera effect shown dramatically..or they did it perfectly so it look was great..and just great..

Donnie Yen as Ip Man
Hiroyuki Ikeuchi as Miura

the leading actor " donnie Yen " as IP MAN

and please welcome my love for 90 min,

Hiroyuki ikeuchi as General Miura

..this eurasian look with Japanese speaking make a perfect combination..


luv it!

December 11, 2008

PB reunion..

gara-gara baca blog nya mut jadi terinspirasi untuk nulis nih..thanks mut ^_^

I just wanna record this moment that pull me back in years behind..

* sekarang lg di meja kantor gw ..sendiri and completely only me and my thought..denger lagu yg judulnya tau..kyk lagu cold play gitu*

it started with a simple talk sama mut about this reunion and jadilah tgl 24 January besok kita kumpul2 buat reunian ..setelah berapa taon ya, ga inget..

and it just so fast when we looked behind and all the memory start to race back..dimana berantem, happy bareng-bareng and even liking the same guy or other guy yang pernah disukain ma close friend sendiri..oh man, lucu juga kl mikir we all selfish banget en mikirnya " yg penting gw dapet or gw seneng" without mikirin perasaan yg laen..

and it's mean for me untuk ketemu sama those people yang pernah deket sama gw emotionally..ryan, mention the name..ada juga sih yang sepihak dr gw tanpa gw tau or denger2 dr orang tanpa gw tau juga..jd ga mau mention namanya disini..and i'm so happy that in less than 2 month i'll be in this reunion..with each and every of them..

and for the girls, i miss mut2 the's been like ages gw ga ketmu dia cuma chatting aja en web cam-an sekali..rai, karlin, huiskam, henny sih uda ketemu.., trus kepo, kiki, rachel and kok yg gw inget cm segini ya..haha..i'm so excited yet nervous counting down to the day!

and how i miss dijemput audi or tepen or carl or hen2..and gonna bug them to send me home again this time..and this "PB feeling" really planted in skrg kl gw mikirin PB gw bs rasain feelingnya itu..ah enough saying! i luv Pberz..

December 03, 2008

HK trip

Like i told ya before..this last 2 month gonna be my busiest month's really continuosly travelling start from JB-HK-India dealers meeting-Indo and back to SG on 8th December for my ritual life in this little tiny Singapore..

Last sunday i just came back from HK with SQ flight, it was pretty good in HK unlike last year..people i worked with are very friendly and easy to cooperate with..and kat was also there too and i'm sharing room with her!

So, basically my job in this HK open things is to be a cashier for this regular tournament like before..only that, this cashier are flying miles away to stand behind the cashier maschine! pretty impresive ay? must be!

anyway, take a look of this year HK business and leasure trip..

I'll go backward this time..

On the wat to airport with kat2 and India dealers behind..

And oh, this is one amazing things about HK and i'm thanking God for my house in Indo, eventho it's not a luxurious definitely way more comfortable than HK or even SG house..

Sharing room with Kat
room number 1803

Our last late shopping at Sasa.
My simple shopping, yet memorable..b'coz i got it all in almost 1/2 price from SG

"Cosmopolitan Hotel and me"

Wut the heck?? wut kind of expression is this? Oh my God..
u might wonder wut inside my mouth huh?
it's sweet and chewy and worth to try again and again..
btw, wut i had inside my mouth is
the glutenous ball with black sesame paste inside..


All the part timer and our staff
Layout of HK open
let's back to party..
We went to?

The most happening bar and clubbing place in HK!
a really BUT
We are under dress..shit..shit..shit..
They all like very high fashion and we are like SG, Indo and Phillipines maid that come for party..
a BIG shit for us
and another But..

Starting our Journey at Lan Kwai Fong with Pose'

And i'm so confused to choose which bar we are going to get wasted at..

And wow, suddenly there's one place that ring a bell

So we start the party..

And again..

And drinks..
and keep drinking..

And again..

Keep drinking and posing..

Aiza and Janine

jamuna and me

Crazy kat and me..

And everyhting just so great, when u ahve a great companion of group to be with, a good drink and happening place ALL IN 1!

And the next day, i look fresh and happy
just like
the ussual me.

One more time


This rice wrapped withsumkind of leaf and it taste heavenly delicious man!

And Cheng Ka Yu, my special part timer this year..and it's been a great pleasure to finally met him again after a year!

My special roomate with special breakfast

My Special bug bed
Oh FYI, i got bitten by bed BUG here!

Lastly, My special bathroom


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