May 24, 2014

Flat tummy after baby?

Yes you can have it back!

I got my flat tummy back with the help of Mary Chia team :)
Weehee! Lucky me, and bless them for blessing me with this journey!

So, If you follow my weekly update through my blog or are surely know that now I am already lighter than my pre pregnancy weight. - BIG grin -

One of the key factor that got me my flat tummy back is the Anti Cellulite LPG treatment.
This is the machine below:

I am on this anti cellulite treatment 3x a week, and let me tell you that the result is superb!
It breaks the fat cell and contour the body in the same time.2 jobs in a go.

Can you see that my tummy is pretty much flat now from the photo below?
Not because I am laying down, if you have lotsa fat on your matter what you do, the fat will still bulging out anyway. When I snapped this pic and take a look at it, I was actually really surprised to see the improvement I had during the treatment.

I mean, I never doubt Mary Chia's treatment..but I never know that it will be THIS good.

So, if you want to experience my journey in getting a flat know you need to call
Mary Chia Goldhill Centre for appointment!

6250 7949

183/185 Goldhill Centre
Thomson Road


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May 21, 2014

[Review] KUU Konjac Sponge

Olla nona nona..inget ga daku pernah share soal Baby Ethan dikirimin KUU Konjac sponge buat mandi? Kali ini giliran mak nya yang kebaniran sepon buat mandi :)

The kind people di KUU Konjac Sponge Indonesia kirimin aku 4 tipe macem sponge yang menurut aku unik banget teksturnya. Yang kalo kata Mommy Hanna Anindhita, mirip krecek! haha!
Tapi iyah juga sih kalo dirasa rasa *halah*

Anyway, sepon ini sekarang jadi ikutan ritual mandi eke deh!
Secara, sepon ini ramah bener untuk kulit gw yang sensitif dan juga ngebantu banget untuk ngebersiin badan terutama dibagian yang sulit bener digosok pake tangan, kayak siku, lutut sama belakang kuping. :)

KUU Konjac ini ada 4 macem loh untuk 4 jenis kulit yang berbeda.


 1. KUU Konjac kuning untuk semua jenis kulit

2. KUU Konjac Merah
dengan campuran Red Clay untuk kulit yang kering, sensitive dan kulit yang lebih dewasa.

3. KUU Konjac Hijau
dengan campuran green clay, untuk kulit normal kombinasi.

4. KUU Konjac Charcoal
dengan campuran Bamboo Charcoal untuk kulit yang bermasalah dan cenderung berjerawat.

Kali ini daku coba KUU Konjac yang kuning, untuk semua jenis kulit.

Dan dong, gw abru tau juga kalo ada sepon yang naturally dan environmentally friendly, 
yok kita GO GREEN!! 

Pas dibuka dari packagingnya, seponnya berbentuk bulat putih, kenyel kenyel kayak kue apem, tapi lebih transparan. Teksturnya sih unik. Bukan kayak sepon busa yang bisa kita liat di supermarket gitu.

Biasa eke pakenya, sabun di tetesin sedikit di sepon ini trus mayan cukup buat sebadan euy.
Mayan ngirit yah! haha..

Kalo misalnya, kita tinggal sekitar 24 jam gitu ga pake kena aer, dia bakal mengeras teksturnya, dan caranya supaya balikin ke tekstur lembutnya lagi itu, kayak step step di bawah ini..yaitu tarok aja seponnya dibawah aer anget yang ngalir..dan tunggu beberapa detik..abis itu, balik dah tu sepon yang lembut.

Menurut pendapat eke, kalo pada suka mandi pake sepon dan ngerasain bedanya mandi pake KUU Konjac sama mandi cuma pake sabun dan tangan doang, boleh loh produk ini dicoba. Jelas beda lah ya hasil bersihnya sama mandi pake tangan, tapi yah ga tau kalo tangan situ berpori pori macam sepon ini yah! ^^

Eke ga jualan yah, tapi kalo pada pengen beli..KUU Konjac lagi ada promo di groupon

Sama jangan lupa " like " facebook mereka yah
KUU Konjac Sponge Indonesia facebook

Silahkan dicoba!
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May 17, 2014

My weight loss journey with Mary Chia..

Oh yes! I am a happier Momma.
Not only that I am already back to pre pregnancy weight..BUT I am already lighter than my pre pregnancy weight!

WOHOOOOOO!! Thank you to Mary Chia!
I super duper love their weight loss program.

Go and try their Intensive weight vaporizer treatment.
The vibration bed and air-pressure slimmer effectively promote lymphatic drainage while sauna and full-body wrap seal in the slimming benefits for a svelte figure.
I couldn't believe myself when my fat thigh could look slimmer and better.
They are really a trained and experienced consultant and therapist, it's like they know what are they doing and how they make you achieved the desire body image.

There were a time when my weight hit plateau, it just stuck in certain number and it won't go down from few days. So I consulted Irene - the experienced branch manager in Mary Chia Goldhill Centre (My favourite outlet), I spoke to her..about my problem and seeking her opinion on what should I do to go further on the treatment. Irene is a very kind lady and I LOVE they way she explained stuff to me, she was mentioning that my body metabolism has changed since I gave birth to baby Ethan. The hormone changed the whole metabolism - that is why I hit the plateau stage. And not only addressing the problem, she then gave me advice on how should I change my diet and guess what?

IT WORKS! on the next weight scale started going down and in a maintainable numbers.

Oh, talking about thigh..I finally have a thigh gap! Heehee..
This photo I took when I am on Intensive weight vaporizer treatment. 
Finally, a nicer, slender thigh of mine.

Call Mary Chia Goldhill Centre for appointment!
6250 7949
183/185 Goldhill Centre
Thomson Road

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May 14, 2014

I am BIOLEE ambassador

I am so excited and so super grateful for the opportunity to be Biolee Ambassador!
I mean, this thing definitely not happened for someone that hit the big 30 in age departments..and I was so grateful when they offer me the contract and hope that I will be on board with them :)

This is definitely the *achievement unlock* moment in my blogging journey, and I am ready for all the good thing that happens next. GAME UP!

Take a look at this :)
Make up by me, Hairdo by Vivian, Photo by Nino Yap.
I look quite gorgeous, yeah? heehee..happy happy.

..and btw, my dear friend Smith from Smithankyou said I look kinda mature in this pic..the nicer word instead of " old " lah hor? But yeah, I agree..and that is because..this products - although it's targeted for Acne care is not for kiddos! But it's more to the acne that shows up on your 20's and 30's - blame the hormone? And oh, talking about hormone..I don't normally have acne, but after I got skin texture..i would rather say..prone to acne compare to before! Damn. It.

So when this BIOLEE team approach me and asked if I want to try the range..I was not sure, I mean..I have no severe acne problem.. then why should I use acne series, right? - not entirely! Unlike any other Acne series skin care, BIOLEE is not ruining my dry to extra dry skin become super extra dry and flaky skin..weird eh? I will reveal more on that when I come to the product review..but it's definitely because the goodness of Pine Pollen.

Stay tuned for more updates on my Biolee journey people!
and oh, support me by liking the BIOLEE facebook page please :)
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May 12, 2014

Chacott flagship is open in Mandarin Gallery!

Singapore’s retail scene is set to excite as we welcome the opening of the first SouthEast Asian flagship store for Chacott and Freed of London in the well-placed Mandarin Gallery located within the bustling shopping hub of Singapore, Orchard Road.

 Chacott and Freed of London are two of the most esteemed labels in the ballet world. Both labels have a rich history of producing some of the best handcrafted pointe shoes adorned by the top ballet dancers around the globe, making the two labels the go-to brands for professional ballet needs.

Signifying its enormous global reputation, the brands are represented by strong Dance Ambassadors and major ballet troupes that support the art in Japan, Switzerland and Unites States of America, including the prestigious Singapore Dance Theatre. Chacott Freed of London can be said to represent a quality lifestyle and inspiration of the ballet world.

As a dancer myself - or should i say " retired dancer " , to be in this shop is really bring the whole memories back. It reminded me with my old days where all i think about is to pass my RAD exam or get another new pair of toe shoes :)

With Chacott professional and Freed of London together in one place, I would say it's really the one stop shopping for dancer and yoga enthusiast.

Apart from that Chacott is proud to present its professional stage makeup range, Chacott For Professionals. Chacott For Professionals took inspiration from and was originally created for the needs of the ballet stage. Today, Chacott For Professionals range has now found fans in stage performers, celebrities and professional makeup artists.

Take a look on how gorgeous the range are:

Also, I did some video preview of the collection :)
Do take a look!

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May 11, 2014

Have you heard about Diapers Cake?

I know that this post has been long overdue, but it doesn't stop me from smiling whenever I saw this photos - it just so pretty and worth to I decided to blog about it. 

A diaper cake is a fun and practical baby gift, perfect for new or expectant parents. They are great for baby showers, hospital visits, first month and office celebrations. They are made entirely of disposable diapers and baby necessities and gifts. All cake ingredients are both decorative and useful to the new parents and baby.

 All the Diaper Cakes are wrapped in premium gift box packaging and come in 3 different sizes:

When Ethan was born, my friend- Adeline..the founder of Diaper Cakes came and gave us this 2 tier hamper. We love it and in fact, because we liked it too much..we didn't open it up. Heehee!
It's looking really cute with Mickey on the top and it feels very personalised with ETHAN name below.

I think this is one of the best gift you could gift to your friend :)
Less headache, and it just a matter of choosing the theme - baby boy or girl.

It comes with:

It's pretty much the all things that the newborn would need, right?
Diapers, blanket, socks and the basic necessity is included inside :)

if you interested in buying this, you can quote " Pinkbuble In Da House " to enjoy my readers discount.
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May 10, 2014

My journey with Mary Chia..

Hellow that I am back from Japan and Jakarta, I am going to update my Mary Chia journey with you :)

If you missed out my last post about how I love the antii cellulite LPG machine, I need to remind you again on how awesome is the treatment. If you have that fat lump under your bra wire on your back - and you can't wait to get rid of it! This is the treatment to go for!

The suction could break the stubborn fat under your skin and I have proof the awesomeness of this machine!

Call Mary Chia Goldhill Centre for appointment!
6250 7949
183/185 Goldhill Centre
Thomson Road

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May 06, 2014

[GIVEAWAY] - ZIAJA shower gel!

ZIAJA is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Europe selling almost 50 million products globally every year. ZIAJA is present in 28 countries worldwide, including Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, China and now Singapore!

They have a full range from face, body to hand skin care, and the kind people at Ziaja sharing these 3 body cleanser with me and now I am sharing it with you!

 I pick Ziaja Marine Algae Spa, Ziaja Orange Butter and Ziaja Goat's milk.
I love them all in terms of the scent, but I would say the Ziaja Goat's milk suits my dry skin the best.

Ziaja Marine Algae
Suitable for all skin type, moisturize, soften the skin, and does not creates irritation.

Ziaja Orange butter
 Contains orange butter derived from orange peel. Has natural orange fragrance and colour.
Gently lubricates and visibly softens the skin. Intensely moisturises and protects the skin from dehydration. Dermatologically and allergy tested.

Ziaja Goat's milk
 Nourishes, smoothes and makes the skin more elastic.
Intensely moisturises and prevents excessive water loss.
Ph balanced, does not disturb the protective epidermis layer.

For the giveaway: I am going to pick 3 winners to win each a bottle of Ziaja cleanser.
How to win this? easy!
2. Drop me comments below or to pinkbuble(at)

That's all! Oh, btw..this giveaway open to those who resides in Singapore only :)
Good luck!

Nourishes, smoothes and makes the skin more elastic.
Intensely moisturises and prevents excessive water loss.
Ph balanced, does not disturb the protective epidermis layer. - See more at:,creamy-shower-soap#sthash.5KFv9n4b.dpuf
Nourishes, smoothes and makes the skin more elastic.
Intensely moisturises and prevents excessive water loss.
Ph balanced, does not disturb the protective epidermis layer. - See more at:,creamy-shower-soap#sthash.5KFv9n4b.dpuf


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