March 28, 2012

I'm a busy Bee..

For my readers( gaya pisaaan..) and friend that know I left my previous job to pursue my make up career, I thank u all for the support and yes indeed that was the best things that happened in my life. Gaining my confidence back and allowing myself to explore the artistic side of me. Now, I would like to share another good things that happened to me..and indeed it's by His Favor and I couldn't find right words to express of how grateful I am at this present time.

I am employed now! apart from Bubbly Brush that mostly going good and shining over the weekend,
 I am now have a weekdays job that seriously " soooo Me! "
Thank God for this job, or else I might die soon because I was so bored at home.

This is my new job: reading magazines, reading blogs, find the editors, contact the potential blogger and talking to writers in media. All during working hours ^^
I was required to read all these to keep myself in the "trend ".
And I am allowed to buy magazine too.

I will not share the company name here, but it is fancy.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Whenever I pray, I pray for the fancy office with a fancy location that comes in a fancy $$.
I got it all! I was shocked! but thankful and feel grateful more than ever. God is damn good.

Not once in my life, I ever imagine I will get what I am currently earning.
Together Bubbly Brush and this job has been a blessing for me.

And I would like to share my blessing with you too.

So, drop me a comment on what are the items you wish to see in my giveaways!
I'm waiting!!

March 19, 2012


The only thing that I can recall of last night Fashion Steps out at Orchard was one awesome grateful feeling!
To be in the backstage doing make up for model to hit the runway and to be in the fashion week, it was so awesome! I will never trade yesterday's memory with anything.
I'm so lucky and I'm so grateful.

I represent Cosmoprof in providing the service, and we started at around 1.30 pm and end at 8.30 pm when the fashion show just about to start.

My make up station for the day ^^
This is my first time to be in International scale fashion show backstage, and oh my God! I love it.
The hair stylist, make up artist, models, designer, dresser, media and I don't know who..they just like automatic know their works and calmly do the responsibility professionally.

There were so many clothing line, but I am in love and impress with vivienne westwood collection, together with the make up and hair do:
It's so high fashion!

Vivienne Westwood make up and hair do (not the outfit)

Too bad, we did not assigned for her line!
I did the make up for Paul & Joe, Rose bullets, Dip Drops, Robinson and iCB.

This is I don't know what they called it, but it's like the outfit sequence for the model to wear kind of things.

Shoes, Clothing, more shoes and clothings are everywhere!
They all are named according to the Models and all are with picture of the model attached.

Yesterday, it was raining pretty bad and that damn thunder was too loud and WE ALL are pretty scared that the show will not ON. It's going to be such a waste, 
after they closed the famous orchard road, have it as RUNWAY and it turned out into one messy night. 
(Yes, you read it right! They close orchard road and use it as runway) - actually it's quite cost savvy.

To be in backstage, with full packs of beautiful does somehow made me feels ugly.
I am usually feel confident with myself, but not yesterday. LOL

Take this as an example:
Me with this awesome Venezuelan model, I did her make up and I did the make up for myself as well..
but why we turned up so different!
why why why..*FACE PALM*
~just kidding~


Man, they all are so good looking..especially the male model! 

There are so many things I wanted to say..but I can only end up saying this again
 " I'm so grateful for my life, for the opportunity, for people that trust my skill and passion and for believe in me "

'Till Next year Orchard Fashion Steps out!

March 14, 2012

My lil blablabla..

As some of you already know that I started my service as make up artist.

I would say I love this role to the max and I am happy to give my service to my clients.
Only recently I realised that, some client are just being " unique " and " ridiculous ",
if you are going to say " hey, u shouldn't talk about ur client here in ur blog " *then, please..just don't read this entry, this is not only about my client attitude, but this is about how I feel because of that attitude. 

Let just say I have this very nice bride to be and seriously! she is pretty and I'm so excited to have my session with her.. unfortunately...comes the wedding organiser that act as the middle person between me and the bride, the moment she came into picture, on that very moment I start feeling like someone is trying to step on my head every SINGLE day!

It starts from:

The Bargaining part: I can handle
The Pushing part: I can cope with it well
The Bonus Request part: I can give the best I could
The Cancelling some service with the same bonus scheme part: I could reject it
The NON-STOP changing plan with a lot of tricky twisting part that if you don't read it carefully, you will end up earn $0 part: I know how to deal with it
The part where down payment are not going to takes place, but if someone take the date I should inform her to get permission: I was like " seriously? "
The request of quoting and re-quoting the price that actually end up in square one: I said I need final confirmation before I send out the final quote.
The nasty attitude I received because asking for final confirmation: I don't deserved that!

I am a make up artist with skill and qualification, I am not a fish seller in the market that you could bargain to the last of your breathe becoz the fish will spoil by the end of the day! and it's very low of you when I'm not giving the things that you want, you just threaten me by walking away!

My skill will improve, and if you want a cheap make up artist that provide you a very high standard..DREAM ON! I seriously could not understand on what is this wedding organiser had in her head! I was a wedding organiser before, and I know that it is important to build a good relationship between vendors..and all this lady do was creating war..not only to me, but to the partner photographer and videographer. And to add more " Doh! " to the scenario, the bride herself told that the previous vendor complaint about the WO lady during handling her ROM (registry wedding). *Mirror..mirror on the wall, who is the bitch among all?*

Maaak, ampun dah gw. 
Gw bisa ngerti loh kalo orang nawar..
tapi gw gedeg mentok pas liat dia pake cara licik memutar mutar kata2 supaya keliatan ga keliatan tapi ujung2nya seperti yang dia mau dan suruh kita confirmed lewat email.

Konyolnya lagi, 2 minggu jek nawar nawar ga jelas dan setelah gw kasih bonus..bonusnya di nominal uangkan  dan ada beberapa service gw yang di cancel tapi bonusnya tetep dipake. Licik aje! 
Dan tentunya gw bilang engga, I don't do business that way.

Berasa jadi di bully sama client, ditambah dengan kata kata sadis yang gw terima dari whatsapp 
*yang sudah gw print screen* untuk jadi barang bukti. Kata2nya itu personal attack loh, bukan soal tawar menawar lagi. Gw sampe bilang ke Arip " aku rasa aku gpp deh kalo ga dapet client yang ini " karena saban hari buka email harus baca kata per kata, ditambah deg2an hari ini diubrak abrik apalagi package gw. Madafakah!

And IF, I have a bad reputation in giving my service..
I definitely will not have few partner photographers that keep continue supporting me for pre wedding and wedding jobs, I will not get an editorial shoots jobs, TV media jobs, and fashion show job. Or even the jobs as make up trainer that I am currently doing. People believe in my service, skill and my good work ethic.

Little tips to all of us yang kadang jadi client:
Cari service yang semampu kita, jangan mau yang service kelas kakap kalo kita ga rela bayar segitu.
Ada uang ada barang kalo kata engkong gw!
Dan kalo sekiranya sadar kalo kita pelit, mbok yah yang alus gtu cara ngomongnya.
Vendor jangan dimaki maki, nanti ga ikhlas ngasih servicenya.

Grrr...marah total sayah!

Sini, tenangkan sayaaa...
kasih saya wejangan yang berguna dan 
tips and tricks untuk ngatasin orang unik gini,
aku tunggu!


March 07, 2012


I finally got a chance to try out NYX round lipstick!!!

Every time I read other beauty blogger from US and they mentioned about this brand, 
I was like..Singapore come on! seriously?? no NYX brand?

But..finally..I GOT IT!

Not only the lipstick, but more than that!

I bought 5 lipstick (1 given to MIL)
 and additional 1 Black label lipstick in Rasberry - I ask for it with a smile!
 and the seller said " ok, take it! "
Thank u uncle! 

The eyebrow kit
NYX Smokey eyes collection (to be blog separately)
10 Runaway collection eyeshadow
2 Jumbo eye pencil in Dark brown and ice mocca
Loose powder in ivory

Oh, I bought 2 brushes from ELF:

Staple brush
Blending brush

Oh, shopping! I can go on and on..*not good*

Anyway! today, I wanna share my look!!

As you can see:

Left: me without make up
Centre: half way through
Right: full make up on!

If you interested to create my look, here are the details:

I hope it's pretty clear ^^
And now, the best part.....tadaaaaa!!!!
my lovely NYX round lipsticks!

Me in 616-Watermelon shade


Me in 608-Perfect shade


Me in 634-Louisiana Shade


Me in 511-Chaos shade


Me in Black Label Lipstick 134-Raspberry

If you notice, the Chaos and Raspberry shade kinda close but not really the same pantone color.
And If I may say, The Black label range is very moist and less pigmented than the round lipstick.

Note: All lipstick I applied on the pictures are only one layer. YES! it's very pigmented and pretty!!

Round lipstick: S$5
Black label: S$10

I know many of you have tried this lipstick, any recommended colors for me to try? and among all these colors..which one do you like the best? and why?

Let me know!!


March 01, 2012

Aku dan idupku..

Kaga ada product review, kaga ada pamer muka dan kaga ada bulumata baru di entry ini..
*gw disclaimer dulu sebelon blog gw di tutup karena pada males bacanya* ^^

Cuma mo cerita tentang aku dan diriku 
(ya iyalah gw kan kalo ga ngomongin diri sendiri ya gw ngomongin orang laen..)

Diriku, masi sedikit kere..ahhaha..
tapi gw super bersyukur karena sekali lagi Tuhan kita tuh Tuhan yang idup 
dan tau kebutuhan umatNYA banget yah!
Jadi kan ceritanya, di my lil family..Arip tuh sole bread winner lah ceritanya, 
jadi penghasilan utama yah di dia, dan belakangan ini kita banyak keperluan untuk rumah, tiket pesawat dan antek anteknya..and at one point gw berasa " duh, kok mepet sekali yah "

Tapi pertengahan February kemaren tiba tiba kantor Arip ngumumin angka bonus, dan puji Tuhan banget deh pas liat angkanya..cuman agak2 mikir juga jadinya, kok bisa ya..di tengah tengah krisis gini masi ada bonus 3x lebih gede dari jumlah yang Bang Arip harapkan..*trima kasih Tuhan -wink*
cuman yah itu lah ya,
He is the Man up there who created heaven and earth..
dan segala sesuatunya mungkin buat Dia.

Dan Bubbly brush ku sudah mulai berjalan, Thanks God!
Ternyata freelance tuh mantep yah kaget loh ^^
So far gw freelancing, di hari buruk..1 hari gaji freelance = 2-3 hari gaji kerja di kantor
di hari baik: 3 hari freelance = 2 minggu gaji di kantor

Dan by the end of the day pada saat client puas sama hasil Bubbly brush kasih feedback bagus kayak

" good job el..." ~ Danny
" make up kamu keren deh el " ~ MC photography
" Makasih ya aku di make over el, puas banget sama ngeles dong sama kamu " ~ Fifi & Yanti

(gw lagi memuja muji diri sendiri, emang begini bawaannya..harap maklum...:P)
Rasanya malem pas tidur gw senyum terus bawaannya, bisa sampe ileran malah kalo fee nya uda di transfer ^^
Happy lah!

Cuman, kebanyakan job itu di hari sabtu minggu..dan gw mulai bosen di rumah dari senen-jumat nya, makanya gw lagi cari2 job di beauty/cosmetics line..kemaren sempet kepikiran mo apply jadi team make up di Bobbi brown or MAC, cuman jam kerjanya retail hours bo..including weekend and public holiday..agak2 ga sesuai sama ati rasanya. *gaya gw selangit! -tampar aja!*


Kemaren ini gw di booked untuk jadi MUA di salah satu drama di channel 5, hepi luar biasa bo! Bisa kerja bareng beberapa artist..di hari itu, pake inisial DS (Malaysian) sama YL dan oh my..baik banget loh mereka..

apalagi YL, di touch up dikit..bilangnya " thank u dear, thank u darling, you are so kind, thank u so much, I'm sorry I'm sweating.."
Buset dah, ga usah sopan banget napa..hahahahha..
tapi gile..kita shooting tengah bolong jam 12 siang, puanas pol!
and not even satu komplenan keluar dari mulutnya.
Trus si nona cantik DS, super sopaaaan dan cantik gila!
pas dia mo minta permen gw aja sampe nanya " can i have 2 please? "
 trus gw sampe bilang " Dan, why are u so polite? relax.."
Dijawabnya " karena awak orang malaysie " ~ dengan aksen melayunya..
sambil kasih pandangan berarti ke gw,
 trus gw yang.."aaaahh...I know wut u mean "


Dan gw lagi mulai buka private class untuk make up nih..kemaren Bebek Lita and Angel hazel sudah menjadi client ku, foto-fotonya kalo mo liat..coba di request ke yang bersangkutan aja..karena aku sudah agree sama term and conditions untuk engga pamerin fotonya. Lalu menyusul lagi ada 3 orang lagi atur waktunya untuk ambil private class denganku..ayo siapa lagi yang mau booking?
*sekalian promosi *

Untuk info lengkap soal private class, silahkan email ke:
Untuk enquiry and rates ^^

Sekian update random ku..eke mo mandi dulu..
*sekarang jam 1 siang yaolo..*



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