October 04, 2011

2 face!

Another entry for this week before I'm off to my hometown!

I know I'm not a kind of girl that born pretty.
I have a typical Chinese feature, small eyes, freckle face, flat nose and small lips.
Which back then, I hated it.

During my high school time, 
I've been thinking and envy those girls who have big dolly eyes and Korean feature.
You know, a kind that when you look at them you hate it because you just couldn't have that look.

I always wish that I can look better and prettier, 
when mostly high school boys go for lean body girls, pretty face and long straight hair.
At that stage I was a fat, full braces and flat face.

So I didn't get a privilege of being a famous good looking girls.
I was famous for my sports skill, strong build body and organizational skill.
Far from the dream girl I was trying to be.

Until my college time, I decided to do something on my self.
I start transforming myself to be a kind of girl I'm trying to be. Physically.
I start wearing skirts, fitted tops, grow my hair long and took out my braces.

And I started wearing make up too. 
There was an awkward moment for my make up journey, uneven eyeliner, 
TOO pinkish blush on and even a wrong shading!
It was disaster.

But I keep going on until I found my signature look.
The look that I wish I found back in high school time.

This look.

On the left side: my natural look
On the right side: My updated look. ^^
* aduh mak, jadi aneh liatnya*

I know it looks weird!
So too see it, just cover one of the side to see the natural and updated look.

Any of you ever experience something similar like mine?
If you wanna have this look of mine, 
you can start with a big circle lens that enhance your eyes so fabulously.

Then apply one layer of foundation
(mine: MAC NC20)

Then curl your eyelash to open up the eyes, shape and fill up your eyebrow.

Choose your favorite fake eyelash.
(mine: Faceshop)

Then stick it nicely.

Next, take this L'oreal open eyes pallete.
Black color. Frame your eyes,
and to make a longer eyes illusion.. drag it wider that your actual eyes.

I like to put white eyeliner (red earth) on my waterline, it creates a bigger eyes illusion.
And this time, I stick lower fake lashes.

Take this color and apply it on your entire lids (leave your eye bone for highlights)

And this color on 1/3 outer side of your lids and blend it inward and upward to your crease.

Until you got this shade.

Last, frame up your eyes with black eyeliner 
and finish it up with natural pink blush and lipgloss/lipbalm.

I hope you like the look.
one more, Sadako look.




  1. aaahhh kamu cantik bgt!!!!!!!!!
    kereeen bgt before afternya!!!
    love your post!!!! >___<

  2. Ahh nisa..aku jadi seneng *blush*
    dibilang cantik sama orang cantik!
    *pegang pipi*

  3. itu sih sadako cantik el, ga serem :D btw gue kl make eyeshadow buat dibawah mata kenapa jd kayak abis ditonjok ya hahahah

  4. di ikutin bentuk mata aja pi tipis2..^^

  5. duh masang bulu mata aja masih lom bisa hiks.. cantik banget dah! kapan g bisa make up uhuhu~ *perlu kursus*

  6. bisa pit! pasti bisa...tempel terooos!!

  7. ya ampun sadako look nya ric... huahahaha

  8. kalo urusan make over memang tdk diragukan lagi deh, mantabb!!

    gue pasang bulu mata palsu juga belom bisa, kalah sama keponakan gue yg masih SMP ;p

  9. matanya bagus sekaleeeee.... kalo dikau dandan gini pas high school, langsung cowo2 pada antriiii. hihihihi.

    sadako pun cantik.

  10. bener2 beda before ma afternya..
    gud job.. ^^

  11. @ Arman: Hhohohoo..ho oh man!aneh ya?

    @ Debby: bisa deb..iseng2 aja coba tempel, mang berantakan sih..tapi lama2 bisa kok ^^

    @ monic: dikau juga bisa..^^

    @ lena: iyah neh len!! coba dr dulu bisa gini!!!

    @ sheilla: thanks sheil!

  12. gw pasang bulu mata masih belepetan el hahahaha... kedip2 dikit aja dah lgsg kelepas. trus muka gw oily jd ga bisa pake eyeliner/eyeshadow dibawah mata soalnya cepet beleber.
    keren el mata lu.. jd kapan nih jadi MUA? hehehe...

  13. MUA on the way nih Nge!!
    Moga moga bisa start awal next year!!

  14. Sama El.. gw dulu juga berasa tipikal chinese totok bgt.. mata sipit, rambut bergelombang ga karuan n ndut..
    Musti dari diri sendiri perubahannya :)
    N kita sekrang uda berubah cantik kok :D
    Thanks uda share tips make up nya..
    Dikau cantikkkkkk :)

  15. waktu baca pengalaman lo jaman sma, gw teriak2.. 'gw jugaaa.. gw jugaa..' tapi sekarang lo jago dandan sementara gw masih kayak jaman sma dulu huhuhuuu...

    pajang dong foto masa2 dulu itu.. buat before & after masa pencerahan hehee...

  16. wow el, elu jago banged makeup ya! ngiri dehh.. Btw mata gw dah besar sih, tapi ngantong nih. laenkali kasi tutorial gimana biar mata ga ngantong ya ya? soalnya meski uda pake highlighter/concealer, mala tamba aneh, bawah matanya lebih putih dari kulit yg laen tapi tetep kliatan ada kantongmatanya ihiks! thanks wkwkwk

  17. wahhhhhh keren. ada before and after. kalo aku di dandan bisa jadi keren ngak yah?

  18. Errr lu mah cakep, Ca, hehehe. Diapain juga terlihat menarik. Before afternya bener2 keliatan beda yah, hehhee...apalagi sadako-nya. Lu dulu belajar makeup dimana? Ada kursus atau liat2 online gitu? Kadang suka bingung sendiri secara mata kiri kanan beda, hahahha.

  19. bagus el !
    eh gue punya yg loreal open eyes juga tapi yg dark blue gitu shadenya

    sukaaaaaaa deh gue.. ga ribet2 musti milih2 warna di palette yg isi banyak..
    cuma 4 warna itu doank tapi hasil oke bener yee..

  20. El.. sorry ya minggu besok ga bisa ketemuan ama artis. bentrok ama jadwal gereja gw oi. maapkan. besok2 kalo gw ke sing, jgn males kalo gw ajak ketemuan yak ^^

  21. suka sekali metamorfosa-nya... you are beautiful El...

  22. klo gua, suka ngiri sama chinese looks loh... secara mata gua ini belo bener,,,truz rambut gua ga lurus tapi ikal. dan yang parah, gua ga bisa dandan... jadilah gua kucel terus :-(

    bagus el make up elu... gua ga pernah berhasil make up sendiri :-D

  23. kalo melihat tutorial mu kok kesannya gampang banget ya....
    tapi pas dipraktekin blepotan semua ni... aplagi yg bulu mata gak bisa pake/ hiks2.
    Btw yg fotoin sapa el?

  24. @ Ellice: iyah..untung kita sudah sedikit berobah yaaa ^^

    @ mamaclo: nanti kalo ketemu poto pas sma..gw scan dah!

    @ nyonya kecil: kantong mata ya? tunggu aku research dulu yaaa ^^

    @ bayu: aku special skill nya di prempuan kali ya ^^

  25. @ daadaachan: gw ga pernah les make up lin, cuma suka experiment aja ^^ nanti les yg professionalnya akan dimulai mid of the month.

    @ Aina: iyah..gw juga suka abnget yg open eyes ini. blending warnanya ok abnget yah.

  26. bagus El , power of make up !
    keren bgt . G suka eyeshadow nya , itu Loreal yah ?
    btw lo bingkai mata bawah pake pencil?
    g ga bs dateng minggu bsk , maapkan . heheheee

  27. @ yulia: yooook kita bersuaaapas kau uda sempet ^^

    @ nonnie: ah jadi malu no..*geplak nonnie* uwel-uwel rambut.

    @ des: pasti bisa des, dicoba terus..^^ kita malah kebalik ya des..gw suka yg mata gede ^^
    emang manusia ga pernah puas ya ^^

  28. @ patzie: gw poto ndiri pat ^^
    bulumata beli yg faceshop deh ^^ gampang di tempelnya ^^

  29. @ veny: kapan kapan kalo ngumpul lagi kita ketemuan yaaa ^^

  30. waaaaa.... suka sadako-nyaaa...
    mukamu jadi mirip foto lama utada hikaru lo. *klo ga kenal google aja!*

  31. ampir pingsan ngeliat pic yg paling bawah hahahaa...kalo sadako, poninya lbh panjang lagi el...
    aduh musti ngeles make up kilat ama elo nih...kalo gua ke spore :))

  32. @ jenny: Daiso jen ^^

    @ Kartika: poni gw nanggung sih nih..gimana dong?

  33. duuuhh g demen deh blog lu el.. soalnya g bisa contek2 gimana tuh pake make up, secara minim banget kemampuan g buat make up. btw el, sekalian nanya ya, klo pake eye shadow tuh mending sekelopak mata penuh ato cuma pas lipetan mata doang ya..? tengkiu in advance ya el..

  34. @ mieke: biasanya gw ga pernah pake eye shadow sekelopak mata, karena buat gw..pake eyeshadow bukan cuma buat ngewarnain mata..tapi bikin dimensi di bentuk mata gw.

    Kayak warna paling gelap di paling deket garis bulumata, trus shade ke 2 dr paling gelep di ujung luar kelopak mata sama bates cekungan bolamata..trus shade 2 paling terang di inner side eyelid nya..en highlighter di tulang mata yg deket alis.

    Tapi gw pernah juga liat orang yang pake warna beige di seluruh kelopak buat nyamain tone kulit abis itu br dibuat dimensi.

    Btw, ini ngebantu ga sih? maap ya kalo kurang jelas miek ^^

  35. dirimu pake bulu mata palsu buat sehari2? hebattt :D gw sampe sekarang ga bisa pake bulu mata palsu sendiri hihihi *jadi malu.

  36. halo lagiii
    aku kasih award bwt kamuuu :)

  37. I think it's great that you didn't try to be someone you weren't in high school. the best way to impress someone is be yourself. and they'll love you for who you truly are.

    Loving this look. It's amazing how those lens can really enhance the eyes. Great job!


  38. u looked like Kang Ta on the last pic..

  39. wow what a makeover you are gorgeous
    Follow Back Please
    ♥ SadeeStyle ♥

  40. Cute!! I love the last pic when your bangs are in your face~~~ Very mysterious :3

    xoxo Tifuani


  41. ini smokey eyes bukan el? huaaaa bagusss.....oh iya el, kalo mo bikin smokey eyes gitu, kita kudu pake lipstik yang nude ya el? ga bisa yang berwarna yah?

  42. Ceritanya hampir sama kayak ceritaku *tapi aku dulu kurusnya minta ampun, dekilnya ga nguatin* Huahaha
    Bukan pas kuliah, tapi pas masuk SMA jadi genit sama lenongan *phew*

    Pengen bisa masang bulu mata ><
    *tapi ga punya ehh* Hahaha


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