I'm in love!
I really really love big circle lens, it's like a cherry on top of ice cream for my make up!
This time I tried something called " GEO LENS " which is quite famous in Korea and most of make up bloggers have review this lens for a good rating.
The only thing is, we can purchase this lens by online only
(I don't know if there's any shop selling this product) and for me buying things online is not something that I'm really comfortable with.
Until I found this website:
Until I found this website:
And apparently, a lot of blogger bought this GEO lens from them. So i might trust the crowd as well.
![]() |
They give this little cute casing as a gift ^^ |
I found this lens a bit stiff and not as comfortable as Freshkon alluring or any daily soft lens.
But it made a huge different on my eyes, see the different?
Next entry, Geo lens with make up.
Anybody loves big circle lens?
sukaaaa... tp ga berani make softlense :)) gimana dong elllll
ReplyDeleteEpi = dephi bukan ya?? *sotoy*
ReplyDeleteANyway.... coba bikin tutorial cara pake soft lense, El!! Even for my wedding gw ga pake, huhuhu... Pdhl katanya bisa bikin kita terlihat berbeda yah.
harganya berapaaa? disini banyak yang jual tuh softlense yg bikin bola mat gede, tempat na lucu banget yah! hahaha...
ReplyDeletebagus ihh lensanya btw imut bgt kotak lens kmu >__<
ReplyDeleteI DO !!!
ReplyDeletebeneran deh klo sekarang kemana2 ga pake big lens kaya ga pede aja gitu. mata gue berasa kaya kubilan.
sayangnya klo geo lens diindo semuanya beli online, ga ada toko yg jualin langsung.
The color is so nice :)
ReplyDelete@ epi: yaaa..gimana dong pi?
ReplyDelete@ dian: tutorial pake soflens? eh gw ga pernah kepikiran...makasih idenya DI ^^
@ Pitshu: harganya US$ 20 an kali ga salah pit.
@ Nisa: Ho ho nis! gratisan..bentuk kodok! satu lagi bentuk hipooo ^^
@ Aina: DIsini juga online Na!
ReplyDelete@ Lorsee: indeed! love the color too ^^
hai.. new follower nih ^_^ salam kenal..
ReplyDeletelensnya cocok banget di kamu..
bikin mata kliatan belo..
feel free to follow me back :D
Haduh... gue gak berani pake lens-lens yang aneh-aneh. Yang dari produsen lens aja, udah beda-beda kandungan jaringan oksigennya dll. Kalau fancy2 seperti itu, kayaknya agak ngeri yah kalau mata kita sensitif. Takutnya efeknya bukan sekarang, tapi nanti di masa depan...
ReplyDeleteTapi lucu kok El... cocok2 aja :) Cuma guenya doang yang gak berani hehehehe....
@ leony: gw juga serem le..awalnya mo beli sampe research berbulan bulan..beli kaga beli kaga..tapi mungkin dasarnya gw ganjen kali yaaaa..gw beli juga deh yg made in korea. ^^
ReplyDeletemi love it too...
ReplyDeletesecara ngebantu banget....
sekarang pake yang item,baby eyes gitu...:D