By this time, i should've sleep deeply to my lala land..but something just bothers me to the max! I think for those people who hang out with me, they will know that I hate people that love to show off and think they fit into socialita life.
If u are a real socialita, u don't have to say a word! Ur total appearance will say it all. Its way more than a bag (fake bag) u carry or what (who's) husband do u sleep with! When u carry hermes bag, step on jimmy choo shoes and gucci doesn't mean..u are a socialites that own the world and eligible to look down on others.
U asshole!
These annoying feeling i got everytime i see people acting like the mentioned above! Pleaseeee...
And me,
I don't carry branded stuff..but it doesn't mean I am poor and u can look down on me.
I don't carry prada bag, but i could afford the class that cost 2-3 prada bags! So, Am i poor?
I don't walk with jimmy choo or louboutin, but i could afford a holiday that cost 8 pairs of it. Still poor?
People, just learn to respect each other..and do not judge the book by its cover. U never know what's hidden on their closet! And when they don't show it, it doesn't mean they don't have it. Maybe they choose to keep it low profile.
En..tong kosong nyaring bunyinya lah ya!
Gemes loh bo ngeliatin orang2 model begini.
Mbok ya sadaaaaaar, orang juga ada harga diri jek.
ReplyDeleteemangnya ada yang bilang kalo elu kere El ??
Biasa kalo org yg berpunya, ga bakalan ngeledek yang lain. Kecuali dia OKB. Cucian deh biasanya yang OKB itu, kagak puas kalo nggak menghina orang. Gue juga ada kok temen kayak gitu...
For example, pas gue balik Indo, I drive a regular city car, tuh org bilang: Ih, mobil lu kecil banget... *sambil mandang remeh*. Padahal, ngapain jg di Jakarta pake mobil gede2, macet gila, boros. Gue dulu blom pake bb, dianggap gak gaul. Padahal mah, mau beli gampang banget.... so what gitu loh! Cuekin aje heheheh...
apakah ini tentang si pinay2 itu g bacanya gerah, di indo biasanya tante2 hebring tuh ^^
ReplyDeletehahaha... masih dengan si tukang pamer yg sama El, yg suka ngintilin lu di kelas? sabaaar yoo....
ReplyDeletesabar y el....
ReplyDeletega perlu dipikirin ntar malah jadinya kita yg bete & jd dosa klo ngata2in mereka jg. ya mgkn gw ga merasakan sendiri tp anggep aj kita lg diuji spy bisa sabar. :)
sabar ya El sabar...I totally agree with you, tapi elo nya bete, mereka nya kan cuek aja. Sayang tensi elo uda naek turun *hugs*
ReplyDeleteFor one thing that I have noticed about, orang kalo ngomong tinggi / show off, biasanya malah kaga pede sama keadaan mereka sendiri, atau cenderung to cover up something. Kasian sebenernya, they don't comfort in their own skin :)
sabar... sabar... :D
ReplyDeleteini mba2 pilipin yg itu kah? sabar, el :D cuekin & tinggalin aja. ;)
ReplyDeletehehehehehe...masuk kiri keluar kanan aja El...yg kyk gitu mah, pasti ngomong karena dia sendirinya insecure....
ReplyDeleteEeerrrr I despise those kind of people.... just ignore them, El, I'm pretty sure you have more meaningful things to do than to think about those people ;)
ReplyDeletekalo dulu gw pernah ikut Financial Planning seminar, kata speakernya: gw ga mau tau merk tas lu, sepatu lu, apa yg lu pake. Gw cuma mo tanya: Berapa utang kartu kredit lu? Intinya..... siapa tau hidupnya dikejer rentenir El. haha
ReplyDeleteLagian.. yakin itu barangnya bukan KW dr Shenzhen? hahaha
tenang ya dear, let it go aja...mungkin dia OKB beneran tuh :)
ReplyDelete@ All: aku uda mendingan sekarang..karena tadi di uda ditegor secara langsung sama gurunya karena verbally annoyed the class. LOL!!