June 27, 2009

Mo santai? why not?

Celana pendek + sendal jepit = lancai?

Sapa bilang?

Coba pake sumting unik sebagai atasan, sumting simple yg stand out, like bright color..or big neklace..or chunky earing..or..even bandana...

My choice:
bright yellow top from G2000
Slippers: Crocs
Bag: Charles and keith

Enjoy aja!

Weekend is coming...^_^

June 26, 2009

Green green...

Tank top: Mangga dua
Skirt: This fashion
Shirt: Mark and spencer
Slippers: Charles and keith
Belt: C.O.A.X
Bag: Charles and keith

I luv the maroon mixture in my greenie outfit!

Btw, Happy beday to my lovely cousin!
Onengku sayang!

When i want it....i want it!!!

Gw berasa dari kecil, gw type orang yang harus berusaha dapetin apa yg gw mau..* mungkin ini efek gw anak tunggal en di shower love dari family *terutama keluarga bokap*...dan menurut nyokap gw, gw bukan tipe yg ngerengek-rengek nangis jerit sampe keinginannya diturutin.tp gw lebih mikir gmn caranya gw dapetin apa yg gw mau..


Sepeda. Mau sepeda..nyokap ga kasih..
*en dulu gw ada temen kecil-cowok- yg suka bawa sepeda maen ke rumah..en dia suka maen semprotan aer utk gosokan..lalu kita barter, dia maen semprotan gw..gw pake sepeda dia, krn sepedanya agak tinggi..trus gw jatoh en lecet2..trus gw dengan luka gw ke rumah oma ( yg cm beda 10 rmh gitu) en blg mau belajar sepeda tp ga punya..pas nyokap pulang kerja liat ada sepeda second roda 4 di garasi...dikasih oma gw..hihihi..

Hp. Mahal..en dulu beli nomor bisa ratusan ribu.
*ngajar Balet dimulai dengan gaji 199rb..tabung2..sampe dapet 380rb, ga cukup beli nomor 400rb..belon lagi hapenya..nyokap blg " emang km bisnis man perlu HP??" akhirnya..om gw ada hp second..gw beli dari dia 50rb..itu hape erricsson yg masi segede remote *gile* trus tu hape gw tarok di meja belajar gw..sambil nabung en kekumpul 400rb utk beli nomor...

Karena badan gw chubby, gw ga perna dianggap serius lah sebagai dancer di group ballet gw yg lama, mereka anggep gw more to teacher than dancer..sedi bo..gw pake nangis campur keringet lah berusaha buktiin diri gw...dan juga gw ga pernah punya piala prestasi di rumah *kasian ya* trus taon 2004 lalu, group balet gw ikut dancer camp di SG kurang lebih 5 hr gitulah..en selama camp itu, kita di training dari jam 9 pagi sampe jam 5 sore gitu..ada ballet, hip hop, en ethnic dance.
En by the end of camp, kt ada performance en nanti bisa dapet award gitu..ada the best hip hop dancer, the best ballet, the best ethnic en the best dancer utk yg stand out di ketiga bidang itu..trus pas performance day, temen2 gw uda dapet awardnya masing2..tinggal gw en 1 temen gw lg yg konon ceritanya the best leg technique belom dapet award...en award sisa yg the best dancer!!
-gw uda drop de, soalnya gw kan montok gini..trus jg ga strong di leg technique, sedangkan dia...perfect bener buat jd dancer..trus ga lama dipanggil nama dia sebagai runner up..tapi kok temen2 gw selametin gw ya?? sekian detik kemudian...gw dipanggil as the best 'montog' dancer..bwahahaahha..gw PUAS ati bener terimanya, satu2nya piala yg gw punya itu piala dari balet..dan siapa bilang skinny girl selalu lebih ok?hahaha..*jahat mode on*

hmm itu beberapa contoh sih ke kekeh-an gw kl mau sumting..en sampe sekarang kebawa ni adat jelek!! cuma sekarang rada susah..bukan soal barang lg, skrg uda kerja bisa beli..tapi more to wut i want in life..gw bener2 uda set path gw *sambil berdoa jongkok bangun*

In general..gw mau..

1. Married by 26 or 27
(pertimbangannya..bonyok uda tua lah, gw mau mereka bisa liat gw married)
2. Having my first child before 30
(semoga gw dapet anak cewe, yg bs pas umur 4 thn bisa gw ajarin balet en baju kembaran kl jalan ke mall..semoga by then gw masi bs pake rok jeans and sepatu flat)
3. Living in western country
(lebih relax aja rasanya..ga tau juga yah)
4. Punya mobil sendiri
(mo kemana-mana ga usa minta tolong orang en kaki jg ga varises-an)

In spesific..gw mau..

5. Kerja di overland shoes new zealand..
6. Kasih bonyok pensiun dengan tenang en ga khawatir soal expenses..

En buat gw, kl gw ga bisa kesampean apa yg gw mau..rasanya SEBEL banget en luar biasa ga tenang..dan konyolnya lagi..dari 6 hal yg gw mau di atas..ga ada 1 pun yg bisa gw dapetin sekarang..dan gw lg berasa super SEBAL dengan diri gw en sekitar!!!


June 25, 2009

Pink pattern

Top: Zara
Ballon Skirt: BYSI
Shoes: Muji
Earing: Thrifted (Bugis)

June 24, 2009

Bad hair day?

Paling asik kalo rambut lg jelek en lepek..

Diuntel-untel..pake pen ato pensil

Dari depan sih ok..

mayan lah..

Dari belakang?


Acak adut!


June 23, 2009


This greenish dress is absolutely fantastic,
Not only the vintage pattern of it..but it gives u a great silhouette.

Where to get it?

Dress: Mangga 2..Kasumi shop (IDR 75.000)
Necklace: Swarovsky
Shoes: Charles and keith

Ceritanya mo bikin carbonara ala ibu-ibu bloggers...

Tapi hasilnya kok ga jadi yah, pake sok ganti spaghetti pake gnoochi pula..hasilna berantakan nih bu..telornya instead jd creamy sauce malah jadi scramble egg gitu..uda coba 2 kali matiin api, tetep juga jd scramble egg...hix..hix..gmn sih?

Ini gnoochi, dalemnya spinach sama cheese

Tapi kenapa gnoochi carbonaranya jadi kayak gnoochi with egg yah??
enak sih..cm rasanya bukan kyk carbonara..

Hux gagal..

June 22, 2009

Luv is wut i feel..

I luv Arf...

Luving him

for making me a better person

for his patience

for his wonderful heart

for his generousity

for his care and hug

for his great spirit


for his luv and presence in my life

June 20, 2009

Friendship little thingy..

I just feel a bit naive to think that every other people might have the same friendship value level with wut i believe...
I feel stupid for trying to trust sum1 that i think can be my friend..
I feel so numb for this new friendship thingy..
I hope this will end soon
I feel sorry for people who create friendship for benefit sake
I feel pity for people who think they own the world
I feel angry for the attitude that annoyed me to the max!
I'm happy that actually there are other people who understand my position
I'm glad that i understand that sum people don't know how to appreciate
I'm lucky to have FRIENDS that i know for wutever my condition is,
They will be there for me
and i dun have to buy them with anything
I'm one angry lucky girl!

June 18, 2009

It's only pictures of my new earings.

I got it at Bugis market 8 for $10

I told u, i like thrifty shopping..If u dun know where Bugis street is, u just take mrt to Bugis MRT..alight..and ask the control station officer to go to bugis street..easy!


This peacock feather look earing is really worth it!

On the way to Bugis street, me and Lili stopped at one "accessories" shop and i saw this earing cost $19.90..yeah, exactly like u think..i got this one plus the other 7 for $10.

I told Lili, IF i bought that one for $19.90 i must go back there and refund my money back!!!

With flash

Cobra skin pattern chunky earing!

Pinky grape style

Army ethnic earing

Simple green dot

Cute pinky ribbon

Bluish stone

Simple diamonding ring

How i luuuuuv thrifty shopping!

Go to Bugis street if u feel like getting accessories, when u can't get it there...then u go for shops in Mall.

Or else...


BIG regret!

June 17, 2009

Playing with scarf?

Why not?

Sometimes, when i feel " I don't have clothes" i always put on a BLACK outfit..just to save my time and day! because it's simply a safe color..but it gets boring after few times of wearing.

And..and..i got this leopard pattern for freaking $2 from Daiso! I luv thrifty things..

Just a simple knot on my neck..


it gives pattern on my boring black outfit!

Top: U2
Skirt: Bega
Shoes and Bag: Charles and keith
Scarf: Daiso ($2 shop)

Happy scarfing people!

June 16, 2009

Guest blogger of da week!

Please welcome my friend: Lili!!

Surely there has to be a reason for Lili to be this week guest, It's simply..Because she is such an inspirational! for me..and girls in our office!

It's a bit pro and con though..but she really stands out among us and her confidence really sparks over the attitude.

Being a plus size in Singapore (unofficially) become a crime, u got no sizes in shops..u got a weird look..and especially when u are unique..u just weird for the crowd.

Sad thing?

yes and no.

But that's why i decided her as my guest.

I like the way she put her clothes on everyday, the color combination and the style that make it so her.

A unique character with oversize ear pierce

A chic sandals with ethnic anklets
plus black nail polish

And of course a stylish Charles and Keith product to complete the look!

Luv it!

And it's not only my personal comment here,
people in the office really notice her for every outfit she wear.

She's one of the spotlight!

And she really inspire people, despite wut size u are..style will be there..and dun let ur inner shine faded because u just 20 pound heavier since the last time u step on ur weight scale!


Cangcut baru ku..

Cotton on body sale!


My new sexy cute undies for only $5 each!

Isn't cute??

This one is sexy! i bought the red one earlier..and it make me feel good!

Cotton on body counter:

I've seen one in

Junction 8
Wisma Atria

Sumbody know where are the other counter?
*I'm too lazy to google*


Lisa !

Lisa time!!

It's been a while since the last time me and Lisa really hang out..Due to her study overseas, but couple of weeks ago, i'm glad to finally see her again.

My childhood friend, my school mate, my ballet friend and my best friend too

I had a great time with u, Sa..

Thank you

June 11, 2009

Vest lagi?

Yup-yup...lagi iseng-iseng coba mix and match Vest yang dari Jusco itu,

Ternyata vest itu gampang bikin outfit kita jd chic loh, pake rok bisa, celana pendek bisa, jeans apalagi, sackdress juga cocok..

Hmm..perlu nambah koleksi 1 lagi ga ya?

Tank top: Cotton On
Vest: Jusco
Pants: Matahari CL
Sandals: URS
Bag: Charles and keith
Necklace: Swarovsky

June 10, 2009

Love of my eyes!

I am addicted to Freshkon Alluring

They are not paying me for advertising but I'm a truly satisfied Freshkon customer.

Just like the tag line

"Beautiful Instantly"

and it really give the literally effect on u,
well some says beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,
but for me "if u are not born beauty..u shud know how to create beauty"
* quoted from sum1 in America's next top model, is it Tyra banks?..i can't recall*

My favorite Mystical black, and i have 0 degree..so practically I'm using a fashion lense.

And luving it!

Sinful weekend!

All from Coffee club!

I luv most of the food there..

Like this Piri-Piri chicken:

Arf ordered this and i fall in luv with the spinach or wutever greenie things there..it mix well with the sauce, really..the veggie and the sauce itself enough for the dinner!

Luv it


Muddie Mud Pie

Arrghh..dun say u dun like it!

Lychee Parfait sumting..sumting..i can't remember, it very fresh and i luv the crispy pie texture as the basic layer!

Great blend!

The worst among all..*can't even remember the name*

Coffee club, anybody?

June 09, 2009

Summer color..!

Halah judulnya..
sejak kapan SG ada musim laen selaen summer and rainy summer?

Eniwe, bright color is IN..try it on..

Orange for my outfit!

Top: G2000
Skirt: Esprit
Bag: Charles and Keith
Shoes: Mondo

Enjoy the weather!!

June 08, 2009

Stylish = Mahal?? + Langsing??

Ga selamanya
harus keluar duit banyak supaya bisa keliatan chic and stylish kok,
dan ga selamanya
harus punya badan kyk model baru bisa tampil lebih dari kaos en jeans juga.

Yang penting pede dan keluar rumah setelah ngaca..that's all!^^

Kayak outfit gw hr ini, ada temen kantor bilang tangan gw kegedean untuk pake sleeveless..
Hmm..emang tangan gw gede kok dan berlemak di bagian trisep-nya

So wut??
itu ga berarti gw dilarang pake tangan buntung dunk.

Selama gw pede en nyaman, kenapa mesti pusing apa kata orang? dan lagi..
gw ada kaca kok di kamar.


Dan waktu gw trip ke nz , kan ketemu and stay bareng sepupu Arf..
dia ada komen ke Arf kalo gw cewek yang "spending" karena dia liat cara gw pake baju en barang2 gw..

Hmm...untung Arf bela gw by saying kalo gw bukan cewek yang spending ^^
dan emang gw bukan kok.

Oh well, i spent on shoes *doank*

Dan baju-baju gw rata2 ga mahal kok dan ga perlu baju mahal supaya bisa keliatan chic seperti yg gw ketik diatas..hihi..

Let see,

Tank top: Mangga 2 mall (Rp 25 rb)
Vest: Jusco Johor Bahru (RM35)
SKirt: Cotton on pas sale ($5)
Necklace: Faer east plaza (3 for $10)
Footwear: URS ($19.90)

Masi normal kan harganya? semua dibawah $20 loh

Outfit gw untuk di kantor, pas malemnya pegi ma Arf..anti sendal yg di atas.

Shoes: Charles and keith $28.90
Bag: Charles and Keith -> sponsored by Arf

Hari itu gw keluar pake sunnies, gara2nya terik banget tu matahari

Sunnies: Cotton on ($5 with any purchase)

Bukan cm buat gaya euy..soalnya kalo engga pake, gw ngeliat orang mesti begini nih..


Hihihi..dan Warna2 cerah lagi In, ga ada salahnya coba nail polish yang rada terang juga..

My choice:

Nail Polish: Face shop 106 pink ($2.5)

Murah kan?

Ga selamanya harus korek kantong dalem-dalem untuk bisa look stylish



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