August 09, 2013

Tips: Bad hair day fixer!


Do you often have a bad hair day in the middle of the day? - just like me -
I really love the " just wake up " kind of hair to start my day, usually it's like one day old hair with a nice puff and glow that suits my liking :)

But damn! 
It usually won't last more than my lunch time before it gets damp and the oily scalp start to take the look down, and I mostly end up like this:


 Jadi nih ya buibu..entry ini eke mo share tips untuk keep rambut agak2 puffy en oil free buat seharian :)
Daku biasanya suka gituuu...deh, sok berasa tinggal di negara yang kering jadi pergi ngantor rambut bisa kayak abis kuar dari ranjang..yg agak2 semi berantakan en yang keliatannya " rambut gw ga diapa2in kok ".

Tapi apa daya, idup di sg, negara yang iklim pulau..biasanya ga nyampe makan siang rambut eke teplek dan udah aut-aut-an ga jelas kayak hari ini nih: -


..and before I continue..I need to let you know that am not sponsored for this post! :)
I'm just sharing a little tips for you who happened to have the same problem like me.

Here is the tips:
Invest in a good Dry Shampoo.

I am currently using Batiste brand that I bought in Bangkok Airport, I think you can get this in Watsons and Guardian or pretty much any kind of good dry shampoo is good to fix the bad hair day.

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 Btw, ini bukan hasil sponsoran yah! cuman mo share aja..barang kali ada yang senasib sama eke, mo nampang pake rambut keren apa daya cuaca ga ngedukung.

Intinya: beli shampo kering!
Kalo di Jakarta, gw beneran ga tau beli dimana untuk merek Batiste ini..tapi sebenernya merek apapun boleh kok..biasa di pasar baru ato di toko baby jual dry shampoo ini.

If you already have a thick hair and don't need another extra volume, you can just use the original dry shampoo just to have the clean feel and let the dry shampoo absorb the oil in the scalp away.

Arrange it around 15-20 cm away from your roots..and spray it!


Cari yang original dry shampoo kalo misalnya dikau rambutnya uda tebel dan ga perlu lagi sasakan palsu untuk bikin rambut keliatan lebih tebel. Yang original gini biasanya untuk ngebersiin rambut sama ilangin minyak di kepala. Atur jarak sekitar 15 -20 cm dari jarak botol ke kulit kepala yo!

Gently massage and spread the dry shampoo into the scalp area.


Abis semprot dry shampoo ke kepala..di pijit2 begini bentar yah..biar dry shampoo nya ngerata.

Take a brush and brush it towards the end of your hair.


Sisir! pake sisir yang model brush gini yah..sampeee bawah.

..and DONE!

But if you do have a soft and thin hair texture and would like to have the extra volume on your hair,
buy this one. I super recommend this Big and Bouncy XXL volume by Batiste.


Kalo misalnya dikau kayak daku..yang rambutnya sama sekali ga ada volumenya dan mo punya rambut ngembang..beli ini deh: Big and Bouncy XXL volume by Batiste.

Ato ga, dry shampoo yang ada komposisi buat ngembangin rambut.

Same thing:  crumple your hair a little to create the volume.


Apa sih bahasanya kalo misalnya gw mo bilang kayak bejek bejek rambut deket kepala biar rambutnya ngikut ngembang..itu apa yah istilahnya? - kenapa vocab gw jadi gini seeh?

..and a lil Voom hair is what you got.


Tadaaa..jd ngembang kan?

Happy trying!

If you do have a request on the tips that you would like me to feature, 
do drop it at the comments part or in my email :)


Jeungs, kalo misalnya dikau ada request untuk tips ato tutorial apa yang dikau mau aku postingkan..
sini sini beri aku ide yah! Drop di comment ato di email ku yah!

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  1. walah ce, dibejek bejek xD
    thanks ce, really helpful, aku kalau bad hair day udah kaya sarang burung

  2. Aaah tos dulu ah sama bumil cakeub! Gue jg pake si Batiste ini El yg original krn rambut gue tebel and megar tp scalpnya gampang minyakan. Kalo pake ini kadang abis sisiran gue blow terus gue untel2 pake jari biar agak jinak ni rambut. Manteb banget ini dry shampoo dan gue berencana repurchase kalo udah abis. Awet bgt btw padahal gue kalo make nyemprotnya ga kalah napsu sama nyemprot baygon. Ahahaha..

  3. taoi gue suka loh sama rambut elo yg di foto pertama itu, looks very natural :)

  4. Sist, kamu itu pake softlents merk apa? dari dulu aku cari softlens efek glowing gitu belum pernah tau merknya apa. Eh sekarang ketemu, soflents yang kamu pake efek glowing gitu merknya apa sist? Infonya please ;[[


Wut do you think?


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