December 29, 2011

Make up by Bubbly Brush on facebook

Teman teman sayang..aku baru buat page di Facebook yang berjudul
" Make up by Bubbly Brush "

Karena website gw belon jadi, kartu nama masih rombak rombak design..akhirnya gw mejengkan saja beberapa hasil karya gw di Facebook dulu..Mau bantu aku untuk " like " page nya ga?

Mau yaa?

Hehehehe..doain yah, semoga di taon 2012 gw bisa makin lancar untuk urusan perlenongan, 
walo gw ketar ketir sepanjang hari mikirin apa gw bisa? apa engga ya? 
Tapi gw bakal coba berusaha untuk kibas kibas itu pikiran negative 
dan terus nyoba untuk jalanin make up service ini, lalu lalu..
aku minta tolong support dari anda anda semua yaaaaa....

Gw kan biasa, bacot aja gede,,tapi nyali kecil..dan gw takut gagal (sapa yang kaga ya?)
hahahahahha..kalo pada doa tutup taon, nama gw diselipin yah..*makasih*

Ya sudah, aku tutup postingan taon 2011 ini dengan harapan yang guede abis untuk 2012 dan semua rejeki en happiness untuk kita semua yah.

Happy new year to all of you!

Btw, ini page nya



December 27, 2011

Bifesta make up remover ^^

Let me share one more " must have " beauty thingy for your face regime!

This is awesome! 
I know some of you might have read this product review in other blog, but here I will repeat the same thing again..this product is great. *love love*

read out about why this  awesome make up remover are famous in Japan:

Bifesta is a well-known makeup remover brand from Japan. This product range is well loved by the working office ladies in Japan. 

Do you hate having to cleanse your face again and again and then having to do a final wash off while removing makeup? 

~Bifesta’s non rinse off make up remover solves this problem!~

You can just use the remover and gently yet effectively take off your heavy make-up. 
Of course, understanding there are many different kind of skin types Mandom has come up with four different kind of cleansing lotion to suit everyone!

Yeah I know, I'm not a Japanese lady in any way..
but I do feel lazy to wipe off the make up every night and wash it again with water and for me, it's a BIG NO NO to sleep with the make up on so Bifesta is pretty much a kind of make up remover that I need. ^^

And you might wanna try it too!!

When they posted a sample to grab on their main page, 
I was so excited to try and can't wait to blog it out.
And I'm so glad that Sarah from Nuffnang gave me a sample of Bifesta to try on. *thank u!*

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It's pretty simple, I clean my face with a cotton pad and see this..

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Foundation, eye shadow, even eyeliner and mascara..All gone!
This cannot be real..especially my waterproof mascara!

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My half cleaned face!

This is....weird....yet awesome..
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My face..

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Super clean and moist!

One more thing that I love the most is:

It didn't dry up your skin at all..
I've been using up to 1/2 of the sample bottle now and still love it.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App 

 This is Holy grail for make up remover.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App 

 Love it!

December 23, 2011

X'mas dinner FOTD ^^

I'm gonna have my X'mas dinner tonite!!
And we decided to do a little dress up for the dinner..and I was thinking to do my x'mas make up too!
*ga ada hubungannya seh!*

And I did a little tutorial on how to get this look as well.

Always start with a clean face.

Apply moisturizer before any make up, today..I'm using Lane'ige.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

And I'm using this orange cream camuflage for my dark circle.
I know it's not a typical concealer that we see in the make up counter, but this orange color actually covers the dark circle or any dark spot on our face nicely.
I'm, using Kryolan TV stick ~ orange.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Apply the foundation all over the face but leave the eye area .
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Then I take my ivory stick~ again from Kryolan to cover the eye area.
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This is how it's look, the before and after applying Ivory stick. 
It is actually helps to brighten the eye area as well.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Sorry for the blurry pic :P
Once you got the coverage that you want, 
seal the make up with pressed powder/translucent powder.
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Mine, Mac sheer pressed powder that has 2 shades darker than my skin. ^^
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Then start drawing your eyebrow if you have less hair like mine 
or comb it if you are blessed with a thick and perfect shape of the eyebrow.

Next, choose your eyelashes. Adjust and cut according to your eye length.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

I really love fake eyelash effect on my eyes.
It's create the double eyelid and it's like open up my small eyes.

I do apply a thin line of eyeliner really close to my lashes before I put my falsie, 
I just prefer it that way. ^^
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If you notice, I put my falsie first before my eyeshadow..where usually people do the eyeshadow first the the falsie, but like I told you..falsie creates a different eye shape for me so it is easier for me to find my crease and lid after the falsie on it.

For today's look, 
I chose this warm brown color to create a deep set eyes on my outer side.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

And a light shimmery gold color on the inner side of my eyes.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

This is where I apply the warm brown color on the outer side, 
and just fill the gold color on the inner side afterwards.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
No gold color applied on my lid yet.
After the warm brown and gold color are applied on the eyes.
I used dark grey eyeshadow on my half outer eyes and blend it upward towards the warm brown eyeshadow area and blend it over the warm brown color softly.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

For the cheek, 
I use my contouring powder to creates a high cheekbone and just blend to soften the line.

And lips, 
light pink for me.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Merry X'mas all!
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App


December 20, 2011

In the month of December!

This year so far was indeed the best year in my life!

I've been through lotsa things start from the beginning of the year where I was preparing my wedding and there are people that being pain in the ass and end up gained nothing, my decision in quitting my job to pursue my passion, and having the lowest point of my personal bank account ever.

But as always..God is Good! All the time..
There were rough time in the beginning of the year..but it's getting sweeter towards the end.

Lets start with the make up skill (teteup yoo), I (again) never been so proud of myself to be able to create a special effect make up and even a creative make up look, but at this point..look at this!

I did this!

And this!

And this too!!

My 2012 resolutions for beauty section gonna be:
" improving make up skill with more creativity look "


Apart from me officially become a make up artist, 
I am officially a Singapore Permanent Residence as well! 

Thank u Singapore!

It's just too awesome of how things works, 
I got everything i want just when I expected it the least. 

Seneng bukan kepalang nih gw..heheheh..akhirnya Singapore!
Kau menerimaku! 
Dan yang ajaibnya yah, gw dapet PR Singapore dengan keadaan gw ga ada kerjaan dan cuma 3 bulan uda di approved, yang padahal kata embaknya..minimum 4-6 bulan baru ada kabar.
This is my X'mas miracle for me.


Trus another blessing yang gw ga sangka buanyak dapet x'mas gift taon ini!
melebihi taon-taon sebelonnya..padahal gw mikir, oh no..taon ini suram ga bisa shopping shopping seperti biasa pas akhir taon..tapi bo, mungkin Tuhan tau kali di shower dari mana mana gift nya. Mostly dari Santa Arip sih ^^

Yang ini, kado dari gw sama Arip untuk tetangga2 indo di apartemen gw.
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Tapi ini untuk ku..^^
*bahagia pol*

Ini dari Arip untuk dirinya dan sayah, dan kita hepi banget pas dapet barang diskonan Akemi, dari yang harganya $429..pas kita nemu itu lagi hourly discount, jadinya cuma bayar $99 bo!
mayan banget kan? ga kebayang harus bayar $400an untuk sepre doang!
*kalo $400an ga bakal beli sih*
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Trus ini, dapet voucher dari bank..yang berbuah Charles and Keith ^^
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Kado dari Santa Arip lagi..
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Yang ini dari diri gw sendiri untuk diri gw! :P
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Ini kemaren Arip balik dari Melben,
yang pulang pulang nenteng sepatu ini untuk kado satu baju jumpsuit yang dia pikir atasan coba!
*bagus! teruskan bang!
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Trus yang ini rada surprise sih gw terimanya..
Pas Arip bongkar koper, dia bilang " ini ada gift dari Willy (kokonya Arip) "
Trus pas gw buka..isinya:

Mini brush
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Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Sama eyeshadow Lancome.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Gw bengong bentar trus nanya " ga salah nih ini dari abang kamu? "
Jarang banget kan yah laki ngasih kado perkakas perempuan gini?
Tapi, aku tetep berterima kasih ^^


Begitulah recap ku so far sampe sebelon x'mas..^^
Akan blogwalking really soon!!

Happy holiday ALL!

Merry X'mas!


December 15, 2011

Finally..I'm back!

Today, officially my last day class in taking Diploma in professional make up artistry!
I'm happy that I finally made it to the very end..and looking forward for my exam day and portfolio day on this coming Friday and Saturday.

It's been a new milestone for me, and I never been so proud of myself like I am now..
I know it may sound so narcissistic
, but just let me enjoy this feeling a little longer..
It's been a while since I felt the satisfaction within me.

It's simply because when I started this class, I come with a basic beauty skill in my pocket, 
the most I can do is smokey eyes and other basic make up like my pics below..

But soon after I'm on, for stage and special effect make up,
I start falling in love (again) with art world that I used to live in before.
It's sooo beautiful!
*cieeeeh..jiji pol yah gw nulisnya*

 Like when I did this Chinese opera make up, I was so nervous..I'm scared of the wrong stroke I did that gonna messed up the whole look. But when I manage to complete this look..I was like..Oh my..I actually can do this!!

Btw, this is me.

And..when..I thought putting a mask is quite's apparently not ^^
*tangan gw sampe gemeteran pas ngelukis ini euy*

Sad clown T_T

But the worst part is the cleaning time!
I enjoyed putting make up on my face, but i hate it when it's time to remove it.
Especially with this face painting all over the face! 

*males banget loh gw apusin make up bekas face painting
~ tapi pilihannya cuma apus ato pulang diliatin orang sepanjang jalan~*


Wish me all the best for my exam and portfolio day!!
Will post more pics soon. ^^

December 02, 2011


Ini postingan sih ga penting *kapan postingan gw pernah penting coba?* cuma foto-foto narsis gw lelompatan di pantai.

Rebo kemaren, ceritanya eke lenongin orang pre wed di Sentosa..dan pas couple nya ganti baju, gw mikir..pengen difotoin lompat sambil bawa payung ala ini..

Jadi gw ambil props nya tu payung en Ci Meilany dari 
dengan baik hatinya potoin gw!

Dan ini hasilnya:

Aduuu..cihui ati girang bukan kepalang pas gw liat hasilnya. Makasih ya Ci ^^
Dan tentunya, kadung lah ya kalo cuma lompat sekali doang..kesian kameranya nganggur,
jadinya kita bikin lompat lompatan laennya lagi..

Dan sungguh, ini gw lompat di udaranya cuma 1 detik kali paling lama..tapi semuanya ke capture dengan rapinya. Sungguh mantep teknik motonya. Aku sukalah.

Sayang kaki depan gw kurang "point"

Ciaaaah..gaya gw..pake senyum..

Dan gerakan yang ini, gw rada ga nyangka gw masi bisa loh..secara badan uda kaku gini..tapi ihihihi..ternyata..aku masi bisa.*terharu*

Trus foto yang ini, 
gw ga lagi pose loh..ini photo pas landing kalo ga salah..
tapi semua ke capture kayak pose shots..mantep yaaa!!!

Ah sekian edisi narsis weekend ini! *nanti gw keterusan lagi*
Happy weekend all!


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