December 15, 2011

Finally..I'm back!

Today, officially my last day class in taking Diploma in professional make up artistry!
I'm happy that I finally made it to the very end..and looking forward for my exam day and portfolio day on this coming Friday and Saturday.

It's been a new milestone for me, and I never been so proud of myself like I am now..
I know it may sound so narcissistic
, but just let me enjoy this feeling a little longer..
It's been a while since I felt the satisfaction within me.

It's simply because when I started this class, I come with a basic beauty skill in my pocket, 
the most I can do is smokey eyes and other basic make up like my pics below..

But soon after I'm on, for stage and special effect make up,
I start falling in love (again) with art world that I used to live in before.
It's sooo beautiful!
*cieeeeh..jiji pol yah gw nulisnya*

 Like when I did this Chinese opera make up, I was so nervous..I'm scared of the wrong stroke I did that gonna messed up the whole look. But when I manage to complete this look..I was like..Oh my..I actually can do this!!

Btw, this is me.

And..when..I thought putting a mask is quite's apparently not ^^
*tangan gw sampe gemeteran pas ngelukis ini euy*

Sad clown T_T

But the worst part is the cleaning time!
I enjoyed putting make up on my face, but i hate it when it's time to remove it.
Especially with this face painting all over the face! 

*males banget loh gw apusin make up bekas face painting
~ tapi pilihannya cuma apus ato pulang diliatin orang sepanjang jalan~*


Wish me all the best for my exam and portfolio day!!
Will post more pics soon. ^^


  1. you did really well in face paint!!! love it!!!


  2. lu bener2 talented ric!
    gua ngeliat juga yang special effect yang lu bikin yang lu taruh di fb. keren dah.

    good luck on the exam. pasti bisa lah kalo ngeliat hasilnya begini... :D

  3. sending lots of good luck ~~~

    u indeed did a really good job, el =)

  4. Ellll... Keren!! Pasti elu bisa, you can do ittt!! It's really nice to see a passionate student, and I bet you'll be an awesome make up artists!!

  5. good luck el..
    lo pasti bisa
    karena lo cemerlang !

  6. El , you're so talented !
    Good Job El, wish you luck pass the exam
    Cia Jou Ganbatee !!!

  7. impress aku el! en berapa lamu kamu baru sekolah ini? 2 bulan? ckckckckck.....

  8. you did wonderful works, El :)
    keep it up...cia yo!!

  9. cant wait to be your portfolio model, hey you talented young woman. =)

  10. foto pertama, bola mata lu yg hitam bisa jadi keliatan bulat & besar ya El. cakep.

  11. waaaa lo berbakat banget El..
    Bagus semua hasil karyamu!! :D

    Good luck ya untuk exam nya!! :)

  12. Girl, you are SO talented!!!!!
    Good luck with the exam and the portfolio! I know you can do it! :)

  13. awesome looks! congrats on making it through, and wishing you extra luck for final exam day <3

  14. hwaiting ci!!! sukses examnyaaaaa! :)

  15. Good luck! Though, I think you don't need it anyway ;p

    Kebayang sich gimana repotnya apus make upnya hehe...

  16. Wooooowww!! Elll.... You really need to be proud of your self. Indeed!! Itu bener2 bagus... and you're sooooo talented, I can tell :)
    Good luck ya examnya. But anyway, lo ga butuh 'luck' sih sebenernya with the talents that you have inside.

  17. All the best, for your exam and portfolio, El!!! you can do it!!

  18. ah keren2 banget El, elo bener2 berbakat, kalo face painting gitu bisa jadi make up artist di spesial efek film2 gitu El :)

    Sukses buat ujiannya ya

  19. pasti lulus lah.. :D
    jadi abis ini lu rencana mau ngapain ric? pasti seru ya kalo kerja sesuai passion kita..

  20. Whuiiihhhhh manthap habeesss.. itu gua pikir korban kdrt atau korban perang.. ternyata make up.. hebat... luar biasa. Pantas singapore langsung approve PR nya ya :)

  21. as always, love your makeup~~~ esp. eyes^^^^ <33


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