April 15, 2011

EOTD - Romantic saturday ^^

Its been ages since i reviewed any make up products or anything related to make up :P
And ever since i received LOTSA make up products lately, i decided to share a bit with y'all gorgeous!!

*gaya banget yah gw nulis pake bahasa inggris, tapi karena ada request dari temen gw yg orang phillippines supaya gw nulis pake bahasa inggris kalo pas bahas make up..ya wuis gw tulis pake bahasa inggris dulu ya bo*

Last saturday, i took leave..and i've got plenty of time to prepare my Saturday make up.  
So i decided to try on the new lashes from dolly wink, new BB cream+ primer + Sun screen, eye shadow, pressed powder, blush, ink eye liner from MAC, and lip gloss from Benefit.

No tutorial for this entry, just a simple review on each product i used.

I start with bare face, moisturized it with SK II miracle water and SK II whitening source derm brightener.
Then i concealed my under eye, and smile line with MAC cream concealer studio finish  NC 20.
And apply the MAC primer + BB cream all over your face.



Review: I love MAC concealer to the max, but not really in love with the primer + BB cream product.
It's not bad, but not to my expectation as MAC's product. It helps to keep the make up stay, but not really strong in the covering acne scar.

After shaping my eyebrow, and fill it with Viva brows pencil ( a little too harsh for the stroke this time :P), i framed my eyes with Maybeline Brown Gel eyeliner- it comes with a mini brush as applicator.


Review: JUST buy it! the texture, the color, and the maximum stay in my oily eyes are perfect.
Apart from Revlon pencil eyeliner color stay..i found Maybeline Gel eyeliner as second to best.

After applying gel eyeliner on both eyes, i tried a different kind of eye lashes this time.
Its DOLLY WINK, apparently it's Japanese brand and quite famous brand in Japan magazine.


Review: This is the hardest lashes to put on!
Maybe because of the soft and flexible texture, i found it really difficult to stick it.
In contra, this is the MOST comfortable lashes i ever tried!
So, i kinda feel it's worth the extra effort in putting it on.

 Have i told u, i plan to create a romantic eyes?
I think i did, didn't I?

I chose this Mac eye shadow, it's a warm light beige-brownish-orange kind of color.

Its a perfect color for a subtle Saturday outing.


Review: Love the texture, the color and the shimmer..it just give a " just nice " glow on your eyelid.
I used this in my inner lid and blend it with natural brown eye shadow for the outer part.

And I apply a thick stroke of MAC ink eye liner along the fake lashes line.
This is one of the reason, i put my fake lashes first..so i know the length to draw my eyeliner.


Review: Ink eyeliner is always a challenge, but it's really worth to try.
MAC's ink eyeliner is really prominent in the color. It's a jet dramatic black color,
and instantly enhance your eyes.
* i sounds like a sales girl*

Re-apply the gel brown eyeliner lightly for your lower lashes line.


Apply soft pink blush ( MAC Dame Satin) on your apple of the cheek.


Review: MAC's Dame Satin blush is awesome for day to day blush,
it's super natural and just a natural pink blush.
Love it!

And to finish the romantic look, i apply:
Benefit lip gloss ( fresh squeezed)


Review: Light, shinny and smells fruity! I feel like apply it on my tongue. Yummy smell.

And you are good to go!


* sorry for the over exposure pics, as I took the pics facing directly to the window without day curtain*


The power of make up


What do you think about this look?



  1. lo kulit na putih warna apa aja masuk, lom mulus juga kulit na.. coba klo kulit kuning bangsat eh langsat kek g ?! lom bekas jerawat dan bolong2 hahaha ^^

  2. Bisa sih pit sebenernya diakalin..banyak kok artis yang ga mulus tapi tetep kinclong ^^

  3. duuh... pinter banget sih ngegambar mata, el.. siriikkkk.... mata lu jadi cakep, cemerlang, kinclong begituh... kudu buka les nih hehehe....

  4. duuh... pinter banget sih ngegambar mata, el.. siriikkkk.... mata lu jadi cakep, cemerlang, kinclong begituh... kudu buka les nih hehehe....

  5. El...seperti biasa aku kasih 4 jempol waaaa keren keren....
    Sebenernya gw masih penasaran gimana cara pasang bulu mata nih el. Eyelash di jpn kan bagus2 tu termasuk dolly wink, candy doll atau apalah itu.. cuma emang harganya ga semurah merk daiso dll. Tp bisa bangkrut tiap kali gw cobain tu susah banget makenya.. Mungkin karena gw ga biasa, padahal kan harus buru2 tu ngasih lem trus tempel. Yang ada malah ujungnya susah nempel :(( Jarak yg palsu sama asli hrs seberapa deket ya el yg bagus? Trus gimana ya biar kita tau panjangnya itu pas & supaya bisa melengkung ikutin mata kita, itu yg susah Y____Y
    Seandainya ada yg mau ajarin gw, gw kasih dolly wink 1 deh =))
    Maafkan komen curcol gw~

  6. matanya jadi cakep beneerr.

    foto terakhir, paling kiri=Elrica, paling kanan=model majalah. hihihi

  7. bagus banget.. iriii.. gua gak bisa makeup walaupun udah liat tutorial lu berkali2 tapi tetep gak pede, gua takut nti kalo gua coba muka gua jadi aneh kaya geisha T_T

  8. jago bener sih dandan nya, ajarin donk haha...iya niih mulus hiks....sekarang gw lagi jerawatan sih....kangen sama muka gw yg dulu, ga ada jerawat >.<

  9. Hi El, just a silent reader, but i really love the look. very gorgeous...

  10. el, kl jakarta..sempatin les in kita2 yak..special bikin mata indah...

    gw setiap pasang bulu mata butuh 1/2 jam..gila ga..hihihi

  11. kapan bisa ajarin gue El, gue kalo dandan berasa kaya bencong...huhuhuh ;p

  12. el.. ajarin dong gimana bikin gambar garis diatas mata yang bagus..
    huhuuhu... elo jago banget sih...

  13. Setuju ama yang lain, kalau kita adain gathering sekalian ada tutorial make upnya hehe, yang basic pun jadi deh. Kagum.. kagum ama elo!!

  14. akhirnya ada tutorial make up lagi. Gue masih ga bisa pasang eyelashes T_T yg dulu da perna gue beli akhirnya sia2 ga tau kemana tu bulu terbang. Canntikk el :D

  15. bagus El~~ Gw pengen deh pinter dandan kayak lu. huhuhu. gimana ya caranya :(
    haha baca komen2 sebelomnya : iya nih bener, buka les dandan el kalo dateng kesini. lol :))

  16. Keren hasilnya el, cakep banget, gw suka..suka...sukaaa...
    btw, ink eyelinernya MAC lama ga keringnya?selama ini gw pake yang pensil nya, tapi berasa cepet bgt abisnya, pengen nyoba yg ink ini...

  17. wahhhhh bagguuuuss!!! ternyata fake eyelash itu efeknya POW banget ya,..langsung narik perhatian ke mata...

  18. aduhhh ellll.....daku iriiiii......gue pengen banget el bisa make up an kayak dikao.....ampe sekarang gue cuma baru bisa pake eyeliner nih el, sisanya masih kudu blajar lagi...huehehehe :).
    TOP ellll :)


Wut do you think?


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