We are back!!!! And legally married!!
Poto2nya aku belom dapet!! Cerita lengkapnya nanti yaaa..
Aku masi jadi inem di rumah beres2..en semuanya masi berantakan abies!!
Untuk yang ucapin selamet di fb..makasih banyak yah :D
Ada yang ga gw reply satu-satu soalnya fb di iphone gw supaaaah lelet!! Ampun!
Sekian dulu..
Hari ini royal wedding loh!
Aku mo nonton!!!
April 29, 2011
April 23, 2011
Dengerin deh..
By the time daku publish entry yang ini..kita uda di Bali..dan akan be Back ke sg tanggal 26 April..and by then..I'll be married!!!
Selama beberapa hari ini, aku sogok lagu-lagu yang bakal berbunyi-bunyi di kawinan aku yah..
Aku nanti jalan di Chapel pake lagu ini:
*tapi ga pake prolog di depannya :P*
" Unexpected Song "
Arip punya yang ini:
"Cantata 147"
Trus untuk flower girl and boy + Parents kita pake yang super standard:
Canon in D
Dan aku uda beli ini..xixixixi..
Trus aku juga lagi suka lagu ini:
April 15, 2011
EOTD - Romantic saturday ^^
Its been ages since i reviewed any make up products or anything related to make up :P
And ever since i received LOTSA make up products lately, i decided to share a bit with y'all gorgeous!!
*gaya banget yah gw nulis pake bahasa inggris, tapi karena ada request dari temen gw yg orang phillippines supaya gw nulis pake bahasa inggris kalo pas bahas make up..ya wuis gw tulis pake bahasa inggris dulu ya bo*
Last saturday, i took leave..and i've got plenty of time to prepare my Saturday make up.
So i decided to try on the new lashes from dolly wink, new BB cream+ primer + Sun screen, eye shadow, pressed powder, blush, ink eye liner from MAC, and lip gloss from Benefit.
No tutorial for this entry, just a simple review on each product i used.
I start with bare face, moisturized it with SK II miracle water and SK II whitening source derm brightener.
Then i concealed my under eye, and smile line with MAC cream concealer studio finish NC 20.
And apply the MAC primer + BB cream all over your face.
Review: I love MAC concealer to the max, but not really in love with the primer + BB cream product.
It's not bad, but not to my expectation as MAC's product. It helps to keep the make up stay, but not really strong in the covering acne scar.
After shaping my eyebrow, and fill it with Viva brows pencil ( a little too harsh for the stroke this time :P), i framed my eyes with Maybeline Brown Gel eyeliner- it comes with a mini brush as applicator.
Review: JUST buy it! the texture, the color, and the maximum stay in my oily eyes are perfect.
Apart from Revlon pencil eyeliner color stay..i found Maybeline Gel eyeliner as second to best.
After applying gel eyeliner on both eyes, i tried a different kind of eye lashes this time.
Its DOLLY WINK, apparently it's Japanese brand and quite famous brand in Japan magazine.
After shaping my eyebrow, and fill it with Viva brows pencil ( a little too harsh for the stroke this time :P), i framed my eyes with Maybeline Brown Gel eyeliner- it comes with a mini brush as applicator.
Review: JUST buy it! the texture, the color, and the maximum stay in my oily eyes are perfect.
Apart from Revlon pencil eyeliner color stay..i found Maybeline Gel eyeliner as second to best.
After applying gel eyeliner on both eyes, i tried a different kind of eye lashes this time.
Its DOLLY WINK, apparently it's Japanese brand and quite famous brand in Japan magazine.
Review: This is the hardest lashes to put on!
Maybe because of the soft and flexible texture, i found it really difficult to stick it.
In contra, this is the MOST comfortable lashes i ever tried!
So, i kinda feel it's worth the extra effort in putting it on.
Have i told u, i plan to create a romantic eyes?
I think i did, didn't I?
I chose this Mac eye shadow, it's a warm light beige-brownish-orange kind of color.
Its a perfect color for a subtle Saturday outing.
Review: Love the texture, the color and the shimmer..it just give a " just nice " glow on your eyelid.
I used this in my inner lid and blend it with natural brown eye shadow for the outer part.
And I apply a thick stroke of MAC ink eye liner along the fake lashes line.
This is one of the reason, i put my fake lashes first..so i know the length to draw my eyeliner.
Review: Ink eyeliner is always a challenge, but it's really worth to try.
MAC's ink eyeliner is really prominent in the color. It's a jet dramatic black color,
and instantly enhance your eyes.
* i sounds like a sales girl*
Re-apply the gel brown eyeliner lightly for your lower lashes line.
Apply soft pink blush ( MAC Dame Satin) on your apple of the cheek.
Review: MAC's Dame Satin blush is awesome for day to day blush,
it's super natural and just a natural pink blush.
Love it!
And to finish the romantic look, i apply:
Benefit lip gloss ( fresh squeezed)
Review: Light, shinny and smells fruity! I feel like apply it on my tongue. Yummy smell.
And you are good to go!
* sorry for the over exposure pics, as I took the pics facing directly to the window without day curtain*
The power of make up
Maybe because of the soft and flexible texture, i found it really difficult to stick it.
In contra, this is the MOST comfortable lashes i ever tried!
So, i kinda feel it's worth the extra effort in putting it on.
Have i told u, i plan to create a romantic eyes?
I think i did, didn't I?
I chose this Mac eye shadow, it's a warm light beige-brownish-orange kind of color.
Its a perfect color for a subtle Saturday outing.
Review: Love the texture, the color and the shimmer..it just give a " just nice " glow on your eyelid.
I used this in my inner lid and blend it with natural brown eye shadow for the outer part.
And I apply a thick stroke of MAC ink eye liner along the fake lashes line.
This is one of the reason, i put my fake lashes first..so i know the length to draw my eyeliner.
Review: Ink eyeliner is always a challenge, but it's really worth to try.
MAC's ink eyeliner is really prominent in the color. It's a jet dramatic black color,
and instantly enhance your eyes.
* i sounds like a sales girl*
Re-apply the gel brown eyeliner lightly for your lower lashes line.
Apply soft pink blush ( MAC Dame Satin) on your apple of the cheek.
Review: MAC's Dame Satin blush is awesome for day to day blush,
it's super natural and just a natural pink blush.
Love it!
And to finish the romantic look, i apply:
Benefit lip gloss ( fresh squeezed)
Review: Light, shinny and smells fruity! I feel like apply it on my tongue. Yummy smell.
And you are good to go!
* sorry for the over exposure pics, as I took the pics facing directly to the window without day curtain*
The power of make up
Posted by
Bit about..
Benefit lip gloss
eye make up
lip gloss
MAC BB cream
MAC concealar
MAC eye shadow
MAC ink eyeliner
MAC pressed powder
MAC primer
maybeline eyeliner.
Maybeliner gel eyeliner
2:03 AM
April 10, 2011
Tirtha Bridal Fair
Kemarin daku baru balik dari Bali..tapi bener2 cuma short visit gitu, jumat midnite sampe..minggu sore udah balik! en kemaren kita dan segambreng calon bride en groom Tirtha Bali diundang untuk test food en experience wedding di Tirtha Bali.
One word: AMAZING!!!
Gw sampe terkagum-kagum sama semuanya disana..jadi kita mulai pas dateng, kita disuruh foto dulu sama abang yg pegang umbul-umbul trus mulai digiring ke bagian make up demo en preparation suite di Tirtha.
Gw uda pengen nyeruput itu gelas isi coklat aja.. |
Trus dikasih liat table settingnya..
Welcome board yang ala mahkota dewa yunani..
Dan ini chapel idamanku..tapi hux hux..apa boleh buat..karena undangan 100 orang, akhirnya mesti pindah ke chapel Tirtha yang lebih gede.
Dan ini model groom nya..pas dikasih demo wedding ceremony nya..*Ganteng ajeee*
Kelar wedding blessing..kita keluar untuk acara lepas balon..
Calon mama baruku dan Arip |
Siap-siap... |
Daaaa Balooon...$xxx melayang... |
Trus kita digiring ke villanya..yang konon di price list harganya $xxxx/malem
Aje gila..sapa yang mau tinggal coba?
Ini kamar Villa untuk malem pertama katanya.. |
Ini nanti wedding venue aku ^^ |
Oh-oh..gw sama Arip ketemu lighting bagus, pas mataharinya lagi turun.
Lalu kita bergaya melow yellow..
Gaya Arip |
Gaya aku |
Sapa yang lebih melow?
Aku kan?
Kelar muter-muter Chapel, villa dan suite2nya..kita FINALLY ke acara food testing!!
Di tiap-tiap meja..ditarok foto yang diambil pas dateng, dan dimana ada foto kita itu berarti meja kita.
camwhoring dikit.. |
Sedikit lagi gpp yaa..? |
Ikan asin asem.. |
Gado gado |
Over all, saya suka presentasi semuanya disana.
Doain yah semoga kawinan gw yang 2 minggu lagi dari sekarang lancar2 aja en semua happy, semua kenyang, ga ada drama dari tante gw, ga ada omongan yang ga enak dari pihak2 yang mulut ga berfilter, dan ga ada pikiran2 buruk dari orang yang otaknya konslet.
*sambil berdoa sekalian nyepet*
Dan juga gw cuma sekali lagi bilang " Tuhan dengerin doa gw ( dan juga doa mu) "
Waktu gw kerja jadi WO di jakarta, gw sempet mikir soal dream wedding gw..dan gw pengen banget di Bali.
At that time gaji gw sebagai WO blom sanggup buat dijadiin tabungan utk merit di Bali, jd yah pelan2 gw lupain mimpi itu tapi tetep gw doain..tapi eh ternyata..satu satu dibukain jalannya. Dan gw bisa married di Bali, en segala keperluan married gw..puji Tuhan gw bisa pake duit sendiri, ga minta dari bonyok. ^^
Doain yah semoga kawinan gw yang 2 minggu lagi dari sekarang lancar2 aja en semua happy, semua kenyang, ga ada drama dari tante gw, ga ada omongan yang ga enak dari pihak2 yang mulut ga berfilter, dan ga ada pikiran2 buruk dari orang yang otaknya konslet.
*sambil berdoa sekalian nyepet*
Dan juga gw cuma sekali lagi bilang " Tuhan dengerin doa gw ( dan juga doa mu) "
Waktu gw kerja jadi WO di jakarta, gw sempet mikir soal dream wedding gw..dan gw pengen banget di Bali.
At that time gaji gw sebagai WO blom sanggup buat dijadiin tabungan utk merit di Bali, jd yah pelan2 gw lupain mimpi itu tapi tetep gw doain..tapi eh ternyata..satu satu dibukain jalannya. Dan gw bisa married di Bali, en segala keperluan married gw..puji Tuhan gw bisa pake duit sendiri, ga minta dari bonyok. ^^
Posted by
Bit about..
bali wedding
tirtha bali
tirtha bridal
wedding at tirtha bali
Wedding bali
3:50 PM
April 07, 2011
Things around ur table?
Office never been an easy place for me.
Sejak boss gw yg baik hati dan kata temen2 kantor tampan keluar dr kantor 2.5 taon yg lalu, hari-hari gw di kantor agak engep ngadepin orang2 yang dr negri jahe jahe..
Kalo lu tanya gw, kenapa gw ga keluar dari dulu? Itu juga gw ga tau..gw pengen banget cabut dr kantor ini..tapi karena satu dan banyak hal laen nya, gw masih tetep disini en berkelana kesana kemari..
Dan kalo gw ga lagi travelling, gw paling demen duduk aja di meja gw..Bikin report, follow up development ato bacain email fight antar sesama temen kantor.
Mayan menghibur.
Banyak barang2 personal gw yang gw pajang di meja gw, dan semuanya itu barang ga penting..kayak si lionel ini..Yang sebelahnya gw kasih pot transparant kecil isi pot pouri warna ijo.
Trus gw juga tarok beauty corner di meja gw, ini yang bikin gw ngerasa nyaman aja..liat parfume, nail polish sama body lotion bisa bikin mood gw membaek dikit kalo abis sepet-sepetan ma jahe di dept laen :)
Next thing yang gw demen di meja gw dan sekitarnya itu kalender :)
Yang saban hari gw coret2in..gw tanda2in, kapan gajian..kapan facial, kapan travelling, sapa beday, mo kemana dll..
Dan barang terakhir yang harus ada di meja gw adalah...
Wajib ada beberapa pasang sepatu yang beda image nya..walo flat shoes, gw bedain, flat shoes buat meeting ato acara corporate laennya, flat utk lunch, sama flat cantik yg ada hiasannya, sama harus ada high heels juga di kolong meja gw..pokonya gw berasa ga bakal " saltum " padahal..ga ngaruh ya? ^^
Ibu2..dan Bapak2..ada ga sih barang yang wajib ada di meja kerja dirimu?
Kalo ada, apa barangnya? En kenapa harus ada barang itu??
Sejak boss gw yg baik hati dan kata temen2 kantor tampan keluar dr kantor 2.5 taon yg lalu, hari-hari gw di kantor agak engep ngadepin orang2 yang dr negri jahe jahe..
Kalo lu tanya gw, kenapa gw ga keluar dari dulu? Itu juga gw ga tau..gw pengen banget cabut dr kantor ini..tapi karena satu dan banyak hal laen nya, gw masih tetep disini en berkelana kesana kemari..
Dan kalo gw ga lagi travelling, gw paling demen duduk aja di meja gw..Bikin report, follow up development ato bacain email fight antar sesama temen kantor.
Mayan menghibur.
Banyak barang2 personal gw yang gw pajang di meja gw, dan semuanya itu barang ga penting..kayak si lionel ini..Yang sebelahnya gw kasih pot transparant kecil isi pot pouri warna ijo.
Trus gw juga tarok beauty corner di meja gw, ini yang bikin gw ngerasa nyaman aja..liat parfume, nail polish sama body lotion bisa bikin mood gw membaek dikit kalo abis sepet-sepetan ma jahe di dept laen :)
Next thing yang gw demen di meja gw dan sekitarnya itu kalender :)
Yang saban hari gw coret2in..gw tanda2in, kapan gajian..kapan facial, kapan travelling, sapa beday, mo kemana dll..
Dan barang terakhir yang harus ada di meja gw adalah...
Wajib ada beberapa pasang sepatu yang beda image nya..walo flat shoes, gw bedain, flat shoes buat meeting ato acara corporate laennya, flat utk lunch, sama flat cantik yg ada hiasannya, sama harus ada high heels juga di kolong meja gw..pokonya gw berasa ga bakal " saltum " padahal..ga ngaruh ya? ^^
Ibu2..dan Bapak2..ada ga sih barang yang wajib ada di meja kerja dirimu?
Kalo ada, apa barangnya? En kenapa harus ada barang itu??
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