March 21, 2016

Olla! It's Autumn in Auckland :)

One of my favourite season of the year..I love to see all the leaves and flower start to witter and change it's colour. Pretty and depressing in the same time, LOL!

So far, Autumn di Auckland masi enak banget loh cuacanya..baru awal kali ye? Sekarang gw pake dress selapis and flat ala ala pakaian waktu di Singapore masi sanggup, tapi kl matahari ilang, buru buru deh.."jaket mana jaket?" Gw dari dateng, mo OOTD an yang cantik ala ala fashion blogger gitu, ga kesampean dong! hahahaha..komitmen nya kurang sih ini namanya. LOL! Jangan tanya soal youtube, uda gw record diri gw sendiri..pas gw nonton balik, gw eneg ndiri..dan gw delete, begituuuu terus jek! Tolong akuuuu lah! Hahahaha.. gimana dong?

Anyhoo, about life di Auckland..I found few interesting nice stuff to share :)

This is company co-own by NZ Masterchef winner, Nadia Lim..jadi konsepnya tuh, kita bisa jd masterchef at home :)

Gw order family pack yang datengnya begini, jadi mulai dari resep sampe ingredientsnya semua dari mereka. $162an per week. Cukup buat dinner 2 adult + Ethan, dan dibawa sisanya buat lunch besok siangnya. So far, kita nyoba sekali dan omg sayurnya banyak aje! LOL!

Menu minggu itu kayak gini..and I would say, ingredient nya super fresh bo! Dan sehat bener! Cuman sayangnya, kl tengah minggu pengen makan sop buntut..#eaaaa..harus nunggu sampe minggu itu kelar dulu deh. Tapi enaknya, lu ga usah pusing besok mo masak apa.

2. Auckland Sunset

Breathtakingly beautiful! Ini gw photo dari backyard gw, and gw bisa cuman duduk sambil nungguin matahari ilang :) Cakep banget ya?

3. Homemade Breakfast with "Cafe" quality food.

Gw dari dulu mikir masak itu susah aje, and rempong bener buat dikerjain. Rempongnya masi sama ding, cuman uda ga sesusah yg dulu gw pikir. Dan disini, bahan bahan buat bikin makanan gini tuh murah banget. Kayak Egg Benedict, di cafe sepiring tambah bacon ato salmon bisa $22 alone. Masak di rumah $22 bisa dapet Bacon 500gr + Roti + telor se tray kali..yang ujung ujungnya bisa buat breakfast seminggu :)

4.Shopping Paradise, nope!

Bukan tempat shopping ni negara :)

Walo ada sih tempat tempat lumayan kl mo cari barang ato baju yang local designer, cuman harganya ga wajar bo! Kebiasaan beli Charles and Keith kan ya, $50 dapet lah buat cakep cakepan beberapa kl pake..disini $200! -_-'

Yang ada malah online shopping cantik, seperti hasil belanjaan dari Amazon USA dibawah ini :)
Ini 2 sepatu pilihan Bang Arip bo, gw cuman bilang " I want silver espadrilles " dan ditanya ukuran apa..lalu tibalah sepatu ini :)

Dan yang Gold pun dateng bersamaan as a Christmas gift.
Hore, istri senang!

5. Gardening

Edisi besok besok gw bakal posting soal kebon sayur gw yang kecil :)
Sekarang mo pamer bunga hasil metik dari kebon...gila yah bisa cakep gini warna kombinasinya. Love it to the max!

Trus, gw sekarang nyimpenin sayur sayuran sisa dapur buat ditumbuhin gini. Ini Bak Choi, jd potongnya disisain segini, trus tarok di aer..nanti uda mulai tumbuh tunas tunasnya trus dipindain ke tanah. Lumayan loh, buat persediaan sayur pas winter, secara sayur mahal aje kalo winter. 

6. Sample sale

Mungkin ini lebih ke gw yg kerja di the biggest retail company disini, jadinya sering bener sample sale! Tempat lilin ini, gw jadiin tmpt tarok brush daily gw..tebak berapa harganya? Dan gw ga pernah sample sale di Singapore, pas sampe girang bener! Shopping di toko mahal, jadinya shopping di kantor :P

Kalo ada yg pengen tau tentang something di NZ, drop me a comment or email as always :)
Tapi ga usah tanya gimana proses pindah kemari yah, itu google aja "Migrating to New Zealand"..semua ada di situ.
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March 08, 2016

New Zealand Travel Destination: HOBBITON!

A home to hobbit, and a place to unlock the imagination of the middle earth.

Be ready for this amazing scenic 2 hours journey of the land of hobbit. I am serious when I say this, because I was constantly "Wow-ing" over the gorgeous details of this world known movie set. I am so blessed to get an opportunity living in New Zealand, and be able to see the beautiful scenery this country has to offer, and Hobbiton is really one of the place I'm so glad to spent my money on.

If you are travelling to Auckland and have 1 day to spare, I would suggest you find the local tour that can pick you up to go to this place. Easy google " Hobitton tour auckland " could give you list of day tour that cater to your schedule. As for me, we drove all the way from Auckland to Hobbiton! It was a bloody long trip especially with lil one being cranky most of the time. But, I guess it's worth it.

Take a look at the scenery that greeted me on that day!

And the sleepy lil one, sleeping on me like little Koala :)

Isn't this place amazing? We went to this place on December (which is summer in this part of the world.) and although the sun wasn't that bad during our trip, I would still suggest you guys to apply sunscreen, and bring your sunnies and cap. It could be pretty burning.

You can get your ticket HERE or buy directly at the ticketing area, which is a good idea as well just in case you running late. Overall, minus the cranky baby - I will give this place a 4.5/5 rating, where the 0.5 number goes to the nature of the place that are not accessible by disable. That would be great if one day, I don't know how they do it, but it will be accessible for the wheel chair-er. :)

Enjoy the sneak peak, and till the next travel destination in New Zealand!

I'm so amazed on the details!

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March 07, 2016

Mo sehat? Mo kurus? Cobain Gorry Gourmet!

Ou Hello semuanya! Sedang apa? Daku sedang akan mempromosikan healthy food! Hahahaha..ya eyalah ya jelas - diliat dr judulnya aja uda begitu kan yaaa? Iyah, waktu kemaren eke dapet kesempatan dong nyobain Gorry Gourmet selama seminggu, gara garanya mesti photo keluarga..dan minggu sebelonnya gw ke padang dong bok! Mo mati makanan disana, ngeliat aja bisa nambah berat badannya dong. LOL! Lebay abis. 

Saban 2 jam gw MAKAN! astaganaga..dan mo photo keluarga, gw pengen cakepan dikit dong. Jadilah saya nahan napsu makan, dan siap siap bernestapa ria dengan makanan diet ini. 

Yang pernah diet Mayo, tau kan ya makanan diet itu seperti apa..dan gw uda siap siap aja dong menerima makanan hambar tapi ngecilin pinggang biar langsing. >.< 

Dan..pas gw buka kotak shock dong, ini makanan diet nih? Kok enak bener keliatannya? Fresh, dan super high quality food in a box! Gw langsung senyum selebar lebarnya..hahahahha..ternyata mo kurusan dan jaga makan itu ga perlu pake lidah hambar. LOL!

Ini sebenernya gw niat diet pa kaga yaa? hahahha..tapi liat deh menu nya, ga kayak makanan diet kan?

Penne Salmon :)

Stir fry veggies!

Purple yam.

Dan liat deh menu makanan ku selanjutnya ini, manaaaaaaa yg kayak makanan diet? Ga ada! Semua nya yummy, dengan kalori terkontrol. Hore!

Apapun yang jadi goal kamu, Gorry Gourmet bisa jd solusinya! Misalnya kamu perlu untuk atur berat badan kamu, ngebikin otot, ato cuman pengen ganti lifestyle makan biar sehat? Semua option ada loh, yuk melipir ke wbsite GORRY GOURMET buat info lengkapnya.

I am one happy and satisfied customer! I feel like it was a good start for clean eating and a lifestyle changing. Definitely recommended for friends in Jakarta.

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March 06, 2016

The make over to rave for by The Scene Salon!

During my visit back in Singapore, I went to one newly opened Korean Salon that i will definitely coming back to! I got my hair done, ready for my Chinese New Year and the little talk show event in Jakarta!

Everyone, let me introduce you "The Scene" salon! This place currently has on-going  transformation to change the scene into Korean stylists only hair salon to bring authentic Korean trends to you. I love the fact that this place own, and run by professional DuSol beauty, with in house Korean stylist as well! I got a privilege to meet and spent good 2 hours with the owner, Mr. Chu. It was really one wonderful afternoon for me. I know my hair is in good hand and i got one great businessman to share his ideas. Never estimate the creative mind behind one young face. Amazing! 

The salon is located in one of the prime locations of Singapore, and the hairstylists are highly qualified Korean professionals, who have been trained and have gained reputable styling experiences in Korea. Btw, they are not affiliated in any way with the scene at Robinson. :)

Moving on, having been involve in beauty world since 2012 as beauty blogger, I know what is good and what is so-so kind of treatment, technique and result for my hair. I must say that this hair I'm currently having from The Scene is definitely one of the best. Not because it turns the color to be even more gorgeous, the cutting technique is extraordinaire. I just love it.

Take a look one make over that i can rave for!


I love my hair look healthy with the right amount of shine. I had my hair examine by the senior stylist before deciding what to do with it. I actually asked for a soft perm, and my request was denied because my hair couldn't take it and it will damage my hair. I LOVE this kind of professionalism, I had bad experience with one of the local salon that perm my hair without care about my hair condition. I came out of the salon with my hair tied up, because it was so damage like a corn hair. With The scene, you know they are not always just about making money - they want to make you look good.

I had a good 4 steps to regenerate my tired hair. Started with a good moisture treatment, followed by hair vitamin, oil based cream and close with one beautiful scent of mask. A good 3 hours well spent to this beautiful, bountiful hair. Super love it! 

This is Elin, my gentle stylist of the day. Get her to do your precious hair! The first 30 customers that quoting my name " Elrica - Pinkbuble"  will get a 10% discount. I actually have one Auckland friend, went to The Scene salon and get her hair permed. She looks amazing, and I understand why she love it so much, because it's really that kind of hair perm you see in the Korean Drama. So, make an appointment and be ready for the MAKE OVER!

Like I said, the hair looks better by day, and can you see the red hue start coming out after few weeks? It's gorgeous.

The Scene Salon

252 North Bridge Road 
#03-21A Raffles City Shopping Centre
Singapore 179130
+65 6333 9613

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