June 30, 2014

Biolee journey with me - Part 1

Hallo! Is there anyone suffering from Acne? If you do, i think it's important to know about Biolee, who knows this one is a life saving skincare for your acne :)

Before we start, let me share with you what is this Biolee Acnepris is all about. Acnépris products are formulated for treating acne problems of women in their 20′s and 30′s. acnépris is a quality natural cosmetic brand that does not contain chemical such as salicytic acid and triclosan, normally found in other treatment cosmetics.

The main ingredient of acnépris is “Pine Pollen Extract” known has excellent antibiotics and anti inflammatory effect against propioni bacterium acnes (the most common form of acne bacterium).
Just as cotton worn close to the skin is better than polyester, so too, natural ingredients are better than chemicals in skincare.

It's great to have a complete set of products when you are intending to have a good result.

Let's start with the Purifiying cleanser foam.

This rich facial foam cleanser takes out the remains of the makeup, sunscreens, dirt, oil, even trouble-causing factor. The natural pine pollen extract reduces the trouble on acne/oily skin.

Because I don't wash my face with soap in the morning, I use this at night to keep my skin clean and ready for the night regime.

All you need to do is to take a size of corn and apply it on your face with a splash of water.

I always do circular motion whenever i apply something on my face, that includes washing my face.

Rinse your face with a luke warm water and dry in gently with a clean towel. You might want to have a clean towel for your face, not the usual towel that wipe to whole body with.

I can feel my skin is super clean, fresh and i know that Biolee is a good investment for my skin.

Do note that one of the way you can keep you face clean is to avoid touching your face with your hands. Our hands is dirty. We used to say to the children " don't put your hand to the mouth!! It's dirty! " , right?

So let's remind ourselves on that too, ok?

Be sure to stay tune on my page for my journey with Biolee

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June 25, 2014

How to create powerful make up with simple items?

Hello ladies!

I am sharing up my little guidance especially for you who standing in front of make up counter and wondering what to buy to create a powerful make up. You can actually stock up many foundations, blushes, eye shadows and as much lipsticks as you like - but if you are not that kind of person, I hope i can share my basic tips on getting make up stuff.

Let's start this, shall we?
Oh, this is how I look like without make up:

Sometimes, I want to create my right side look for a business meeting, event, or maybe my son's friend birthday party. You know, just to avoid the " just wake up " look on my face :)

and on the other time I am loving a glamours look for a date night with le hubby. 

But If you are not fancy a strong eye make up, you can always go for a casual look and tone down the lower liner..Just like my daily look as below. 

Too troublesome for make up? Don't close my blog just yet, because I am going to ask you if you know that actually with just using 6 make up items, you are pretty much good to go?

As simple as this 6 basic items:
1. BB cushion/Pressed powder
2. Eyebrow pencil
3. Cheek tint
4. Faux lashes
5. Soft colour lipstick
6. Eyebrow powder

Another secret to create a bigger eye illusion is by using a circle lens - I am using Freshkon in grey.
The other key element for a bigger eyes is faux lashes. I am using one of my favourite brand - Starlash in DB 31 to create the look. 

But before sticking the lashes, I like to start my make up by drawing my eyebrow.
I am using both, pencil and eyebrow powder to define eyebrow.

One easy trick to draw eyebrow is to draw the outer shape according to you preference, then fill it up using the eyebrow powder. 
Then I stick the faux lashes continue with applying my ETUDE Magic BB cushion as my make up base.
You can read more about this product on my previous review -> HERE

As for the cheek and for the super long lasting cheek tint, please go for Estee Lauder in Hot fuse.

This is one of my favourite cheek tint and i recommend this to so many people around, because it just that good.

For the eyeshadow, go for basic earth tone if you are not sure what to get as the first timer.
I recommend Jane Iredale Magic Hour collection eye shadow in trio golds.

In this look, I am just using single color - the right side beige color on my eye lid.
Can you see how smooth and pigmented is the color? I don't have to even blend it with brush, am just using my finger tip :)

The lips - I go light with a soft pink hue from Candy Doll collection.
This is a Japanese brand that I recently bought during my trip to Tokyo.

If you love bold and strong looking eyes..add on a solid black eyeliner on your lower liner.
It will create a dramatic effect on your eyes - although I must say that this may not suitable for daily look and not everyone could carry the look. So, apply the black liner wisely, yeah?

I recommend Make Up Forever Aqua black eye liner.
It's waterproof and it stays on the waterline as well.

Next tips, still with the 6 basic items + 1 black eyeliner ..and you want to create a glamour diva look?

Easy - pick a hot red lipstick to complete the basic make up collection and you are pretty much good.
You can play around with the basic look..and spice up your look with just the red lippy :)

I am still using the same make up, the difference is only at lip color.
See how one bold red lips could change the whole look?

Using Bobbi Brown in Old Hollywood 2
I hope this tips could be useful and if you have questions on make up or some tutorial request..you know how to reach me!

'Till next time :)

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June 19, 2014

Virgin trip to Japan

Super late post! Tapi bakal tetep aye pajang :)

I LOVE JAPAN and definitely my virgin trip worth every cents of it!
Me and Mr. booked Japan Airlines and it cost us around SGD700/pax for a return flight.
Japan airlines service is awesome! To my surprise, it's better than Singapore Airlines.

We took night flight and were so excited to start our trip!

Upon landing in Haneda, I was overwhelmed by the technology in this city.
My first encounter was toilet bowl :)

Kayak, ini negara kok toiletnya canggih amat ya?
Ada semprotan plus angin buat keringin pantat pula..- walo agak agak jijik sih ngebayangin hawa toilet bowl tertiup ke arah pantat - tapi tetep berasa, keren amat ni WC. trus trus ada just tombol suara flush..haha! Just in case, sakit perut dan mo ngeBOM tapi ga enak kan sama cubicle sebelah..nah situ pencet deh tombol inih!

Unlike Singapore where you pretty much just need EZ-link card to travel by MRT and bus, in Japan they have few passes for you to use to travel. I am not sure which card to buy, so we decided to use PASMO card that works on all train and buses, and you just need to top it up when the credit is finished.

Everything in Japan is in JAPANESE.
Literally almost EVERYTHING. Except few touristy places and train stops.
Even the Air Conditioner is in Japanese. Gemana seh? mo atur suhu aja sampe rempong -_-''

Lalu..di Jepun aku notice, di station gede yang bakal jadi pusat bus bus ato train laen ke luar kota..mereka nyediain locker buat titip koper. Tinggal masukin koin, kunci dan kau siap pergi lah..sana maen maen sehari 2 hari, pulang, ambil lagi kopermu dan lanjooot travel tokyo lagi.

1st day kita nyampe,kita ke Shinjuku..

dan nyari property camera di BIC camera.
Service nya dong ah, luar biasaaaaaa...dan bener bener customer is the King, tapi bedanya..kalo di Indo or Sg kadang customernya songong mampus kan ya? disini, customer yang beli beli juga pada sopaaaannya luar biasa. Ga biasa gw jadinya.

Batere aja cantik ^^
Trus kesan pertama eke terhadap ini negara adalah..negara vending machine.
It's like all over the corner lu bisa ketemu vending machine.
Mulai dari minuman, makanan, rokok, sampe maenan maenan ga jelas juga semuanya ada vending machinenya.

Kelar dari Shinjuku, kita cuman muter muter ke Ginza sebentar mo liat kayak gimana sih yang kata orang so called - Orchard nya Tokyo :)
Yang ternyata, biasa aja yah..malah menurut gw lebih mewah and grand-an Singapore dibanding Tokyo. Cuman, orangnya aja yang sumpe baek baek banget dibanding Singapore. Kayak karena gw katro ngeliat ngeliat kanan kiri, gw ga sengaja nubruk orang dong..tapi malah orangnya yang bilang " sumimasen " ke gw, kalo di SG..gw udah di " Ck Ck Tsk " dengan kenceng kali ma orang sini.

Pas uda bisa check in, kita ke hotel yang bakal kita tinggal selama 5 hari pertama di Tokyo
Nama hotelnya:

APA Hotel Tsukiji-Eki-Minami 

 7-10, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku Tokyo, Tokyo-to, Japan, ‎800 1205131 (Singapore Toll Free) +1-817-524-0058 (From abroad)

I DO NOT RECOMMEND this hotel!
The bed is WAY too soft, The room is smoking room, and the worst of all.. It's so freaking small! 
kaget banget loh gw..kamar hotelnya cuman seiprit kecil dan beneran untuk 2 orang plus koper aja udah sesek parah.

Anyway, kelar check in dan kecewa sama hotelnya..kita keluar dan ke daerah Roponggi untuk ngeliat deretan sakura lighting :)

Sampe sana..jeng jeng..Sakura tak ada, lightingnya pun tak ada..Huuu! kecewa!
 Liat pohon sakuranya dah botak begini T_T

Akhirnya kita cuman moto moto aja sambil cari tempat makan.

Tapi entah kenapa hari itu ga hoki banget, kita akhirnya dinner di McDonald dong sodara sodara..niatnya mo nyari burger sakura, dah abis kata mbak-nya. Akhirnya, gw cuman dapet minuman soda rasa sakura (gimana rasanya Sakura? biasa aja! cuman kayak cherry drink plus aroma vanili). B banget.

Pas eke pergi, itu lagi moment nya Sakura, jadi semua muanya itu Sakura theme :)
Even Haagen Dazs aja rasa Sakura - dan ini OMG super yummy!

One thing yang gw amazed banget sama Jepang itu buah buahanya dong, ini stroberi aja rasanya bisa maniz mampus! Coba kalo di SG ada stroberi gini..gw mo deh makan saban hari.

2nd Day, kita ke Tsukiji fish market + Toyota Museum

This place so called the biggest fish market in the world.
Pagi pagi bener kita dah sampe ni pasar buat breakfast sushi, jam 6 kurang gw uda jalan dari hotel, untuk ketemuan sama boss gw buat sarapan bareng. Boss gw ini seumur gw dan more to friend than a boss sih.
Jadinya masi mending lah ya :)

Ada 2 sushi yang terkenal banget di pasar ini,  Daiwa Sushi sama Sushi Dai.
Gw ke yang less crowded, tapi gw beneran lupa itu Daiwa ato Dai. Tempatnya kecil ajeeee!
Cuman muat less than 15 tamu gitu. Tapi emang itu sushi sih enak nya sampe kayak Food Orgasm dah.

Kita ambil pake sushi yang harganya Yen 3500 ato sekitar USD 35.
Isinya ampir semuanya gitu..dan I would say ini sushi ter worth it yang pernah gw makan.

Ada Ebi, Fatty tuna..

Sea Urchin

Telor Salmon, Tuna sama Salmon maki

Ga tau ini apa..ahhaha..

Liliput Clam soup




Dan karena space nya itu kecil be'eng, kita tuh langsung keluar sekelarnya kita makan, karena diluar orang nunggunya uda ajubileeee panjangnya. Kita aja yang nyampe jam 6 pagi ngantrinya 1 jam loh baru bisa masuk. Agak kapok gw dingin menggigil gitu ngantri demi sushi. :P

Kelar makan sushi baru jam 7.30an dong..akhirnya kita muter muter pasar ala emak emak.
Dan jiwa emak emak gw kuar dong..gw ingin masak! Hahahha..semuanya fresh dan menggiurkan gitu.

Oh, ini daging ikan paus..cantik yah warnanya :)

Ini segala macem seafood yang dijual di salah satu toko :)

Dan para abang abang ini makan oyster yang sebiji 400 Yen dan 700 Yen, gedenya semana? se telepak tangan aje. 

Kelar makan sushi dan berpenampilan upik abu, gw balik ke hotel beresan, dandan dan berubah jadi nona cantik :) Mikirnya mo seharian jalan jalan, jangan sampe photo jepun aye kayak mbak bangun tidur lah ya se-engganya. :P


Dan kami pun siap cabcus ke tempat wisata laennya.
Sejak punya Ethan, jarang banget deh gw bisa jalan sante sante berdua sama abang..karena biasa kita sibuk beresin Ethan-nya daripada diri sendiri. Tapi di Trip ini gw berasa single kembali, cuman kok ya..gw dah ga se-enjoy dulu..saban liat anak kecil or baby orang, gw mikirin Ethan melulu.

Next stop, kita ke museum Toyota - bukan tempat favourite gw , kita kemari karena si Abang Arip..ingin test drive salah satu mobil sport yang entah apa gw juga uda lupa modelnya. Tapi surprisingly, it's quite interesting sih..kita boleh test drive mobil bayar around USD 3 buat 2 puteran :)

Di tempat ini juga banyak yang special edition car kayak Harrier mirror gini..

Dan oh, gw bikin trip ini pake apps video, coba liat deh.. hasilnya mayan yah?

3rd Day, Shinjuku Gyon and Meiji Shringe

Karena kita tinggal di deket pasar tsukiji..kita liat ada tukang bakmie yang jualan di pinggir jalan..kita pesen dengan modal tunjuk dan datanglah ini ramen Chasiu. Tapi kok harganya ga harga pinggir jalan ya? Kita bayar USD 9 jek buat mie semangkok.

Kelar makan, ya sudah jalaaan lagi yang ujibileh jauh banget ya jalanan jepang..ke Shinjuku Park - ini taman tempat Sakura nya masi pada blooming. Kita sih sial aje, pesen tiket di week yang harusnya Sakura blooming - eh taon ini dong, sepanjang history..sakuran bloom nya kecepetan 2 minggu.

Tapi untung masi bisa liat, pegang2, poto2 bunganya :)
Masi sempet Hanami-an lagi (piknik di bawah puun sakura ceritanya)

Shinjuku Gyon menurut gw taman yang cakep aje! Dan hari itu cerah banget lagi..jadi bener bener perfect day buat ke taman.

Halah, abaikan photo ini - tiba tiba pas gw lagi mo selfie..dapet flare itu dong dan ga pake editan..langsung lah gw selfie banyak banget :P Kapan lagi coba?

 Oh ini si abang, yang entah kenapa selama di Jepang..ampir tiap hari makan onigiri jek!
Kemana mana nenteng onigiri, menurut gw biasa aja rasanya..although ampir semua yang gw makan di jepang enak semua lah ya. Tapi entah mengapa si abang, napsu bener sama onigiri ini.

Ini kita lagi Hanami-an :)

Dan tentunya ga lupa photo sepanjang jalan kenangan pake mak mak jepang berpayung sebagai latar.

Kelar dari sana, kita ke Meiji Shringe..buat gw, ini tempat biasa aja.
Ga jelek, tapi not my favourite..soalnya mungkin gw abis keki keki an sama si bang Arip pas kita kemari.

One thing yang menarik, pas kita disana lagi ada kawinan ala Shinto :)
Kimono familynya bagus, aku ingin.

Sekian edisi kali ini, dan bakal nyambung lagi :)
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