For the first 3 months in year 2012, I got that luxury to enjoy myself and think of what next to do to kill the day..It somehow not as beautiful as I think it should be now, those days depressed me, I was constantly awake for more than 24 hours, thinking about what to do next, tomorrow and next week. To think about it…Did I enjoy it much? Not really at that point, do I want to be in that kind of situation again? Yay and nay! Do I wish to have that leisure time again? Ou so bloody YES!
My BubblyBrush is full for the month of April, I am glad for it..but it does take away all my weekend too (ya iyalah ya, ada harga yang harus dibayar kaleeee)..dan kalo di-itung kerja 31 hari bo sebulan..*lebay mode* dan itu salah satu alesan blog gw agak2 mandul belakangan..hehehe..banyak product review yang ngantri, termasuk juga sponsored review dari Biore..belun sempet euy! And I miss blogwalking ga pake buru-buru..*Di kerjaan gw sekarang, gw dapet sejublek blog list & segambreng majalah yang harus gw baca bo* ~ kadang ampe kelenger dan ngelantur pas baca..hahahaha..malah hasrat belanja yang keluar dengan menggebu gebunya..hahahaha..*kaco neh*
Can’t wait buat trip gw ke China, HK and macau next month!! April, cepatlah berlalu..*halah* Ini entry bener-bener buat absen doing yah kesannya, bukti kalo gw masi eksis..hahaha..
waduh.. orderanya ramai yah! merindukan penampakan wajah dan make-up lo El hahaha :)
ReplyDeleteyah sibuk artinya kan tambah sukses dan tambah banyak pemasukan ya ric! hehehe
ReplyDeletewaw, sibuk banget ya El...all the best, n smoga sempet moto2 n crita2 perjalanan ke china,hkg, n macau next month yaa...
ReplyDeletewah bubble brush jadi sukses banget nih!!! Sip banget deh :)
ReplyDeleteGpp el, hasrat belanja muncul kan sekarang sdh ditopang pemasukan yang okay hehe.. Biar sibuk tapi seneng kan, bisa ngerjain yang disukai.
ReplyDeleteCihuy asik banyak orderan...:)
ReplyDelete“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” -Confusious-