January 19, 2012

Red lippy for Chinese new year?

This posting is only about red lipstick and camwhoring session ^^
I've Been lazy to blog lately, and I cudn't find any interest things to blog about nowadays.
Only that I am so grateful, after the ungrateful friend that left me..
I got my sincere friend back in Singapore! *wave to Shoba*
"Can't wait to spend time with u"
Ke gundah dan galau-an gw sedikit berkurang dengan cara terus terusan berdoa..^^
Gw ga jadi lebih suci dan tetep maki maki orang aneh nan ajaib..tapi se-engganya gw jadi makin merasa
gw ga pernah ditinggalin sama Tuhan, dan cara Tuhan tetep memenuhi kebutuhan gw dengan caranya yang unik. :P

Tapi gw juga mo komplen soal si FOXY lady yang rasanya pengen gw tampol jidatnya.
Pernah ga sih nemu orang yang mau tau banget soal urusan lu..tapi kalo pas giliran dia ditanya langsung nge-les en diem seribu bahasa? dan mulutnya bisa bercabang cabang coba..dan konyolnya dia pikir dia smart enough to hide it sampe orang laen ga tau kalo dia foxy..*roll eyes*
Dimana mana bau busuk bakal kecium euy.

Anyway, I have posted this red lippy look on my facebook and twitter..and received email on how to achieve that look, so eventhough nobody email me about how to do it..I will still post it anyway..^^

I will start with this half done face photo of mine and I have pasted the eyelid tape to my lid.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Next, the big circle lens..and draw the eyebrow.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

For this look, I applied this solid black kajal pencil on my lid (on top of my eyelid sticker)
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Just fillin' it up
The purpose of me applying kajal before the black eyeshadow is just to make it darken.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

With this Maybeline diamond Hyper Diamonds collection, I apply the black color on top of my kajal area.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

All the way down to the lower lid and frame your eyes.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

The next eyeshadow i'm using is this PEPPER color from Kryolan eyeshadow pallete, or actually you can use any color you like..
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Apply it all over the lid up to the crease area,
and take any loose powder to blend it well up to brow bone. Just to soften the line.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Choose a thicker lashes to make your eyelash look fuller.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Apply the red lipstick (or lip pencil in my case- Kryolan 1091/122) + blusher (Bobbi brown-Blushed)
And done!
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Personally I think this look is pretty glam for daily make up, but it's nice if you wanna have a different kind of look when you out with your boyfriend or husband for a weekend dinner.

Just put on a simple black dress or even a simple top with skinny jeans and heels.
This look still looks classy and up do in any ways..Happy trying ^^

Oh, I did a camwhoring session with my iphone and play it on instagram and it turned out like this:

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

This on2 on photoshop apps in soft black and white
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

Another thought:
How about Chinese new year dinner with this look?


  1. ih el, br pikir kangen blogmu, eh muncul post baru. =D btw masih kaget aja liat rambut barunya. hehe..

  2. i think it's OK for CNY dinner. and i like the instagram, just like a painting.

  3. ini yang pitshu bilang kemarin kek Minzy 2NE1 hihihi, udah liat kan photo na, asli deh klo ga pakai make up dia pun mirip ama lo ^^

  4. lu cocok ya el pake lipstick merah gitu.klo gue rasanya tak cocok..
    dan klo buat CNY, daripada sayang baru pake bentar trus keapus gara2 makan, mendingan gausah pake apa2 deh bibir..hahahaha

  5. Setiap kali gue mampir ke blog lu... I always said: WOW, THE POWER OF MAKE UP! Anyway, how's the CNY preps? Dah siap bagi-bagi angpao blom nih ? hehehehe...

  6. you're looking awesome, El!! I'd say a bit too brave for me that red lipstick hehe

  7. lipstick merah, cheongsam merah juga dongg... tinggal tunggu angpau nya hehhee..

  8. akhirnya postingan baru nyah muncul, -_____-
    orang kaya gt mh banyak ka :D
    biarin ajah, ntar juga kalah sendiri.

    By the way, you look so beautifull with your red lipstick and you short hair. *kiss*

  9. it looks very elegant and fancy! great photos ^^
    but i'm not brave enough to wear a red lipstick~

  10. GORGEOUS!! Love the lashes & the red lipstick =)

  11. kalo gua sih pasti gak pede pake lipstik merah gitu ric, tapi lu pakenya cucok kok, buat cny dinner mantep banget, tinggal pake cheongsam udah dikira dari hongkong deh ric :P

  12. Si foxy lady itu nge-fans ama kehidupan u keknya el, n malu crita ttg kehdpan dia, krn mnrt dia ga ada apa2nya dibanding idup loe. hehe...

    u always looks great with red lipstick on...gw ga brani nyoba, coz pas ditunjukin org2 skitar, mreka slalu bilang gw jd aneh hahah...

  13. I really like the instagram photo! Looks so chic! :P The red lippy looks really good on you!

  14. Awesome and so adorable... Bagus banget matanya~love your skill..

    I follow you :)
    salam kenal,


Wut do you think?


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