July 24, 2010

I love alex wong...

Oh my..This is weird yet crazy for me to Loooooveeeeee stranger this much!

Call me a fans, follower and worshiper of Alex Wong of SYTYCD.

He was auditioning on SYTYCD season 5 but he couldn't join the show due to his contract with Miami city Ballet..and after 2 seasons, he's back! for a short while..

for only 3 dances in the show!!

He has to stop his journey due to his injury in his Achilles tendon.

Dancer, you know how painful when your Achilles snapped rite?
But this guy said.." the physical pain is ok, but my heart hurts a lot "

and here i am..

Falling in love with him for his humbleness, positive thinking and lovely smile!
apart from his AMAZING technique.

Oh my..I'll wait for u to come back next season!
Get well soon!

Please come back next season!!

Photo credit:here and here


  1. jangankan elu yang emang penari ric... gua yang gak ngerti tari-tarian aja ngefans ama alex wong.

    dia kalo nari tuh amazing menurut gua. beda dari yang lain. bisa bikin orang wow gitu. gak heran jurinya udah sampe 2 kali standing ovation! mau style apapun rasanya dia bisa nari dengan baik. hebat banget.

    setiap nonton sytycd season ini gua selalu nunggu2 dia perform. pas dia udah out, gua jadi gak terlalu semangat nonton sytycd. hahaha.

    anyway, season ini emang aneh ya. so far udah 3 orang injury.

  2. Iyah man, dan gw pas nonton yang dia di eliminasi itu tuh rasanya kok sakit ya ati gw..*padahal bukan gw yg kena buang* hahahhaha..

    berlebihan sih emang, tapi gw cinta banget sama dia gara2 dance nya..dan ya aulooo humble nya itu..ga nahan, di interview dia tuh low profile banget buat kaliber dancer yg punya great resume kayak dia.

    ah aku cinta dia lah!


Wut do you think?


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