October 06, 2010

New Revlon face illuminator review.

My super new lovee..

New! Revlon age defying..yipieee..
This amazing face illuminator works wonder!
It works like highlighter, but in foundation texture..smooth and silky shinny :)


I like how the tube come with ON and OFF kind of brush, where you can put it on "ON" when you use it and turn it to "OFF" when you are done with it.


Left: morning make up, facing directly to the window.
Center: product texture indoor.
Right: make up at night without touch up, indoor.

I applied on nose bridge, cheek bone and as a highlighter on my eye make up..hihihi..*i know it might not be in a right place due to the texture*
But, it works! Yay!

Price: $16
Where: Changi Airport terminal 2, DFS.

I love it ^^

Disclaimer: I didn't get paid from Revlon to review this product, it's 100% my opinion and i just wanna share it.



  1. wow... really... I shold buy 1 for me. :P Nice blog. Tukeran link yuuuk. ^_^

  2. Awww, thank you for stopping by! =)
    That was really sweet of you!!
    Nice blog =)

  3. Wah udah ada brush nya. Boleh tuh dicoba ^^

  4. @ fely: ud aku link balik ^^
    @ monica: dipencet mon, lbh murah ini dr bodyshop mon :)

  5. wow hasilnya utk di indor pas! shiny!

  6. applynya pake kuas itu ya el? gak pake tangan?

  7. wahhh elll....elo sih beneran deh bikin gue ngeces ngliat dandanan elo. Kliatannya simple tapi bagus.
    Itu si revlon baru gampang ga el pakenya?

    Oiya gue mo laporan el, skarang gue uda bisa pake eyeliner :). Trus kan gue ikutin saran lo tuh, harus pakein base dulu di kelopak matanya, baru apply eyelinernya, dan bener loh el awet seharian biar kata gue keringetan juga, paling kalo keringetan gitu suka agak2 beleber bagian ujung matanya.
    Thank you yak sayyyy buat ilmunya ;)

  8. @ nilcha: aku akan bawa ini utk kita ke bali..:) kau boleh coba.
    @ viol: ga vi, tinggal poles2 aja pake kuasnya..hihihi..
    @ belzy: Gampang banget Bel, tinggal puter aja. Kayak moles loyang kue Bel..:)

  9. ini macem kayak foundation gt ya el? gua bingung, ada foundation ada bb cream :)) padahal fungsi nya sama bukan?

  10. Bukan pi, ini kayak highlighter..tapi biasa highlighter kan kayak cream encer gitu..ini teksturnya kayak foundation..lebih kentel..:)

  11. Nanti kalo ud mo abis baru gw bs tau mon, skrg kan masih baru.

  12. wah yg ini harganya lbh reasonable buat gua hahahaha...

  13. this is exactly what i need: makeup product review & makeup tutorial :D :D gw akan lbih sering kemari..

    nanya dunk el:
    - bagusan mana highlighter bodyshop ama revlon ini? loe pny dua2nya kan

    - moisturiser yg bagus apa yah?

    - ajarin pake bulu mata palsu dunkkk gw gabisaa.. sama cara bikin bentuk alis jd bagusss

    thanks yaaa
    *started thinking to add your YM for further private makeup tutorial wkwkwk*

  14. @ kartika: iyah, yang ini lebih murah..
    @ nyonya kecil: gw suka revlon untuk jadi highlighter di tulang pipi en idung, tapi yg body shop tekturnya lebih gampang buat dicampur sama foundation untuk buat korean flawless glowing skin gitu..jadi fungsinya rada beda yah kalo buat gw :)


Wut do you think?


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