November 11, 2009

HK no more...

I'm supposed to go to Hong Kong tomorrow afternoon..
all are set, i have packed my lime green luggage..and ready for a trip..
and suddenly it was canceled..and I'm like.."Wut? cancelled?" Immediately call the airline to cancel up the ticket..but too bad i can't get any $$ back..because it's a promotion ticket..

Sumhow..i dissappointed..
because i plan to meet few part timers that close with me..and both of them sending me a message through facebook and sms.

I received a message from CKY asking me whether i will be in the stadium or not..and i replied that i won't be there.

Then i text-ed KKK..
" Penny, i won't be there this year..they suddenly cancel my ticket..thanks for ur help"
after a while
he text-ed me back
" K, i will tell all part timers that HK open is cancelled"

Oh i want to meet this 2 people.
We've been working in the same booth since 2007 and we really get along very well.
I miss them..i miss them..


  1. kenapa dicancel rik? sayang amat tiketnya angus.. kenapa gak tetep pergi aja?

  2. yah napa ga jadiii..sayang tiketnaaa...ksana liburan or kerja ca?

  3. Yaa sayang bgt ga bisa dibalikin, klo ganti tgl bisa ga?

    Dulu gw pernah beliin nyo gw tiket promotional tapi trus mendadak ga bisa pegi, klo dicancel angus, tapi ganti tgl mah kudu bayar penalty*doank*, ya drpd angus sih..

    btw siapa yg cancel ca? n jagain booth apaan nih? rajin yaa dr 2007 :)

  4. Yah, kalau dicancel begini, tiketnya diganti ama yang ngadain acara? Semoga dalam waktu deket bs ke sana ya:)

  5. Yah, kalau dicancel begini, tiketnya diganti ama yang ngadain acara? Semoga dalam waktu deket bs ke sana ya:)

  6. @ Arman:Di cancel..soalnya gw mesti travel ke Indo man T_T

    @Santi: Urusan kerjaan sih..

    @Tine: di cancel ma GM gw tuh..pas company gw kan ada tournament badminton itu..biasanya gw bantuin stand by di booth gitu..


Wut do you think?


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