We've been back to Queenstown for 5 times in the past 8 years, and that is because we love this city that much. I wish I am financially able to be in this city at least once a year to enjoy my $4 coffee with million dollar view. Nonetheless, I am happy that I always have a chance to go back and this time round with friends and Mom.
This is me, bundle up in 3 layers of winter clothes to keep me warm in the middle of New Zealand winter. It's bearable...not! I really need those layers to survive my days there, but don't get me wrong because...
Winter in Queenstown is my no 1 reason I LOVE Queenstown.
Snow. That's because of the snow.
Mountain covered with Snow + Foggy morning = Magical.
The hotel we stayed in has a gorgeous snow mountain view and surrounded by beautiful lake. It was so stunning, and having that view every morning while doing my make up was one absolute blessing.
I feel tremendously blessed with the chance to bring my mom to this stunning city, and I wish to have more chances to show her the beauty of New Zealand.
- switch to Indonesian -
Nyokap pas dibawa kemari, langsung oohhh aaaahhh dan ga berenti berenti moto dong. Ambil hape keluar photo photo, ga puas dia kuarin ipad en poto poto pake ipad juga. Alamak, pas ditanya..ngapain ma poto pake ipad, jawabnya " biar potonya gede keliatannya" - ya eyalah ya mak, pake tivi sekalian dipoto biar bisa 42 inch. lol. Tapi rasanya seneng banget yah, kalo ngeliat mak mak happy, mood nya langsung cerah bener - dan bisa mendadak berobah jadi jutek lagi kl muka ga cakep hasilnya di poto. :)
Ini entong ku yang hobi bener selfie an, niru daddy nya ni pasti.
Kita happy bisa bawa dia jalan jalan bareng walopun dia baru 2 taon, dan banyak yang bilang buat apa dibawa toh juga dia ga inget. Tapi buat kita, we did this not for him - but for us. Kita mau build memories sama dia, urusan dia inget apa kaga, ya terserah dia..tapi yang pasti gw inget how happy he was pas maen sama temennya, maen ludge bareng gw, or even cuman maen kayu nemu di pinggir danau.
Dan oh, kalo pas mampir ke Queenstown, mampir deh ke Amishfield.
The food is AMAZING! Order the salmon with Pistachio and Manuka Honey something. This is the bomb, and this change my life! LOL - I can never eat "average" salmon serving anymore because I keep saying "nothing taste like the one in Amisfield." You've been warned.
The restaurant serve fine dining type with plenty of complementary entree.
This is that bloody GOOD salmon I ever tasted in my life. |
'Till the next travel story :)