My very first blog award!
Thanks to Nilcha for this lovely award :)
And now, i have to post 7 random things about me:
1. I am random! :p
Yea i know its weird, but i often think and sometimes say something in random.
Lets say we are talking about butterfly, and i suddenly have potato in mind..with that 2 things, i start my own random thought like potato in butterfly pattern or butterfly as round as potato..:)
I know its random!
2. I start my choreography the moment i listen to music..for wutever music i heard and everything is in my mind with my eyes open. Zombie looking sometimes. :)
3. I'm attracted to guy that dance or play music.
4. I wanna have my shoes empire one day!
5. I sleep in diagonal position.
6. I am obsessed with losing weight and failed! Is this really obsession?!
7. I hate hypocrite people to the max!
So yaaa, stated above are my 7 random things!!
And i would like to share this award with 4 lovely bloggers:
Don't forget to share 7 random things about yourself!!