Olla! Ini lama ga ngeblog, knapa mo nulis prembule aja susah bener ya?
Hasrat nge blog, nulis, moto, dan berkarya kreatif baru mulai nendang lagi setelah 1 taon sejak kita pindah ke Auckland!
Cepet banget ya uda 1 taon aja kita tinggal disini, dan kesannya gimana tinggal di Auckland? Rame abis ni tempat. Mana yang katanya cuman isinya domba? mana yang dbilang kemana mana lancar? gw dari rumah ke kantor yg kl jam normal 10 menit sampe, ini 45 menit jek baru sampe, muacet e pol! Tapi tapi, kita seneng banget tinggal disini..walo kalo ditanya mo ga pindah ke SG lagi, jawabannya mau. Gw mau, abang ga mau kali tuh. LOL!
Anyhoo, mo share up soal liburan kita ke coromandel kemaren summer. Ho oh, liburan summer, nulisnya baru pas winter aja dong, kemane aje ye gw? Tapi kan dibuang sayang yah, ga pajang sayang. :D
Dan sekalian dong, sini akuh bagi bagi tips buat yang mo jalan jalan ke New Zealand, dan mo ke Coromandel (bawa anak). Bakalan nulis in English sama bahasa indo, ceritanya lagi mo sok expand ke New Zealand audience gituuu. :)
Yuk mari..
" Coromandel: Known as where the Narnia cave is. 3 hours drive from Auckland. And oh, that place is Beautiful." That was pretty much the information we got when we asked a friend about the place, but apparently there are so much things you can do over there and it is indeed superbly gorgeous!
Ini tempat, jauhnya 3 jem nyetir dari Auckland. Worth to go pa kaga? I would say yes! terutama di musim panas! Walo ya owoh panasnya ajubile nusuk abis. Kayaknya ini tempat enak kalo perginya ramean, en pada ada anak kecil gitu..
We have 1 lil boy, age 2 - this is him, Ethan.
We were pretty nervous in the first place to travel 3 hours, with this little bundle of energy, and have to keep everyone happy. By happy I mean, well feed and enough sleep.
Ini entong ku, yang susah makan en susah tidur. Waktu liburan kemaren ini sih minta ampun ajubileh dah. Dia nya marah marah terus karena cape ga mo bobo en laper mulu ga mo makan. Yang ada gw nya spanengan mampus ngadepin dia.
So, now that we survived that holiday, we thought we're just gonna share our tips to enjoy Coromandel the most.
We would suggest to Travel with a group of friend,
Especially if they have lil one as well. Ou. Yeah.
There can be party in Coromandel for the kiddos (and you can sip that cold drink in peace).
Lil' one enjoyed playing and just chasing bird with the other buddies, and they can just go on and on and on for hours over birds. I wonder where they got so much energy in their little body from?
Second thing that we would recommend you to do is to bring the kids to do hiking (or not) on the way down to the Cathedral Cove.
This is definitely a must go place if you are in Coromandel! Simply stunning and oh my God, so pweety! The scenery is beyond words, and the photos you see below are understatement. New Zealand, you are blessed with this awesome nature. It was pretty easy track if you don't have to carry 14 kgs with you :P
Cakep bener yaaaaa?
After around 35-45 mins hike, you'll probably get to the famous Cathedral Cove!
Swim, play with the sand, or just simply enjoying the sun. This Narnia's movie set is famous because of Narnia! LOL! It's a pretty place to be at, but pretty challenging to get to - in my opinion.
Ini nih tempat mendaratnya si tokoh utamanya Narnia pas mereka dipanggil balik ke Narnia. Gw yang agak agak norak tapi excited gitu. Pengen selfie ga berenti berenti tapi malu jek. :)
Oh, bring plenty of snacks and water. It's 100% natural and no vendor selling stuff down there.
Bawa aer yah mak mak kl pas kemari, ga ada yang jualan sama sekali gitu..dan ga ada mbak mbak yg nawarin mo pijet pa kaga juga. Lu kate Bali? - padahal enak kan ya ada yg mijetin di pantai -
This cutie was so excited towards the end of the beach time, apparently he needs some time to warm up with the nature. lol.
Yang ada, kita ga jadi pulang. Anaknya ogah diajak naek :)
Other thing you can do is to go fishing!
Get your fishing gear ready and just google up the fishing spot.
We pick this amazing jetty to do fishing.
Fishing is really a new thing for us, but I love the idea of being close to nature as family.
Fishing time with lil one.
The pics below warm my heart. Growing up, I don't spend much time with my parents, they are busy working and I spend most of time with my grandparents. I don't wish the same thing for Ethan, so we really try to be there for him and spend time doing our thing involving him. Like doing this fishing thing, his job is to hold the fishing rod - and he did a pretty good job. I'm hoping that this could be one of many more things we do together, as family.
I have few more stuff to share about Coromandel on our winter trip there, but that's gonna be on separate post. Hope you guys enjoy the pics, and do let me know what other thing we could do in Coromandel.
Sekian! Kalo gw disuruh ngerangkum pake 3 kata, Coromandel itu kayak gimana sih..jawabannya adalah Panas. Cakep. Biru. Itu ajah :)
Till' the next travel post!