November 08, 2015

Long Weekend!

Gosh, This post was drafted during the labour day holiday and just happened to sit still in my draft and " poof!"  in November we are. Goodness, time does fly, ey?

Anyhoo, I jsut want to share my #OOTD on that awesome long weekend. Although, I always have my Monday off - I still loving the mood of everyone during long weekend. It's like you have 2 Fridays in a week :)

Wearing Zara Trench coat, tops, and legging - pair it up with Wakai platform :)
Pushing lil one in Phil & Ted buggy for a our stroll in the city.

And also, just a quick update - Life in Auckland is finally absorbing well in me. A little unhappiness here and there, but I finally start to think that this place might the next home for us. If you think you'll be interested to read more on my Auckland guide in this blog, comment up and let me know what would you like to know :)

Another moment for me to realize that GOD is so GOOD.
Jadi beberapa minggu ini, gw totally shut myself down dari semuanya, I stop being creative, ga mood masak, ga mood nge blog(apalagi ini ye), I just don't feel like doing anything. Kalo bisa, I would rather ngelingker di ranjang, sambil nontonin Harvey Specter. ihiy. Trus gw kepikriannya tuh, balik SG - I want to go back to my life di SG. Gw lupa what was the reason kita keluar dr SG dan pindah ke NZ and I hated my NZ life. Gw berasa I am supposed to be a better me disini, my life, my blog, my career. Tapi kenyataannya, ga gitu - dan gw manusia ambisius ini, stress sendiri. Then, I start asking " I want YOU to answer, tell me that the choice we made are the best " - dan dong, the next moment pas di gereja, pastor gw blg " Hey someone, when God tell Abraham to go, He asked him to believe the unseen future He set for him. It is going to be a same theme but different stories for you."
Amen to that. untung dijawab ye, kl enga - masi ga nge blog juga gw. hahahaha.

Thank u Pamela for your kind words and the soothing encouragement, dan Felicia yang blak blak an abis pointed out my problem, dan ya emang iya bener banget!! Aku finally feel better!

Ini gw kalo OOTD kok ya bingung mo bergaya gimana yah? nya hasilnya bagus cakep kayak fashion blogger nge top gitu..cuman susah aje. Ide dong, gimana ini?
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  1. Hi Ci!! you're looking good!! hebat banget pake sepatu tinggi sambil jalan2 hahahaha. Glad you're slowly settling in ^^ God is indeed very good yaa :)

    1. Iyah! All the Time, He is so Good.

      Thank u banget yah, Pam :)

  2. Syukur deh El elu udah feel much better. Semua emang butuh adjustment dan menurut gue being ambitious di mana aja jg gak masalah yg penting elu udah nyadar situasi dan kondisi di mana elu berpijak. Pace tiap2 tempat emang beda. Gue jg org yg cukup ambisius, tapi makin gue tua, gue tuh menyadari, gue gak bisa terus mikirin diri gue sendiri tp apa yg terbaik buat keluarga gue. Decision yg gue buat, semuanya gue lakukan secara sadar dengan segala resikonya. Jdnya pas gue jalanin, gue fully aware akan efek sampingnya sehingga hati jg lbh siap dan lebih damai. Tuhan itu pasti pny alasan tertentu knp kita ada di suatu tempat di satu waktu. Tinggal follow His way and you will find the light.

    1. Iyah le, gw kayaknya beneran belon bisa let go..hahhaha..but yes, you are right - priority sekarang buat gw itu family, dan every decision is based on this :)

  3. Jiayoo cii.. Biasalahh Tuhan. Revealnya suka pelan2.. Enjoy the journeyy.. *talking to myself too* hahaha.. Gaya andalan gw si biasa pegang rambut dan look away. Hahaha.

    1. next OOTD gw peang rambut trus look away juga ah jend :)

  4. Saran yah..
    Kalau mau pose menghadap kamera secara frontal gitu, coba kakinya disilang supaya menciptakan ilusi badan yang lurus memanjang.
    Pose dengan kedua kaki merentang akan menciptakan kesan badan melebar ke samping. Apalagi kalau arah kaki menghadap ke dalam, malah menimbulkan mispersepsi seolah kakinya berbentuk "O". Begitu lhooo..

    1. Makasih tipsnya bu!!
      Next round aku coba untuk cross kaki nya :)

  5. Wahhh hot mama udah beraksi kembali....syukur yah El udah ketahuan problemnya kenapa jadi bisa nyari gimana solusinya...
    Siap2 panen strawberry lagi :)

    1. Muahahaha! thank u mak!
      Iya, uda siap panen stroberry gw :)


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